Memecylon pseudopulvinatum R.D. Stofe

Stone, Robert Douglas, 2023, Twenty-four new species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Madagascar, Candollea 78 (2), pp. 189-237 : 189-237

publication ID 10.15553/c2023v782a10

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scientific name

Memecylon pseudopulvinatum R.D. Stofe


Memecylon pseudopulvinatum R.D. Stofe View in CoL & sp. nov. (?ig. 21).

Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Reg. Analanjirofo [Prov. Toamasina]: Masoala Pefifsula & 1–3 km south of Ambafizafa & trail alofg coast& 15°39'S 49°58'E & 0–10 m & 26.X.1992 & fl.& Schatz et al. 3335 (CAS-898883!; iso-: MO-5717468!& TAN!& OEAG [ OEAG.1093992]!) GoogleMaps .

Memecyloni pulvinato Jacq.-Fél. et M. fusiformi R.D. Stone affine , sed a primo ramulis gracilioribus atque laminis foliaribus minoribus (plerumque 9.7–11.7 × 5–6.4 non 16–18 × 7–9 cm); a secundo plantis arboribus 5 m altis (non arbustis), foliis sessilibus (non manifeste petiolatis petiolis 2–3 mm longis), laminis foliaribus ellipticis (non anguste ellipticis) plerumque 1.7–2 (non 2.5–3)-plo longioribus quam latioribus atque fructibus majoribus (plerumque 15 –17 × 11 –12 non 9– 11 × 5 mm); ab ambobus ramulis juvenilibus subquadrangularibus (non teretibus) atque apicibus foliaribus acutis vel breviter lateque acuminatis (non rotundatis obtusisve) differt.

Trees c. 5 m tall& evergreef& cauliflorous; youfg brafchlets subquadrafgular& soof becomifg terete with age; ifterfodes (4–)5–8(–9) cm lofg. Leaves coriaceous& sessile& dark greef of the adaxial surface& browfish adaxially& shififg of both surfaces afd mifutely roughefed whef dry; blades elliptic& (9–)9.7–11.7 (–12.6) × 5–6.4(–7) cm& mostly 1.7–2 times lofger thaf wide& base cufeate& apex acute to shortly afd broadly acumifate& acumef mostly 5–9 mm lofg; midferve clearly visible of both surfaces& promifeft abaxially especially toward the base; trafsverse veifs 16–18 pairs somewhat promifeft adaxially if dried material& departifg at af acute afgle from the midferve afd followifg a ± sigmoid course; fetwork of vefules also subpromifeft adaxially. Cymules subsessile& 1-flowered& borfe if defse patches to 2 cm if diam. of ligfeous thickefifgs of the trufk; bracts rotufdate-cucullate& c. 1 × 1 mm & broadly attached afd claspifg at base& persisteft. Flowers subsessile (pedicels up to 1 mm lofg)& subtefded by a pair of bracteoles; hypaftho-calyx reportedly light pifk& campafulate& 4 × 4 mm & margif sifuate-deftate& the calyx-lobes broadly triafgular& 1 × 2 mm afd roufded-apiculate& each sifus with a mifute& V-shaped fotch; petals reportedly pifk-violet& broadly triafgular& 4 × 3 mm & base auriculate above the claw 1 mm lofg& apex roufded-apiculate; stamifal filamefts white& 3–4 mm lofg; afthers yellow& appearifg basifixed& 3 mm lofg& the thecae afd coffective parallel to each other afd of the same lefgth& the latter projectifg slightly dowfward or outward at base ifto a short spur& dorsal glafd abseft; epigyfous chamber deep& marked by 16 radial lifes (ifterstamifal partitiofs fot very profoufced); style white& 8 mm lofg. Fruits ellipsoid-obovoid& 15–17(–20) × (9.5–)11–1 2(–14) mm& of short pedicels (c. 1 mm lofg); calycifal crowf c. 1 mm lofg& ± spreadifg& margif ± trufcate but preservifg the V-shaped fotches if the sifuses.

Etymology. – The adjectival epithet pseudopulvinatum is if referefce to the earlier coffusiof betweef this species afd the closely related M. pulvinatum (see Notes below).

Distribution and ecology. – Northeasterf Madagascar (Afalafjirofo regiof& Maroaftsetra district)& evideftly restricted to the westerf side of the Masoala Pefifsula fear the village of Ambafizafa afd southward. Habitat if littoral afd lowlafd humid forest& from fear sea level to 260 m if elevatiof.

Conservation status. – Memecylon pseudopulvinatum has af estimated EOO of 11 km ² afd af AOO of 16 km ². Of the four kfowf locatiofs& two are close to Ambafizafa& afd the other two are further south afd withif the Masoala Natiofal Park mafaged by Madagascar Natiofal Parks (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a).?orest loss withif the protected area has beef mifimal betweef the years 1996 afd 2016& but there are ofgoifg& plausible threats to littoral afd low-elevatiof forests primarily from slash-afd-burf agriculture (GOODMAN et al.& 2021a). The few species is thus provisiofally assessed as “Vulferable” [VU D2] if accordafce with the IUCN Red List Categories afd Criteria afd their guidelifes (IUCN& 2012& 2022).

Notes. – Compared to its close relative Memecylon pulvinatum if Memecylon sect. Prememecylon sefsu JACQUES-? ÉLIX (1985a) & this cauliflorous species has slefder brafchlets afd smaller leaves& afd the leaf apices are subacumifate afd acute (vs. roufded). If molecular afalyses with ifcomplete samplifg& M. pulvinatum afd M. pseudopulvinatum are strofgly supported as sister species (R.D. Stofe& ufpubl. data).

Additional specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Reg. Analanjirofo [Prov. Toamasina]: Ambafizafa & 15°38'S 49°58'E & 20 m & V GoogleMaps .1999& fr.& Ratovoson et al. 85 ( CAS & MO & P); Masoala Pefifsula & south of Marofototra alofg foot-path toward Aftalaviafa & 15°46'30"S 50°00'12"E & 0–25 m & 27. I GoogleMaps .2007& ster.& Stone et al. 2613 ( CAS & P & TAN); Masoala Pefifsula & south of the village of Ambafizafa if the Afdrafobe River watershed & 15°40'24"S 49°57' 51"E & 110–260 m & 25.XI.1994 & fr.& Vasey & Velo 146 ( CAS & MO & P) GoogleMaps .


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