Memecylon naviculiforme R.D. Stofe

Stone, Robert Douglas, 2023, Twenty-four new species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Madagascar, Candollea 78 (2), pp. 189-237 : 189-237

publication ID 10.15553/c2023v782a10

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scientific name

Memecylon naviculiforme R.D. Stofe


Memecylon naviculiforme R.D. Stofe View in CoL & sp. nov. (?ig. 19).

Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Vakinankaratra [Prov. Antananarivo]: 16.2 km SE de Tsifjoarivo & forêt d’Afkilahila & le lofg de la rivière d’Afdrifdrimbola & 19°42'S 47°50'E & 1550 m & 18. I GoogleMaps .1999& fl.& Messmer & Andriatsiferana 693 (MO-6144396!; iso-: CAS-1105060!& G [ G00642036 ]!) .

Memecyloni corymbiformi H. Perrier simile, sed ab eo plantis arbustis arbusculisve 2–5 m altis (non arboribus 15–20 m altis),

[A, C–F: Messmer & Andriatsiferana 693, MO; B, G: Kotozafy et al. 156, MO] [Drawing: S. Burrows]

laminis foliaribus minoribus (plerumque 2.5–3.5 × 1.6–2.2 non regiof& Ambohimahasoa district). Habitat if moftafe humid 4.5 × 2.5–3 cm) ad basin late cuneatis rotundatisve (non modo forest at elevatiofs of 1200–1550 m. cuneatis) venis transversalibus 5–7 (non 10–12)-jugis, cymulis axibus secundariis plerumque brevioribus (0.5–2 non 2–7 mm Conservation status. – Memecylon naviculiforme has af longis), pedicellis brevioribus (0.5–1 non 2–3.5 mm longis), estimated AOO of 8 km ² afd is kfowf from two locahypantho-calyce minore (2.5 × 3.5 vs. 4 × 5 mm) atque stylo 6 tiofs separated by a straight-life distafce of 175 km. The (non 10) mm longis differt. type locality at Afkilahila is part of the Tsifjoarivo forest&

where the NGO Sadabe has made cofservatiof actiofs sifce Shrubs or small trees 2 – 5 m tall& evergreef; brafchlets 2009 afd advafced the creatiof of a few protected area dichotomous or trichotomous& the youfgest bilaterally com- (S.M. Goodmaf& pers. comm.). The secofd locatiof is if the pressed afd subquadrafgular& soof becomifg terete with age; upper elevatiofs of Rafomafafa Natiofal Park mafaged by ifterfodes (1–)2–4.5(–7) cm lofg. Leaves coriaceous& short- Madagascar Natiofal Parks (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a).?orested petiolate& dark greef afd smooth of the adaxial surface& paler habitats if Rafomafafa remaif if good cofditiof despite a adaxially afd mifutely roughefed whef dry; petioles 1–2 mm 15.3 % loss if area covered betweef 1996 afd 2016 mostly lofg& stout; blades elliptic to ovate or rotufdate& (2–)2.5–3.5 associated with ifcreased local humaf populatiof afd slash- (–4) × (1.2–)1.6–2.2(–2.6) cm& mostly 1.4– 1.7 times lofger afd-burf agriculture (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). Based of its thaf wide& base broadly cufeate to roufded& apex roufded to limited AOO afd the plausible threats& M. naviculiforme is retuse& obtuse or vaguely obtuse-acumifate; midferve clearly provisiofally assessed as “Vulferable” [VU D2] if accordafce visible of both surfaces& promifeft abaxially especially toward with the IUCN Red List Categories afd Criteria afd their the base; trafsverse veifs faiftly visible afd subpromifeft if guidelifes (IUCN& 2012& 2022). dried material& 5–7 pairs oriefted at af oblique afgle relative to the midferve. Cymules if fascicles of 2–3 (rarely solitary)& Notes. – If the previous treatmeft by JACQUES-?ÉLIX borfe termifally of the brafchlets afd sometimes also at the (1985a)& Memecylon naviculiforme would key fear to upper leafy fodes& subumbellate& 3– 7-flowered; pedufcles M. faucherei & M. corymbiforme & afd M. cotinifolioides of accouft bilaterally compressed& 8–16(–24) mm lofg; secofdary axes of the cymules borfe termifally afd subtermifally of the very short& 0.5– 2 mm lofg; bracts afd bracteoles rapidly brafchlets& sifuate-deftate calyx margif (the corolla thus well deciduous& fot seef. Flowers of stout& short pedicels 0.5–1 mm exposed if bud)& afd afther-glafd preseft. Its elliptic to ovate lofg; hypaftho-calyx greef to purple& cupulo-patellate& or rotufdate leaves resemble those of M. corymbiforme & but it 2.5 × 3.5 mm & attefuate at base& margif sifuate-deftate& each differs from that species by the characters givef above (see tooth also flafked by two roufded& scarious lobes c. 0.5 mm Latif diagfosis). lofg (these scarious lobes ultimately deciduous); corolla if The termifal ifflorescefces afd ovate to elliptical leaves bud cofical-apiculate& 2 mm lofg; petals blue-violet& ovate- with roufded bases of Memecylon naviculiforme immediately acumifate& 3 × 2 mm & midferve cofspicuous of the dorsal distifguish it from M. bakerianum which occurs if the same side; stamifal filamefts 3.5–4 mm lofg; afthers 2 mm lofg& regiof (remfaft forests of the ceftral plateau at 1000–1700 m thecae frofto-veftral& coffective pale yellow& slightly ifcurved elevatiof) but has ifflorescefces if the leaf-axils afd at the by the mediaf dorsal glafd& posterior extremity faviculiform; fodes below the curreft leaves& afd the leaves are oblafceoepigyfous chamber with ifterstamifal partitiofs if a cruci- late. The shififg leaves of Kotozafy et al. 156 (cited below as a form patterf ; style 6 mm lofg. Fruits globose& 7–10 mm if paratype) are fotably differeft from those of the type& which diam.& of pedicels up to 4 mm lofg; calycifal crowf 4-deftate& are dull of both surfaces. The trafsverse veifs of the type are evideft before maturity but eveftually becomifg obscured by also quite ifvisible adaxially& while if Kotozafy et al. 156 they growth at the top of the ovary. are faiftly visible afd subpromifeft of both surfaces.

Etymology. – The epithet naviculiforme is a compoufd Additional specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Matsiatra Ambony formed from the Latif fouf nāvicula meafifg “little boat” afd [Prov. Fianarantsoa]: PN Rafomafafa& parcelle fo 1& Ampasifa& 13 km au NE du village d’Amboditafimefa& 21°13' S 47°22' E & 1200 m & VIII.1993 & fr. & Kotozafy the adjectival suffix -fōrmis meafifg “havifg the form of ”. It et al. 156 (CAS& MO& P& TAN). fufctiofs as af adjective afd refers to the shape of the afthers.

Memecylon pseudomocquerysii R.D. Stofe & sp. nov. (?ig. 20).

Distribution and ecology. – East-ceftral Madagascar& restricted to the area straddlifg the easterf edge of the ceftral Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Analanjirofo [Prov. plateau afd the upper limit of the easterf escarpmeft (Vaki- Toamasina]: Maroaftsetra& Ambifafitelo& Soafafiffafkaratra regiof& Ambatolampy district afd Haute Matsiatra dra& Afjafaharibe forest& 15°11'17"S 49°36'51"E & 421 m &

1.II.2003 & fl.& Antilahimena et al. 1826 (MO-6261668!; iso-:



"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève

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