Ochrilidia gracilis (Krauss, 1902)

Usmani, Mohammad Kamil, 2008, Studies on Acridoidea (Orthoptera) with some new records from Fezzan, Libya, Zootaxa 1946, pp. 1-41 : 37-38

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scientific name

Ochrilidia gracilis (Krauss, 1902)


47. Ochrilidia gracilis (Krauss, 1902)

Diagnosis: It can be identified by its temporal foveolae very narrow, elongate and slit like, invisible from above; vertex as long as wide; antennal segments 2–8 widened and flattened, straight lateral pronotal carinae; hind femur without black spots on inner side of knees.

Habitats: This species is most predominant in wet grasslands. It is also found in coastal and salt marshes in Libya. Light trap catches are commonly recorded. It indicates that this species is probably highly mobile. Times of capture in Egypt and Libya indicate the possibility of seasonal movement between these regions. It has been recorded feeding on wheat and cotton.

Material examined: Al Shati Region: Qirah , 3 ♂, 2 ♀, on alfalfa, 12.xi.1992 ; Ququm , l ♂, 1 ♀, on alfalfa, 29.x.1992 ; Tamzawah , 1 ♂, on alfalfa, 4.xi.1992 . Ghat Region: Al Barkat , 2 ♂, 4 ♀, on alfalfa- vegetable, 11.vii.1995 ; Ghat, 3 ♂, 3 ♀, on grass, 18.vii.1995 . Murzuk region: Agar-Atabah , 4 ♂, on grass & millet, 23.vi.1993 ; Bani-Hilal , 1 ♂, on grass, 23.vi.1993 ; Fungul , 1 ♂, on grass, 27.iv.1993 ; Murzuq, 4 ♂, 3 ♀, on tomato and marrow, 5.v.1993 ; Traghan , 5 ♂, on barley, 13.iv.1993 ; 3 ♀, on grass, 27.v.1993. Sebha Region: Ghodwa , 5 ♂, 10 ♀, on alfalfa- grass, 13.iv.1993 ; Samnu , 1 ♂, 2 ♀, on vegetable, 18.v.1994 ; Sebha, 3 ♂, 8 ♀, on alfalfa, 8.vi.1995 . Wadi Haya Region: Al Abyad , 15 ♂, 2 ♀, on alfalfa-grass, 2.xi.1992 ; Al Hamarah , l0 ♂, 3 ♀, on wild grass, 2.xi.1992 ; Ben Hareth , 5 ♂, 1 ♀, on grape-grass, 16.xi.1992 ; Bint Bayyah , 1 ♂, 1 ♀, on alfalfa- wild grass, 16.xi.1992 ; Khalayf , 13 ♂, 1 ♀, on grape- grass, 16.xi.1992 ; Garagra , 2 ♂, on alfalfa, 27.xi.1992 ; Sidi Ali , 1 ♂, on wild grass, 7.xii.1992 .

Localities: Cyrenaica: Cufra, Gialo, Marada, Marmarica, Rebiana; Tripolitania: Ain Zara, Bianchi, Bu Kamesh, Gargarese, Logo di Beuma , Taguira, Tripoli; Fezzan: Agar Atabah, Al Abyyad, Al Barkat, Al Hamarah, Ben Hareth, Beni Hilal, Bint Bayyah, Fungul, Garagra, Ghat, Ghodwa, Khaliayf, Murzuk, Qirah, Ququm, Samnu, Sebha, Sidi Ali, Tamzawah, Traghan .

Distribution: Mali, Algeria, Niger, Mouretania, Nigeria, Libya, Sahara, Hoggar, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Rio de Oro, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somali Republic, Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Aden, Iraq, Iran, India.

Remarks: This species is most abundant. Earlier recorded from Libya by Salfi (1929, 1931), Jannone (1938), and Chopard (1943).This species has been reported from Fezzan by Salfi (1935a), Jago (1977) and Ajaili et al. (1989).

Ajaili, A. A., Usmani, M. K. & Furet, I. (1989) Survey of grasshoppers and locusts (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) in Al Shati, Libya. Indian Journal of Systematic Entomology, 6 (1), 1 - 17.

Chopard, L. (1943) Orthopteroides de lAfrique du Nord. Faune Emp. France, 1, 450 pp.

Jago, N. D. (1977) Revision of the genus Ochrilidia StaI 1873, with comments on the genera Sporobolius Uvarov, 1941 and Platypternodes I, Bolivar. 1908 (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae). Acrida, 6 (1977), 163 - 217.

Jannone, G. (1938) Primo Contributo alla conoscenza deli Ortotterofauna della Libia. Bolletino Laboratorie Z oologia Portici, 30 ,87 - 120.

Salfi, M. (1929) Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli ortotten libici. 5. Sualcune specie poco note di Acrididae di Tripolitania e su Rhacocleis dernensis Salfi. Memoriedella Societa Entomologica Italiana, 6 (1927), 150 - 164.

Salfi, M. (1931) Revision du genre Platypterna Fieber (Acrid.). Eos Madrid, 7 (3), 255 - 347.

Salfi, M. (1935 a) Contribuzione alla conoscenza degli ortotteri libici. 7. Sull Ortotterofauna del Fezzan. (Missione Scortecci della R. Societa geografica Italiana). Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali, 74, 383 - 388.