Dinotrema (Synaldis) daltoni, Dias de Oliveira & Penteado-Dias, 2024

Dias de Oliveira, Franciélle & Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria, 2024, First record of subgenus Synaldis Foerster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae, Dinotrema Foerster) from Chile, with description of ten new species, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 275-314 : 275-314

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1206.124515

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scientific name

Dinotrema (Synaldis) daltoni

sp. nov.

Dinotrema (Synaldis) daltoni sp. nov.

Figs 34–45 View Figures 34–45

Type material.

Holotype: Chile • ♀ ( MNNC); Osorno , Parque Nacional Puyehue, Antillanca; 40 ° 44 ' 06 " S, 72 ° 19 ' 47 " W; alt. 528 m; 14 Jan. – 3 Feb. 2017; D. Amorim and V. Silva leg.; flight intercept trap GoogleMaps . Paratypes: Chile • 1 ♀ ( MNNC); same data as for holotype, except 40 ° 44 ’ S, 72 ° 19 ’ W; alt. 440 m; sweeping GoogleMaps 1 ♂ ( MNNC); same data as for holotype, except 40 ° 46 ' 55 " S, 72 ° 12 ' 39 " W; alt. 987 m; 23 Dec. 2019 – 6 Jan. 2020; Malaise trap GoogleMaps 2 ♀♀ ( DCBU 386560 View Materials , DCBU 386360 View Materials ); same data as for holotype GoogleMaps 1 ♀ ( DCBU 387144 View Materials ); same data as for holotype, except 40 ° 44 ’ S, 72 ° 19 ’ W; alt. 440 m; sweeping GoogleMaps .


This species differs from other New World species of Synaldis by the combination of the following characteristics: in lateral view, eye shorter than temple (Fig. 39 View Figures 34–45 ); mandible with three relatively large teeth, mandibular apex wider than base (Fig. 37 View Figures 34–45 ); malar space 0.8 × as clypeus height (Fig. 36 View Figures 34–45 ); F 1 2.3–2.5 × as long as wide (Fig. 38 View Figures 34–45 ); mesoscutal pit present, although weak (Fig. 41 View Figures 34–45 ); propodeum with areola, median longitudinal carina incomplete, basal (not extending inside areola), transverse carinae complete (Fig. 42 View Figures 34–45 ); propodeal spiracle of ♀ large (Fig. 39 View Figures 34–45 ) and ♂ middle; fore wing of ♀ with vein cu-a almost interstitial to slightly postfurcal, 1 - CU 1 distinctly shorter than cu-a; hind tibia 8.1–8.4 × as long as wide (Fig. 43 View Figures 34–45 ).

Dinotrema (S.) daltoni sp. nov. is similar to D. (S.) perisfelipoi sp. nov., from which it can be distinguished by fore wing vein (r + 3 - SR) 5.0–5.3 × as long as r-m (6.2–6.3 × in D. (S.) perisfelipoi sp. nov., Figs 34 View Figures 34–45 , 69 View Figures 65–71 ), hind femur 3.7–4.2 × as long as wide (4.6–4.8 × in D. (S.) perisfelipoi sp. nov.), hind tibia 8.1–8.4 × as long as wide (8.9–9.2 × in D. (S.) perisfelipoi sp. nov., Figs 43 View Figures 34–45 , 71 View Figures 65–71 ), propodeal spiracle of ♀ large and ♂ middle (♀ middle and ♂ small in D. (S.) perisfelipoi sp. nov., Figs 39 View Figures 34–45 , 68 View Figures 65–71 ). Dinotrema (S.) daltoni sp. nov. is also similar to D. (S.) puyehue sp. nov., their differences are given in the identification key.


♀. Length. Body: 1.5–1.9 mm. Fore wing: 1.5–2.0 mm. Hind wing: 1.05–1.40 mm.

Head: in dorsal view (Fig. 35 View Figures 34–45 ), 1.6–2.0 × as wide as long, 1.5–1.6 × as wide as mesosoma, wider at temples than eyes. Frons smooth. POL 1.2–1.3 × as OD, OOL 3.4 × as OD. In lateral view, eye 1.3–1.6 × as high as wide, 0.6–0.8 × as wide as temple (Fig. 39 View Figures 34–45 ). Face 1.7–1.9 × as wide as high (Fig. 36 View Figures 34–45 ), 2.1 × as wide as clypeus, with longitudinal ridge dorsally. Clypeus 2.0–2.2 × as wide as high, straight ventrally. Malar space 0.8 × as clypeus height. Paraclypeal fovea short size. Mandible 1.2–1.4 × as long as wide, smooth or with diagonal carina weak (Fig. 37 View Figures 34–45 ). Mandibular apex 1.2–1.3 × wide as base. Upper tooth slightly rounded. Middle tooth subacuminate to slightly acute, longer than other teeth. Lower tooth largely rounded, as long as upper or slightly longer than upper tooth. Upper tooth ca as wide as middle, narrower than lower tooth. Antenna with 14–15 segments (Fig. 38 View Figures 34–45 ), 0.6–0.7 × as long as body. Scape 1.9–2.0 × as long as pedicel. F 1 2.3–2.5 × as long as wide, 1.1–1.2 × as long as F 2. F 2 1.80–1.95 × as long as wide. F 3 1.5–1.6 × as long as wide. AF 2.1–2.4 × as long as wide. Maxillary palp 0.8–0.9 × as long as head height.

Mesosoma: 1.2–1.3 × as long as high (Fig. 39 View Figures 34–45 ), 2.1 × as long as wide. Mesoscutum ca as long as wide, notauli absent on horizontal surface of mesoscutum (Fig. 41 View Figures 34–45 ). Mesoscutal pit present, weak, rounded or slightly elongate, occupying 0.05–0.15 × of mesoscutal length. Prescutellar depression 2.4–2.5 × as long as wide, with median carina complete, smooth laterally. Side of pronotum weakly crenulate. Precoxal sulcus crenulate medially, short, not reaching anterior and / or posterior margins of mesopleuron (Fig. 39 View Figures 34–45 ). Posterior mesopleural furrow smooth. Propodeum mainly smooth to rugulose (Fig. 42 View Figures 34–45 ), with areola 1.1 × as high as wide; median longitudinal carina incomplete, not extending inside areola; transverse carinae complete. Propodeum without protuberance in lateral view. Propodeal spiracle large, 0.6–0.7 × distance from spiracle to base of propodeum (Figs 39 View Figures 34–45 , 42 View Figures 34–45 ).

Wings: fore wing 2.8–2.9 × as long as wide, vein 1 - SR present, (r + 3 - SR) 5.0–5.3 × as long as r-m, SR 1 2.4–2.6 × as long as (r + 3 - SR); cu-a almost interstitial or slightly postfurcal, 1 - CU 1 0.3 × as long as cu-a. Marginal cell 5.0 × as long as wide, submarginal cell 2.2–2.5 × as long as wide, first subdiscal cell 3.1–3.2 × as long as wide (Figs 34 View Figures 34–45 , 40 View Figures 34–45 ). Hind wing 5.5 × as long as wide, vein 1 - M 0.5–0.6 × as long as M + CU, 1.5–1.9 × as long as 1 r-m; m-cu absent.

Legs: hind femur 3.7–4.0 × as long as wide. Hind tibia 8.1–8.4 × as long as wide, 1.1–1.2 × as long as hind tarsus. First segment of hind tarsus 1.80–1.95 × as long as second segment (Fig. 43 View Figures 34–45 ).

Metasoma: 1.50–1.65 × as long, and 1.4 × as wide as mesosoma (Fig. 34 View Figures 34–45 ). T 1 smooth to strigose (Fig. 44 View Figures 34–45 ), 1.7–2.0 × as long as wide, apex 1.4–1.5 × as wide as base. Ovipositor 0.4–0.8 × as long as metasoma, 1.6–2.9 × as long as T 1, 1.1–1.9 × as long as hind femur. Ovipositor sheath with some delicate setae (except on 1 / 4 apical almost glabrous), 0.4 × as long as metasoma, 1.4–1.6 × as long as T 1 (Figs 43 View Figures 34–45 , 45 View Figures 34–45 ).

Color: dark brown to light brown, except mandibles, mesopleuron, propodeum, T 1, and legs yellowish. Wings hyaline, veins brown.

Male. Face 1.5 × as wide as high. Clypeus 1.85 × as wide as high, slightly concave ventrally. Mandibular middle tooth acute; upper tooth ca as wide a lower, wider than middle tooth. Antenna with 20 segments, 1.1 × as long as body. F 1 as long as F 2. F 3 1.7 × as long as wide. Mesosoma 1.9 × as long as wide. Propodeal spiracle middle size, 0.5 × distance from spiracle to base of propodeum. Fore wing 2.6 × as long as wide, vein 1 - SR absent, SR 1 2.3 × as long as (r + 3 - SR), 1 - CU 1 0.75 × as long as cu-a, submarginal cell 2.05 × as long as wide. Hind wing 5.6 × as long as wide. Hind femur 4.2 × as long as wide. First segment of hind tarsus 2.1 × as long as second. Metasoma 1.4 × as long as mesosoma. T 1 with apex 1.6 × as wide as base. Head, flagellum and metasoma from the second tergite brown; mandibles, scape, pedicel dark yellow; mesosoma, legs, and T 1 yellow.


The species name daltoni is a genitive noun, named in honor of Dalton de Souza Amorim, one of the collectors and who supplied the type material for this species.




Dinotrema (S.) daltoni sp. nov. has enlarged propodeal spiracles, similar to the Nearctic species Dinotrema (Synaldis) spiraculosa ( Fischer, 1967) . However, unlike D. (S.) daltoni sp. nov., in D. (S.) spiraculosa the propodeum lacks an areola (despite being sculptured); the eye is as wide as or wider than temple (in lateral view); and the precoxal sulcus sculpture extends to the anterior margin of the mesopleuron (according to Peris-Felipo and Belokobylskij 2017).


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago











