Brevisiphonaphis hirsutissima, Stekolshchikov, Andrey V. & Ge-Xia, Qiao, 2008

Stekolshchikov, Andrey V. & Ge-Xia, Qiao, 2008, A new genus and species of tribe Macrosiphini (Hemiptera, Aphididae) from northeast China, Zootaxa 1714, pp. 37-40 : 38-40

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.180977


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Brevisiphonaphis hirsutissima

sp. nov.

Brevisiphonaphis hirsutissima sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–7 View FIGURES 1 – 7 , Tabl. 1)

Type material. Holotype: apterous viviparous female, No. 8185-1-(1-2), specimen No. 5 (lower specimen), northeast China, Liaoning Province, Jianchang, 11.VIII.1985, Artemisia argyi H.Lév. & Vaniot , collected by Zhang Guangxue. Deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. Paratypes: 7 apterous females on two slides, same data as for holotype. Deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China and in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Etymology. Specific name hirsutissima derived from the Latin word “ hirsutus ” (= shaggy) in a superlative degree.

Description. Apterous viviparous female. Body 1.58–1.83 (1.73) times as long as its width. Color in life unknown. Cleared specimens with dark-brown frons, 4th–6th antennal segments, 3rd and 4th rostral segments, apical third of femora, apices of tibia and tarsi; with brown head, 1st–3rd antennal segments, coxae, cross-band on subgenital plate, anal plate and cauda; with light-brown band on abdominal tergite VIII, femora, tibia, subgenital plate and peritremes. Surface of head weakly wrinkled, of thorax and abdominal segments I–V smooth, on abdominal segments VI–VII with rows of small pointed spinules, which on tergite VIII partially fused and forming scales, of ventral side of thorax wrinkled, of ventral side of abdomen with rows of small spinules, sometimes forming cells. Head with epicranial coronal suture. Longest occipital and frontal hairs 86–101 (93) and 96–101 (99) μm long, 2.85–3.36 (3.16) and 3.00–3.51 (3.34) times as long as articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment, respectively. 1st and 2nd antennal segments weakly wrinkled, almost smooth, 3rd antennal segment smooth, 4th–6th segments with scales. 3rd antennal segment with 6–13 (8.8) secondary rhinaria arranged more or less in a row on the middle part of the segment. Secondary rhinaria are rounded or oval, weakly projecting, with external diameter 1.0–8.0 times as long as high. Longest hair on 3rd segment 86–99 (92) μm long, 2.69–3.51 (3.11) times as long as articular diameter of the segment. Rostrum reaching abdominal segments II–III. Ultimate rostral segment 2.32–2.75 (2.53) times as long as its basal width, with 8–10 (9.4) long accessory hairs. Ventral hair on hind trochanter 1.33–1.62 (1.47) times as long as basal diameter of hind femur; longest dorsal, ventral and dorso-apical hairs on hind femur 73–94 (89), 81–96 (91) and 51–68 (61) μm long, respectively; longest dorsal hair on hind tibia 83–91 (89) μm long, 2.00–2.25 (2.12) times as long as the mid-diameter of the latter. Chaetotaxy of first tarsal segments 3, 3, 3 and only one specimen with 2 hairs on one hind tarsus. 2nd segment of hind tarsus with scales, 5.33–5.83 (5.54) times as long as its maximum width and 0.81–1.02 (0.92) times as long as base of 6th antennal segment. Abdominal segment III with 116–142 (126.7) spinal and marginal hairs, longest dorsal, marginal and ventral hairs on abdominal tergite III 94 –104 (99), 89–106 (99) and 96–109 (101) μm long, 3.08–3.73 (3.36), 3.04–3.69 (3.36) and 2.92–3.87 (3.42) times as long as articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment, respectively. Siphunculi 0.55–0.84 (0.71) times as long as its basal width. Tergite VIII with 19–33 (26.4) hairs 109–114 (112) μm long, 3.61–4.00 (3.84) times as long as articular diameter of 3rd antennal segment. Subgenital plate oval, with 21– 29 (24.5) hairs on anterior half and 15–25 (20.5) hairs on posterior half and along the hind margin. Cauda with 10–17 (13.1) hairs.

Measurements of holotype. Body—1714 x1026, antennae—1935: III—410 x44, IV—362, V—344, VI— 177+430; hind femur—611, hind tibia—1005; siphunculus— 19x23; cauda—175x185 (at base) x159 (before base).

Distribution. Only known from the type locality in Jianchang, Liaoning Province, northeast China. Biology. Host-plant is Artemisia argyi H.Lév. & Vaniot. The life cycle, the type of colony and the locality on the host plant are unknown.















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