Acrotylus insubricus (Scopoli, 1786)

Usmani, Mohammad Kamil, 2008, Studies on Acridoidea (Orthoptera) with some new records from Fezzan, Libya, Zootaxa 1946, pp. 1-41 : 24-25

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Felipe (2021-08-21 19:40:59, last updated 2021-08-21 22:20:40)

scientific name

Acrotylus insubricus (Scopoli, 1786)


25. Acrotylus insubricus (Scopoli, 1786)

Diagnosis: This species is very similar to A. patruelis and difficult to distinguish with certainty. It can be identified by its stouter build, relatively shorter antennae, hind wing with narrow fascia, usually extending less than rear half of wing and apex with a few spots.

Habitats: This species is usually found in sparsely vegetated places and has been observed to feed upon cabbage, cauliflower, lucerne and wheat. Adults bury themselves in the sand in winter, probably due to cold. No records of migration exist but they are attracted to light. This species is abundantly found on different vegetation in different localities.

Material examined: Al Shati Region: Ashkidah , 7 ♀, on alfalfa, 12.xi.1994 ; Agar , l ♂, on wild grass, 29.x.1992 ; Brack , 6 ♂, 1 ♀, on grass & cotton, 3.xii.1992 ; Brack Agnc. project, 5 ♂, 25 ♀, on alfalfa, 18.iii.1993 ; Idri , 1 ♂, 1 ♀, on alfalfa, 13.iv.1993 ; Mahruqah , l ♂, on a1fa1fa, 6.viii.1992 ; Mansurah , 4 ♂, 1 ♀, on alfalfa, 13.iv.1993 ; Qardah , 4 ♂, 11 ♀, on alfalfa, barley& millet, 15.xii.1992 ; Qattah , 1 ♀, on alfalfa, 15.xii.1992 ; Qirah , 6 ♂, 10 ♀, on alfalfa- grass, 12.xi.1992 ; Ququm , 11 ♂, 6 ♀, on alfalfa, millet, & mint, 29.x.1992 ; Tamzawah , 3 ♂, 8 ♀, on alfalfa& vine, 4.xi.1992 ; Tarut , 1 ♂, 1 ♀, on alfalfa, 6.vii.1993 ; Tmassan , 1 ♀, on grape, 13.iv.1993 ; Wanzarik , 3 ♂, on dry grass, 4 ♀, on onion, 15.xii.1992 ; Zalwaz , 7 ♂, 4 ♀, on alfalfa, 21.xi.1992 . Ghat Region: Al Awaynat , l0 ♂. 15 ♀, on grass, 20.vii.1995 ; Al Barkat , 6 ♂, 8 ♀, on dry grass, 19.vii.1995 ; Ghat, 7 ♂, 10 ♀, on vegetable, 18.vii.1995 . Murzuk region: Agar-Atabah , 1 ♂, 1 ♀, on alfalfa, ; Al Qatrun , 1 ♂, 2 ♀, on egg plant and tomato, 15.v.1993 ; Al Sbitat , 7 ♀, on beans, ; Bani-Hilal , 2 ♂, 3 ♀, on grass, ; Hemmera , 1 ♀, on swede, 8.i.1994 ; Majdul , 1 ♂, on vegetable, 15.v.1993 ; Marhaba , 1 ♀, on alfalfa, 11.xii.1993 ; Murzuq, 7 ♂, 8 ♀, on melon-parsly, 5.v.1993 ; Tegrutin , 1 ♂, 2 ♀, on alfalfa, 11.xii.1993 ; Traghan , 16 ♂, 6 ♀, on lettuce-parsly, 13.iv.1993 ; Zizaw , 4 ♂, 5 ♀, on grass, 13.iv.1993 ; Zuwaylah , 5 ♂, 2 ♀, on alfalfa-parsly, 8.i.1994 ; Ed Disah , 1 ♂, 1 ♀, on grass, 27.iv.1993 ; Fungul , 4 ♂, 2 ♀, on alfalfa-grass, 27.iv.1993 ; Haj-Hujeil , 1 ♂, 1 ♀, on alfalfa, 27.iv.1993 . Sebha Region: Al Zighan , 2♂, 4 ♀, on alfalfa, 18.v.1994 ; Ghodwa , 4 ♂, 5 ♀, on barley, 13.iv.1993 ; Samnu , 14 ♂, 20 ♀, on barley-alfalfa, 18.v.1994 ; Sebha, 12 ♂, 15 ♀, on millet-grass, 15.xii.1994 ; Tarnarthent , 3 ♂, 4 ♀, on grass-vine, 18.v.1994 . Wadi Haya Region: Al Abyad , 13 ♂, 13 ♀, on vegetable, 2.xi.1992 ; Al Hamarah , 3 ♂, 4 ♀, on cucumber-grass, 2.xi.1992 ; Ben Hareth , 2 ♀, on alfalfa, 16.xi.1992 ; Bint Bayyah , 2 ♂, 11 ♀, on onion and pepper, 16.xi.1992 ; Zweyah , 3 ♀, on common potato and wild grass, 16.xi.1992 ; Khalayf , 8 ♂, 3 ♀, on garlic-onion and vegetable, 16.xi.1992 ; Garagra , 3 ♂, 2 ♀, on onion-wild grass, 27.xi.1992 ; Al Garaya , 1 ♂, on egg-plant, 7.xii.1992 ; Tkerkibah , 2 ♂, 2 ♀, on garlic- grape, 7.xii.1992 ; Al Tanahmah , 14 ♂, 8 ♀, on pepper, 7.xii.1992 ; Sidi Ali , l0 ♂, 10 ♀, on alfalfa-grass, 7.xii.1992 ; Arragabah , l0 ♂, 3 ♀, on egg-plant and pepper, 15.xii.1992 ; Jarmah , 1 ♀, on vegetable, 15.xii.1992 ; Al Breek , 6 ♂, 4 ♀, on alafalfa & millet, 15.xii.1992 ; Awbari , 17 ♂, 10 ♀, on alfalfa-grass, 30.i.1993 ; Al Ghrayfah , 20 ♂, 4 ♀, on alfalfa, 15.ii.1993 ; Al Hatiyah , 5 ♂, 6 ♀, on broad bean and grass, 15.ii.1993 ; Tuwash , 2 ♂, 1 ♀, on alfalfa, 15.ii.1993 .

Localities: Cyrenaica: Augila, Barca, Bengasi, Cufra, Derna, Fueihat, Ghemanis, Gialo, Giarabub, Marmarica, Oasis di Giarabub , Porto Bardia, Tocra, Tolmetta; Tripolitania: Ain Zara, Bukamesh, Gharian, Leptis Magna, Taguira, Tripoli, Uadi Gerfen, Uadi Sofeggin; Fezzan: Agar, Agar Atabah, Al Awaynat, Al Abyad, Al Barkat, Al Breek, Al Ghrayfa, Al Garaya, Al Hamarah, Al Hatiyah, Al Qatrun, Al Sbitat, Al Tanahmah, Al Zighan, Arragabah, Awbari, Ashkidah, Bani Hilal, Ben Hareth, Bint Bayyah, Brak, Fungul, Garagra, Ghat, Ghodwa, Haj Hujeil, Hammera, Jarmah, Khalayf, Idri, Mahrugah, Mansurah, Majdul, Marhaba, Murzuq, Qardah, Qattah, Qirah, Ququm, Samnu, Sebha, Sidi Ali, Tamanhant, Tamzawah, Tarut, Tegrotin, Tkerkibah, Tmassan, Traghan, Tuwash, Wanzarik, Zalwaz, Zizaw, Zuwayah .

Distribution: Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Nigeria, Sahara, Hoggar, Tibesti, Sudan, Somaliland, Cape Verde is., Canary Is., Madeira, S. Europe, S.W. Asia.

Remarks: This species is fairly well distributed all over Libya. Earlier recorded fromTripolitania and Cyrenaica by Rizzardi (1896), Werner (1908). Ghigi (1913). I. Bolivar (1915), Giglio-Tos (1923), Capra (1929), Salfi (1930, 1935b) and Jannone (1938). Also recorded from Fezzan by Damiano (1969) and Ajaili et al. (1989).

Ajaili, A. A., Usmani, M. K. & Furet, I. (1989) Survey of grasshoppers and locusts (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) in Al Shati, Libya. Indian Journal of Systematic Entomology, 6 (1), 1 - 17.

Bolivar, I. (1915) Extension de la fauna paleartica en Marruecos. Trab Museo Ciencias Naturales Madrid (Series Zoologie), no. 10, 83 pp.

Capra, F. (1929) Risultati Zoologici della Missione inviata dalla R. Societa geografica italiana per 1 esplorazione dell' oasi di Giarabub (1926 - 7). Ortotteri e Dermatteri. Annal idel Museo Storia naturale Genova, 53, 122 - 159.

Damiano, A. (1969) Contributo alla conoscenza dell' entomofauna libica. Rivista Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, 63, 129 - 138.

Ghigi, A. (1913) Materiali per lo studio della fauna libica. Memoirs of the Royal Accademia Bologna, (6) 10, 261 - 2, 273 - 4.

Giglio-Tos, F. (1923) Missione Zoologica Dr. E. Festa in Cirenaica. Bolletino Museo Zoologia Anatomia Comparee Torino, 38 (4), 1 - 7.

Jannone, G. (1938) Primo Contributo alla conoscenza deli Ortotterofauna della Libia. Bolletino Laboratorie Z oologia Portici, 30 ,87 - 120.

Rizzardi, U. (1896) Contributo alla fauna Tripolitana. Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 28, 18.

Werner, F. (1908) Zur kenntniss der Orthopteren-fauna von Tripolis und Barka, Nach der sammlung von Dr. Bruno Klaptocz im Jahre 1906. Zoologische Jahrbucher Systematik, 27, 83 - 143; 123, 363 - 404.











