Lamprobityle danae, Barševskis & Cabras, 2019

Barševskis, Arvīds & Cabras, Analyn Anzano, 2019, A new species of the genus Lamprobityle Heller, 1923 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Mt. Talomo, Mindanao island, Philippines, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 19 (2), pp. 237-242 : 238-239

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12521185

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lamprobityle danae

sp. nov.

Lamprobityle danae View in CoL sp. n.

( Fig. 1)

Type material. Holotype: Male. PHILIPPINES: Mindanao Isl., / Davao del Sur, Mt. Talomo , / 27.04.2019. D.Krasnopolska leg. / [handwrited on white label] ; HOLOTYPUS: / Lamprobityle danae sp. n. /A.Barševskis & / A.A.Cabras descr. 2019/ [handwrited on red label].

General distribution: Philippines; Mindanao island.

Description. Body length: 10.2 mm, body width: 3.8 mm. The tegument of body black, with bluish luster. Elytra before middle with transverse white band and with sparse small spots of whitw pubescence.

Head elongated, narrower as pronotum, dorsally covered with white, sparse, very fine pubescence. Fron flat, black, with metallic bluish luster. Eyes not extended, bilobate. Cheeks narrow, not extended, with fine and sparse pubescence. Clypeus black, narrow, shiny. Labrum black, shiny, covered with sparse pubescence and nummerous long setaes. Mandibles black, massive, shiny, sharp at end, but laterally with white pubescence. Antennae slender. First and second antennomeres black, shiny, with bluish metallic luster. Third antennomere black, basally with grey pubescence, apically wih dark pubescence. Fourth and remaining antennomeres, dark, with fine grey pubescence, except darkened apex.

Pronotum subcylindric, slightly elongated, with parallel side. Pronotum on basal and apical margin emarginated with thin, transverse, parallel, slightly curved line. Pronotal disc with coarse punctures and pubescence, shiny, with bluish metallic luster. Pronotum is wider then head and more narrower as elytra. Basal mmargin of pronotum with white pubescence.

Forelegs dark, shiny, with bluish metallic luster and very fine microsculpture. Front tibia widened, flat, covered with fine pubescence and with dark dense setae. Tarsomeres metallic, shiny, covered with grey pubescence and dark setae. Middle and hind legs are yellow-red, with darkened apical part of femora and tibia and black tarsomeres.

Scutellum apically rounded, shiny, in middle portion covered with fine grey pubescence.Only small apical part of Pars stridens visible under basal margin of pronotum.

Elytra very convex, black, shiny. Shoulders visible, but not extended. Behind shoulders dorsally with wide extended humps. Elytra black, with bluish metallic luster. Before middle with perpendicular to suturae transverse white band. Basal third of elytra (especially in area of extended humps) with coarse punctures and dark pubescence, but behind white band with very fine white pubescence and some small swhite spots.

Upper side of body black, shiny, with bluish metallic luster and white pubescence.

Differential diagnosis. The new species similar to Lamprobityle zeltitae Barševskis, 2018 ( Fig. 2 View Fig ) from Bukidnon, Mindanao island, but differs from it by following charcters: 1) the middle and hind legs of the new species are yellow-red, but all legs of L. zeltitae – black; 2) transverse white band on elytra of new species perpendicular to suturae but on L. zeltitae – inclined; 3) tegument of new species black, with bluish metallic luster, but on L. zeltitae – with light bronza luster.

Etymology. The species named in honor of our colleague, collector of type specimen, Latvian botanist Dana Krasnopoļska, in appreciation of cooperation. [Dana – danae ]

Habitat characterization. ( Fig. 3 A – D View Fig )

The locality where the holotype was collected is in the periphery of Mt. Talomo which is one of the two peaks of Mt. Apo Natural Park. Mt. Talomo has 3 main vegetations namely agro-ecosystem, montane and mossy forest. The area where the new species was collected is a mixed agro-ecosystem and secondary forest with an elevation of 1260 masl at the foot of the mountain. It is adjascent to a massive banana and tiger grass ( Thysanolaena maxima ) plantation of which the latter is being used by the indigenous community (Bagobo-Klata) in producing soft broom. Some portions of the remaining secondary forests is being cleared for tiger grass plantation but despite anthropogenic disturbances several important species of flora and fauna such as Cyathea spp. , Angiopteris sp. , Medinilla spp. , Agathis philippinensis, Cinnamomum mercadoi,













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