Calliderma emma Gray, 1847

Mah, Christopher L., 2018, New genera, species and occurrence records of Goniasteridae (Asteroidea; Echinodermata) from the Indian Ocean, Zootaxa 4539 (1), pp. 1-116 : 29

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scientific name

Calliderma emma Gray, 1847


Calliderma emma Gray, 1847

Figure 9 View FIGURE 9 A –E

Gray 1847: 193; 1866: 6, pl. 15; Perrier 1894: 337; Liao & Clark 1995: 93; Mah 2015: 221. (as Calliderma emma )

Perrier 1875: 226 (1876: 41) [as Pentagonaster (Calliderma) emma ]

Fisher 1906: 1058; Chave & Malahoff 1998: 86; Liao & Clark 1995: 93; Mah 1998: 67 (as Calliderma spectabilis )

Diagnosis. Body stellate (R/r=2.0–2.5), disk broad, arms triangular, tapering abruptly to tip, interradial arcs broadly curved. Abactinal surface covered by coarse granules, large conical spines present over radial regions, absent interradially. Marginal plates wide, forming distinctly angular abactinal-lateral and actinal-lateral edges with relatively flattened lateral edge. Actinal surface covered by granules, most plates with prominent conical spines approximately one per plate. Furrow spines 10–13 in Madagascar specimens, 12–15 in Hawaiian specimens.

Comments. Liao and Clark (1995) recognized that Calliderma spectabilis Fisher 1906 differed from Calliderma emma Gray 1847 by a single character, specifically the presence/absence of easily removed spination on the radial regions of the abactinal surface ( Fig. 9B View FIGURE 9 ). Observations of specimens herein and from other localities confirms their conclusion and thus Fisher’s Calliderma spectabilis Fisher 1906 is referred to the synonymy of Calliderma emma Gray 1847 .

Occurrence of Calliderma emma is widespread, from Hawaii to New Caledonia and Madagascar. The Madagascar specimen (IE-2007-3987) is smaller (R=7.4), but mostly consistent with Fisher’s (1906) description of Calliderma spectabilis . Furrow spines in the Madagascar specimen number 10 to 13 ( Fig. 9E View FIGURE 9 ) whereas those from Hawaii number 12 to 15. This specimen also shows an identical number (n=3) of subambulacral spines, two of which are enlarged as per Fisher’s descriptions. In situ observations of Calliderma from the Hawaiian Islands region are found in Mah (2015).

One morphological character difference in the Madagascar specimen is the presence of blunt, cone-like tubercles rather than the sharp spines observed in the Pacific individuals. This appears likely size related but further specimens may demonstrate this as a character of a separate species.

Occurrence. Hawaiian Islands, China Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria, Northwestern Australia, Timor Sea, Philippines, New Caledonia, east coast of South Africa, Madagascar, 138–407 m

Material Examined. Madagascar. GoogleMaps IE-2007-3987 Southeast Pointe Barrow   GoogleMaps , Madagascar 25°28’S 44°25’E, 203– 210 m. Col. Atimo Vatae CP 3584, 1 wet spec. R=7.4, r=2.5; New Caledonia. IE-2013-6905 , 21° 43´S, 166° 35.71´E, 315– 327 m. Coll. P. Bouchet & B. Richer de Forges , 19 March 1993 on N/O ‘Alis’, BATHUS 1, CP711, 1 dry spec. R=11.1, r=5.0 GoogleMaps ). IE-2013-6726 , E. coast, New Caledonia , 21° 44.98´S 166° 36.82´E, 253– 266 m. Coll. B. Richer de Forges 19 March 1994 on N/O 'Alis' HALIPRO 1, CP852, 1 dry spec., R=12.8 r=5.9 GoogleMaps . Philippines. IE- 2013-6725 , Phillipines. 379–407 m, MUSORSTOM 1 42. 1 dry spec. R=13.6, r=6.3 (arm tips broken. Taiwan. IE- 2013-12293 . Continental slope, China Sea, 20°2’58.5132’N, 114° 10’48.99’E, 265– 300m. Coll. Chen Wei-jen, NanHai 2014. CP 4115. 1 Nov. 2014. 1 wet spec. R=10.2 r=4.6

Chave, E. H. & Malahoff, A. (1998) In Deeper Waters: photographic studies of Hawaiian deep-sea habitats and life forms. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 127 pp.

Fisher, W. K. (1906) The starfishes of the Hawaiian islands. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23, 987 - 1130.

Gray, J. E. (1847) Descriptions of some new genera and species of Asteriadae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 72 - 82 [also in Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 20, 193 - 204]

Liao, Y. & Clark, A. M. (1995) The Echinoderms of Southern China. Science Press, Beijing, 614 pp, 23 pls.

Mah, C. L. (2015) New species, corallivory, in situ video observations and overview of the Goniasteridae (Valvatida, Asteroidea) in the Hawaiian Region. Zootaxa, 3926 (2), 211 - 228. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3926.2.3

Perrier, E. (1875) Revision de la Stellerides du Museum d'Historie Naturelle de Paris. Archives du Zoologie Experimentale et Generale, 4, 265 - 450.

Perrier, E. (1894) Stellerides. Expedition Scientifique Travailleur-Talismann, 3, 1 - 431.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 9. Calliderma emma Specimen IE-2007-3987. R=7.4, r=2.5 cm. A. Abactinal surface. Scale bar=2.0 cm. B. Closeup of spines on radial regions. Scale bar=1.0 cm. C. Spination, ornamentation on superomarginal plates. Scale bar=1.0 cm. D. Actinal surface. Scale bar=2.0 cm. E. Closeup of actinal surface, furrow spines, adambulacral region. Scale bar=1.0 cm.