Entoloma dennisii

Karstedt, Fernanda, Bergemann, Sarah E., Gates, Genevieve, Ratkowsky, David, Cunha, Kelmer Martins & Capelari, Marina, 2024, Species of Entoloma (Entolomataceae) with cuboidal basidiospores from Brazil, Phytotaxa 654 (1), pp. 1-76 : 31

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Felipe (2024-08-02 12:57:00, last updated 2024-11-26 04:09:57)

scientific name

Entoloma dennisii


Entoloma dennisii View in CoL E. Horak, Sydowia 28: 183. 1976 [1975].

[≡ Inopilus dennisii View in CoL (E. Horak) Pegler, Kew Bull., Addit. Ser. 9: 349. 1983; ≡ Inocephalus dennisii View in CoL (E. Horak) Karstedt & Capelari, Nova Hedwigia 96: 289. 2013].

Fig. 33d View FIGURE 33

Description:—The morphological description of this species appears in Karstedt & Capelari (2013).

Habitat:—Solitary, in soil next to a bamboo plantation, in the Atlantic Forest biome.

Distribution:—Originally described from Trinidad ( Dennis 1953) and reported from the city of São Paulo, Brazil ( Karstedt & Capelari 2013).

Additional material examined:— BRAZIL. São Paulo: São Paulo, Fontes do Ipiranga State Park, Botanical Garden , 1 March 2004, C. Puccinelli et al. CP47/04 (SP) . TRINIDAD. St. Joseph: 10 October 1947, R. E.D. Baker 1714 (Holotype, K); River Estate Diego Martin, Maqueripe Trail , 27 October 1949, R. W.G. Dennis 242 (K) .

Comments:— Entoloma dennisii is characterized by a pale yellow tricholomatoid basidiome,cuboidal basidiospores, clavate, branched and septate cheilocystidia and a cutis-type pileipellis. Phylogenetically ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ), E. dennisii is related to other species that have cuboidal basidiospores without elongated angles.

This species was reported as occurring in the Ilha do Cardoso State Park ( Capelari 1989, as Inopilus cf. dennisii ). Upon reviewing the material, it was found that it was composed of a single basidiome degraded by insects and when analyzed under the microscope it was only possible to recognize a few cuboidal basidiospores, with angles scarcely elongated, measuring 8.7–10 × 8.7–11 µm in the depressions and 10–11.2 × 11–11.2 µm at the projections. From these basidiospore characteristics, it appears that the material labelled ‘ M. Capelari 229 ’ does not correspond to Entoloma dennisii , since the latter has perfectly cuboidal basidiospores, without depressions, besides being smaller, 6.2-7.5(8.7) × 6.2–7.5 µm ( Karstedt & Capelari 2013).

Capelari, M. (1989) Agaricales do Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (exceto Tricholomataceae). Dissertacao de Mestrado, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. 356 pp.

Dennis, R. W. G. (1953) Les Agaricales de L'ile de la Trinite: Rhodosporae-Ochrosporae. Bulletin trimestriel de la Societe mycologique de France 69: 145 - 198.

Karstedt, F. & Capelari, M. (2013) Inocephalus (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 96: 279 - 308. https: // doi. org / 10.1127 / 0029 - 5035 / 2012 / 0055

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FIGURE 3. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the species of Entolomataceae with cuboid basidiospores and related species based on the combined genes (nLSU, mtSSU, rpb2 and tef1). Bootstrap values (> 70%) from the maximum likelihood analysis are indicated above the branches. The species studied here are shown in boldface. AU: Australia, AT: Austria, BZ: Belize, BR: Brazil, CN: China, GY: Guyana, IN: India, MY: Malaysia, NZ: New Zealand, PG: Papua New Guinea, PR: Puerto Rico, RE: La Reunion, UK: Russia, SC: Seychelles, US: United States, VN: Vietnam. Dashed vertical line: have similarity in the morphology but no molecular support.

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FIGURE 33. Basidiomas:a–b. Entoloma acutipallidum: a. FK1893; b. 11RMT078; c. E. caxiuanense (FK1871); d. E. dennisii (CP47/04); e–g. E. luteolamellatum: e. 11RMT094; f–g. 11RMT109; h. E. capes (FK2096). Photos: a, c, h: F. Karstedt; b, e–g: R. Mazieiro; d: C. Puccinelli. Scale: 1 cm.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











