Peridinetus wyandoti Prena

Prena, Jens, 2010, The Middle American species of Peridinetus Schönherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Zootaxa 2507, pp. 1-36 : 21-22

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Plazi (2016-04-09 21:12:59, last updated 2024-11-28 20:59:06)

scientific name

Peridinetus wyandoti Prena

sp. nov.

13. Peridinetus wyandoti Prena View in CoL , sp. n.

( Fig. 2, 3 View FIGURES 1 – 3. 1 , 33, 34 View FIGURES 33 – 40 , 43 View FIGURES 41 – 45 )

Peridinetus View in CoL sp. 3. Marquis (1990: 107, 1991: 181).

Diagnosis. Peridinetus wyandoti is one of several species with red anterior, black median and olive posterior portions. Of diagnostic value for this relatively small species are the white spot above the metepisternum ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 33 – 40 ) and the Mohawk-style frontal crest of the female.

Description. Total length 2.7–4.4 mm, standard length 2.6–4.2 mm, width 1.2–2.0 mm. Integument dark reddish brown to black, rostrum, legs and often apical portion of elytron reddish to dark brown; color pattern formed by red, olive green, white and small dark setae, with basal half of elytra with conspicuous semicircular black area and anterior half of pronotum red ( Fig. 33 View FIGURES 33 – 40 ), elytral flank with conspicuous white spot above metepisternum ( Fig. 34 View FIGURES 33 – 40 ). Frons with shallow fovea (male) or crest of stiff setae (female; Fig. 43 View FIGURES 41 – 45 ). Rostrum 0.84–1.15 × length of pronotum, antenna inserted at mid-length of rostrum (male) or slightly more basally (female). Pronotum 0.82–0.95 × longer than wide (with considerable variation in size), sides curved in basal half, constricted and tubulate in front; disk punctate, median line impunctate and often raised. Prosternum with plumose setae. Elytra 1.50–1.64 × longer than wide, humeri 1.33–1.69 × wider than pronotum, sides gradually converging in basal half; striae distinct, odd-numbered interstriae ridged at least apically (7 and 9 complete or nearly so), preapical callus inconspicuous; tarsal claws subconnate.

Distribution. This species is known from southern Nicaragua, Costa Rica, western Panama and the Pacific side of Ecuador.

Plant association. Piper arieianum (Marquis 1 ×), P. cenocladum (Marquis 1 ×), P. conceptionis (Marquis 3 ×), P. melanocladum (Marquis 1 ×), P. urostachyum (Marquis 4 ×), Piper sp. 3 (Marquis 11 ×); Peperomia sp. poss. ternata, ex stem (Nishida 4 ×; Fig. 2, 3 View FIGURES 1 – 3. 1 ); Peperomia hernandiifolia , ex apex of petiole (Branstetter 1 ×).

Type material. Holotype male, labeled “ COSTA RICA: Prov./ Heredia, F. La Selva/ 3 km S Pto. Viejo/ 10° 26' N 84° 01' W “, “ 13.vii.1982 / H.A. Hespenheide“, “ Piper vine“, “141“, “ Peridinetus “, “ HAH #141“, INB0003659942, “ HOLOTYPUS / Peridinetus / wyandoti / Prena, 2010” ( INBC). Paratypes 57 (27 males, 23 females, 7 not sexed): Nicaragua. Río San Juan: 7 km SE El Castillo, Refugio Bartola, 6.–9.ii.2000, J. Prena ( JPPC 2). Costa Rica. Guanacaste: Volcán Tenorio, 1650 m, 5.viii–5.x.2003, J. Azofeifa, INB0003770619 ( INBC 1). Heredia: La Selva, 3 km S Pto. Viejo, 50–150 m, 29.x.1980, 8.ii.1981, 9.ii.1981, 11.ii.1981, 5.iii.1981, 14.iii.1981, 25.v.1981, 12.ix.1981, 13.ix.1981, 19.ix.1981 (2 ×), 2.x.1981, 8.viii.1982 (2 ×), 10.viii.1982, 12.viii.1982, 13.viii.1982, 20.xi.1982 (2 ×), 5.xii.1982, 27.ix.1983, R.J. Marquis ( USNM 21), 1.vii.1993, INB0003672771, INB0003672872 ( INBC 2), 17.vii.1995, CRI 002 0 65477 ( INBC 1); P.N. Braulio Carrillo, 5 km N San Isidro, Cerro Zurquí, 1800 m, 1.iv.2000, J. Prena ( JPPC 1); P.N. Braulio Carrillo, 10 km SE La Virgen, 450–550 m, 14.–20.iv.2003, J. Prena ( INBC 3), 16 km SSE La Virgen, 1050–1150 m, 10.– 14.iii.2001, J. Prena, INB0003209899–901 ( INBC 2, JPPC 1), 10.–14.iv.2001, J. Prena, INB0003209933–35 ( INBC 2, JPPC 1); 9 km NE Vara Blanca, 1450–1550 m, 14.–20.ii.2005, J. Prena ( JPPC 1), 14.–20.iii.2005, J.

Prena ( JPPC 1), ex Peperomia hernandiifolia , 14.–20.iii.2005, M. Branstetter ( JPPC 1); 6 km ENE Vara Blanca, 1950–2050 m, 11.iii.2000, J. Prena ( JPPC 1), reared ex stem of Peperomia sp. prob. ternata, i– ii.2003, K. Nishida ( INBC 1, JPPC 4). Puntarenas: Cerro Chomogo, 1800 m, 24.v.1989, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, R. Leschen ( CMNC 1); Monteverde, Est. Biológica, 1600 m, 11.vii.1989, D. G. Furth ( CWOB 1),– 9.vii.2009, J. Prena ( JPPC 1). San José: Zurquí de Moravia, 1600 m, x.1995, P. Hanson & C. Godoy ( CWOB 1). Panamá. Canal Zone: Fort Clayton, iii.1970, H.P. Stockwell ( CWOB 1). Chiriquí: La Fortuna Reserve, 1100 m, 21.vii.1995, C.W. & L. O’Brien ( CWOB 1), 21.–25.iii.2001, J. Prena ( JPPC 2). Panamá: Cerro Campana, 5.iv.1980, K. Joplin ( CWOB 1). Ecuador. Pichincha: 16 km SE Sto. Domingo, Tinalandia, 500 m, 4.–, S. & J. Peck ( CMNC 1); 47 km S Sto. Domingo, Río Palenque Station, 400 m, 17.–25.ii.1979, L. Ling ( CMNC 1).

Specific epithet. The name is a noun and refers to the indigenous North American peoples who purportedly came up with what became known as the Mohawk cut.

Marquis, R. J. (1990) Genotypic variation in leaf damage in Piper arieianum (Piperaceae) by a multispecies assemblage of herbivores. Evolution, 44 (1), 104 - 120.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 3. 1, Leaf of Piper auritum with Perdinetus ecuadoricus resting in self-made hole. 2 – 3, Peperomia sp. prob. ternata with galls induced by Peridinetus wyandoti. Photos by K. Nishida, taken in Braulio Carrillo N. P., Costa Rica.

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FIGURES 33 – 40. Dorsal and lateral habitus of Peridinetus species. 33 – 34, P. wyandoti, Vara Blanca (Costa Rica); 35 – 36, P. illabes, La Fortuna (Panamá); 37 – 38, P. la etu s, La Selva (Costa Rica); 39 – 40, P. p e n a, La Selva (Costa Rica).

Gallery Image

FIGURES 41 – 45. Rostrum of species of the Peridinetus sanguinolentus complex, dorsal view. 41, P. l a e t u s, male; 42, P. laetus, female; 43, P. wyandoti, female; 44, P. illabes, female; 45, P. pena, female.


Hoyt Arboretum


Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, Bairro Universitário











