Entoloma capes Karstedt & Capelari

Karstedt, Fernanda, Bergemann, Sarah E., Gates, Genevieve, Ratkowsky, David, Cunha, Kelmer Martins & Capelari, Marina, 2024, Species of Entoloma (Entolomataceae) with cuboidal basidiospores from Brazil, Phytotaxa 654 (1), pp. 1-76 : 24-28

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Felipe (2024-08-02 12:57:00, last updated 2024-11-26 04:09:57)

scientific name

Entoloma capes Karstedt & Capelari

sp. nov.

Entoloma capes Karstedt & Capelari , sp. nov.

Figs. 7 View FIGURE 7 , 10j–m View FIGURE 10 , 33h View FIGURE 33

MB 838588

Etymology:— Capes refers to the program that enabled the collection of this species, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

Diagnosis:— Entoloma capes is characterised by the combination of a yellow-ochre basidiome, with a conico-hemispherical pileus and cylindrical stipe covered by adpressed, ochraceous fibrils, in addition to cuboidal basidiospores, and cheilocystidia along the entire lamellar margin.

Type:— BRAZIL. Rio Grande Do Norte: Natal, Dunas do Natal State Park , Geology Trail , 22 July 2011, F. Karstedt et al. FK2096 (Holotype, UFRN) .

Description:— Pileus 11 mm diam., 7 mm high, conico-hemispherical, not translucent-striate, yellow-ochre with fibrils that are more brownish, not hygrophanous, surface adpressed-fibrillose, slightly fibrillose-pruinose; margin slightly irregular, in some parts slightly ochre-yellow. Pileus context white. Lamellae adnexed-sinuate, slightly ventricose, narrow, <2 mm deep, white, close with two tiers of lamellulae; margin entire and in parts slightly pigmented ochraceous brown. Stipe 65 × 2–5 mm, eccentric, cylindrical, yellow-ochre with longitudinally adpressed or pruinose fibrils that are more brownish, hollow, with whitish basal tomentum. Odor and taste indistinct. Spore print not observed.

Basidiospores cuboidal with an obvious hilar appendix, (8.7–)10–11.2 × 8.7–11.2 µm [xm = 10.75 (± 0.74) × 9.65 (± 0.86) µm, Q = 1–1.28(1.4), Qm = 1.12 (± 0.1), n = 20], thin-walled. Basidia 47–63 × 12.5–16 µm (n = 10), clavate, hyaline, thin-walled, 4-sterigmate. Cheilocystidia covering the entire lamellar margin, clavate, broadly clavate, rarely fusoid-ventricose, septate, branched, 43–63 × 10–18 µm (n = 12), hyaline, straw yellow or honey yellow, thin-walled. Pleurocystidia and pseudocystidia absent. Lamellar trama composed of parallel, cylindrical hyphae, 5–10 µm diam. (n = 20), hyaline, thin-walled, septate; sub-hymenium branched. Pileitrama composed of radially arranged hyphae, 5–17(–30) µm diam. (n = 20), cylindrical, inflated or fusoid, hyaline, thin-walled, septate. Pileipellis a cutis of prostrate hyphae, sometimes forming small, entangled groups, 5–13 µm diam. (n = 21), cylindrical, honey yellow, with intracellular pigment, thin-walled, septate; terminal hyphae cylindro-clavate or, more often, cylindrical with rounded apex, honey yellow, sometimes with lumps of brownish pigment. Stipitipellis a cutis in transition to a trichoderm, hyphae prostrate, 6.2–8.7 µm diam. (n = 3), cylindrical, honey yellow, thin-walled, septate. Caulocystidia anticlinal, a few prostrate, 25–100 × 7.5–18(–24) µm (n = 18), cylindrical, cylindro-clavate or clavate, honey yellow, thin-walled, septate. Clamp connections present. Refractive hyphae present. Hyphae with brilliant granules present in the trama of the lamella and the pileus.

Habitat:—Solitary, on sandy soil, in the domain of the Atlantic Forest.

Distribution:—Only known from Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

Comments:—The closest species to E. capes is E. luteum , but that species differs in the absence of clamps and refractive hyphae ( Hesler 1967) as well as molecular data. Entoloma luteum was described by Hesler (1967) as lacking clamp connections and refractive hyphae, but Horak (1976a) characterized it as having numerous clamps and did not mention refractive hyphae. Horak´s 1976a description was based on collections from different parts of the world (Borneo, Malaysia, USA), whereas Hesler’s description (1967) was elaborated from materials collected in the United States, from where the holotype originated. In addition, they clearly differ in terms of molecular identity, considering that the materials collected in the United States and identified by Entolomataceae specialist Timothy J. Baroni as E. luteum are in the /Murrayi subclade while E. capes is in the /Acutipallidum subclade ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ).

Entoloma cape s is also related to E. borbonicum , both molecularly and morphologically, differing in that E. borbonicum has larger basidiospores (13–17.5 × 12.5–16.5 µm) and 2- and 4-sterigmate basidia (Noordeloos & Hausknecht 2007).

Entoloma caribaeum (Pegler) Courtec. & Fiard , in Courtecuisse, Docums Mycol. 33 (no.131): 36. 2004. [≡ Nolanea caribaea Pegler, Kew Bull. Addit. Ser. View in CoL 9: 344. 1983.]

Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 , 37a View FIGURE 37

Description:— Pileus 12–25 mm diam., conical, umbonate, translucent-striate, white, ivory white or light creamy white, slightly hygrophanous, surface radially adpressed-fibrillose, margin of the pileus crenate, umbo 3 mm long, translucent white, glabrous. Pileus context thin, white. Lamellae adnexed or adnexed-sinuate, faces smooth, ventricose (<3 mm broad at widest part), white or slightly pink, close with two tiers of lamellulae, margin entire concolorous with faces. Stipe 83 × 3–5 mm, attenuated upwards, circular in cross-section, centrally attached, white or slightly creamy, longitudinally twisted-striate, slightly adpressed-fibrillose, hollow, with white basal tomentum. Stipe context white. Odor and taste not observed. Spore print not obtained.

Basidiospores cuboidal with elongated angles and an obvious hilar appendix, excluding the projections 10–12.5 × 10–14 µm [xm = 11 (± 0.96) × 11.8 (± 0.94) µm, Q = 1–1.25, Qm = 1.08 (± 0.08), n = 45/5], including the projections 12.5–16 × 12.5–19 µm [xm = 13.6 (± 1.45) × 15.6 (± 2) µm, Q = 1–1.77, Qm = 1.14 (± 0.16), n = 45/5], diagonally (13–)15–18 × (13–)15–20 µm [xm = 16 (± 0.94) × 17.16 (± 1.1) µm, Q = 1–1.23, Qm = 1.06 (± 0.05), n = 40/3], thin-walled. Basidia broadly clavate, clavate or cylindro-clavate, (31–)37–69 × 12–19 µm (n = 47/5), hyaline, thin-walled, 2-sterigmate. Cheilocystidia cylindrical or cylindro-clavate, rarely clavate, sometimes branched, 19–40(–50) × 7.5–14 µm (n = 32/4), hyaline, thin-walled. Pleurocystidia and pseudocystidia absent. Lamellar trama composed of parallel, cylindrical or inflated hyphae, 6.2–19(–25) µm diam. (n = 52/5), hyaline, thin-walled, septa distant; sub-hymenium branched. Pileitrama composed of radially entangled, cylindrical or broadly cylindrical hyphae, 6–27 µm diam. (n = 15/1), hyaline, or slightly brown when overlapping, thin-walled, septate. Pileipellis a cutis of prostrate and slightly entangled, cylindrical hyphae, terminal hyphae cylindro-clavate or cylindrical with rounded apex, 3.7–13 µm diam. (n = 52/5), hyaline, thin-walled, septate. Stipitipellis a cutis of prostrate, cylindrical hyphae, 3.7–8.7 µm diam., hyaline or, when in groups, straw yellow, thin-walled, septate. Caulocystidia absent. Clamp connections present. Refractive hyphae absent or rarely present.

Habitat:—Solitary, on soil with litter, Atlantic Forest.

Distribution:— Entoloma caribaeum was originally described from Dominica, and also found in Guadeloupe and Martinique (Pegler 1983). It was reported in Brazil for the states of Paraná (Meijer 2006) and Pernambuco ( Coimbra et al. 2013); now it is reported for the first time for Santa Catarina.

Additional material examined:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Gaspar, Figueira Branca Private Natural Heritage Reserve, Águas Trail , 25 January 2011, F. Karstedt FK1790 (SP); Pernambuco: Moreno , Private Reserve of Natural Heritage Carnijó , 21 May 2009, V. R. M. Coimbra et al. s.n. ( URM 82264 View Materials ) . DOMINICA. Saint Paul: Sylvania, Archibold Preserve , 650 m altitude, 4 November 1977, D.N. Pegler 3181 (Holotype, K) . GUADALUPE. Basse Terré: Vernou, Route Tracersée , 15 October 1977, D.N. Pegler 3011 (K) . MARTINIQUE. Bois Rivière Blanche : 25 November 1974, Fiard 370D (K) .

Comments:—The holotype is in good condition, consisting of two basidiomes of a light yellow-brown color, with a delicate and membranous pileus; one of the pilei is flat and the other is open, in which case it is possible to observe that the lamellae are adnexed. The stipe is apparently cylindrical and fibrous, being fragmented in the two basidiomes and with a slightly brownish white basal tomentum.

Entoloma caribaeum and E. dragonosporum are characterized by a slender basidiome and a pileus with a long, pointed umbo, in addition to cuboidal basidiospores with elongated angles. However, in E. caribaeum the pileus is white and the basidiospores are smaller than in E. dragonosporum , where they reach 26–31(–38) µm diagonally. Entoloma tenue has basidiospores with the same shape and size as E. caribaeum ; however, the pileus is brown and not umbonate ( Karstedt & Capelari 2013). Although E. caribaeum is morphologically like E. dragonosporum and E. tenue , they are not directly related phylogenetically ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ).

Another species that may be related to Entoloma caribaeum is E. alboconicum Dennis (1961:146) , from Caracas, Venezuela, which also has a white basidiome and an umbonate pileus. However, it differs from E. caribaeum in having smaller basidiospores (8.5–13 µm), 4-sterigmate basidia and jointed cheilocystidia with irregular and often coralloidal terminal cells ( Dennis 1961, Horak 1976b).

Coimbra, V. R. M., Wartchow, F., Gibertoni, T. B. (2013) Studies on Entoloma (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in the Atlantic Forest, Northeast Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 97: 139 - 157. https: // doi. org / 10.1127 / 0029 - 5035 / 2013 / 0100

Dennis, R. W. G. (1961) Fungi venezuelani IV: Agaricales. Kew Bulletin 15: 67 - 156. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 4115784

Hesler, L. R. (1967) Entoloma in Southeastern North America. Beih Nova Hedwigia 23: 1 - 196.

Horak, E. (1976 b) Additions to On cuboid-spored species of Entoloma . Sydowia 29: 289 - 299.

Karstedt, F. & Capelari, M. (2013) Inocephalus (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Nova Hedwigia 96: 279 - 308. https: // doi. org / 10.1127 / 0029 - 5035 / 2012 / 0055

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FIGURE 3. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the species of Entolomataceae with cuboid basidiospores and related species based on the combined genes (nLSU, mtSSU, rpb2 and tef1). Bootstrap values (> 70%) from the maximum likelihood analysis are indicated above the branches. The species studied here are shown in boldface. AU: Australia, AT: Austria, BZ: Belize, BR: Brazil, CN: China, GY: Guyana, IN: India, MY: Malaysia, NZ: New Zealand, PG: Papua New Guinea, PR: Puerto Rico, RE: La Reunion, UK: Russia, SC: Seychelles, US: United States, VN: Vietnam. Dashed vertical line: have similarity in the morphology but no molecular support.

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FIGURE 7. Entoloma capes (FK2096): a. basidiospores; b. basidia; c. cheilocystidia; d. pileipellis. Scales: a–c: 10 µm, d: 20 µm.

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FIGURE 8. Entoloma caribaeum: a–b. basidiospores: a. Pegler 3181; b. FK1790; c–d. basidia: c. Pegler 3181; d. FK1790; e–f. cheilocystidia: e. Pegler 3181; f. FK1790; g. pileipellis (FK1790). Scales: a–f: 10 µm, g: 20 µm.

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FIGURE 10. Microphotography of basidiospores in electron microscopy: a–c. Entoloma acutipallidum (11RMT078); d–f. E. amazonicum (FK1815); g–i. E. arenicola (FK1811); j–m. E. capes (FK2096), n–p. E. caxiuanense (FK1871). Scale: 5 µm.

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FIGURE 33. Basidiomas:a–b. Entoloma acutipallidum: a. FK1893; b. 11RMT078; c. E. caxiuanense (FK1871); d. E. dennisii (CP47/04); e–g. E. luteolamellatum: e. 11RMT094; f–g. 11RMT109; h. E. capes (FK2096). Photos: a, c, h: F. Karstedt; b, e–g: R. Mazieiro; d: C. Puccinelli. Scale: 1 cm.

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FIGURE 37. Basidiomas: a. Entoloma caribaeum (FK1790); b–c. E. dragorufescens: b. FK2102; c. FK2116; d–e. E. dragoluteum (FK2131); f–g. E. lycopersicum: f. TBGAG151; g. TBGAG590. Photos: a–e: F. Karstedt; f–g: R. Maziero. Scale: 1 cm.


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











