Tropidopola cylindrica (Marschall, 1836)

Usmani, Mohammad Kamil, 2008, Studies on Acridoidea (Orthoptera) with some new records from Fezzan, Libya, Zootaxa 1946, pp. 1-41 : 23

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scientific name

Tropidopola cylindrica (Marschall, 1836)


22. Tropidopola cylindrica (Marschall, 1836)

Diagnosis: This species can be separated from T. longicornis by its vertex wide, moderately projecting forward, less narrowed towards the apex (Harz, 1975; fig. 1489–1494); its greatest width in front of eyes, taken between the inner margins of foveolae is equal to or distinctly greater than its lateral margin taken from the anterior margin of the eye to the fastigium.

Habitats: The species is found living amongst tall grasses in wet habitats. The main host plants are maize and Sorghum spp.

Material examined: Al Shati Region: Brack , 2♀, on maize, 1.IV.1996 .

Localities: Tripolitania: Ain Zara, Bu Kamesh, Engila, Tripoli; Fezzan: Qattah.

Distribution: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, S. Europe.

Remarks: Earlier recorded from Tripolitania by Werner (1908 b), Ghigi (1913), I. Bolivar (1915), Dirsh (1965) and from Cyrenaica by Salfi (1929).

Bolivar, I. (1915) Extension de la fauna paleartica en Marruecos. Trab Museo Ciencias Naturales Madrid (Series Zoologie), no. 10, 83 pp.

Dirsh, V. M. (1965) The African genera of Acridoidea. 579 pp. Cambridge.

Ghigi, A. (1913) Materiali per lo studio della fauna libica. Memoirs of the Royal Accademia Bologna, (6) 10, 261 - 2, 273 - 4.

Salfi, M. (1929) Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli ortotten libici. 5. Sualcune specie poco note di Acrididae di Tripolitania e su Rhacocleis dernensis Salfi. Memoriedella Societa Entomologica Italiana, 6 (1927), 150 - 164.

Werner, F. (1908) Zur kenntniss der Orthopteren-fauna von Tripolis und Barka, Nach der sammlung von Dr. Bruno Klaptocz im Jahre 1906. Zoologische Jahrbucher Systematik, 27, 83 - 143; 123, 363 - 404.