Crasilogia fumipennis Warren

Schmidt, Olga, 2020, Australasian genus Crasilogia Warren (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Larentiinae), Zootaxa 4729 (4), pp. 519-537 : 524-526

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4729.4.4

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Crasilogia fumipennis Warren


Crasilogia fumipennis Warren View in CoL

( Figs 12, 13 View FIGURES 12–18 , 24, 25 View FIGURES 19–27 , 36, 37 View FIGURES 32–39 , 49 View FIGURES 46–51 )

Crasilogia fumipennis Warren, 1906: 192 View in CoL .

Crasilogia fumipennis Warren View in CoL : Holloway, 1984: 162; Scoble, 1999: 192 (checklist).

Type material. Holotype female, British New Guinea [ Papua New Guinea], Angabunga River, affl. of St. Joseph River, 6000 ft. [1828.8 m] upwards, Nov [ember] [19]04– February [19]05, A.S. Meek ( NHM, examined).

Other material examined. Papua New Guinea, one male, three females, Mambaré River, Biagi , 1524 m, ii.1906, A.S. Meek; one female E Highlands, Daulo Pass, 2438.4 m, no date, E.W. Classey; one male, three females, Mt. Kunupi, Menoo Valley , Weyland Mts. 1828.8 m, xi.–xii.1920 or xii.1920 – i.1921, C.F. & J. Pratt; one female, Hydrographer Mts. , 762 m, iii.1918, Eichhorn Bros. Centr.; Indonesia, West Papua, two females, Mt. Goliath , 1524– 2133.6 m, about 139 long., Februar 1911, A.S. Meek ( NHM); one female, Papua New Guinea, Eluma-Lavava, 1850 m, foret primaire, v.1967, Cl. Moinier ( SNSB-ZSM).

Diagnosis ( Figs 12, 13 View FIGURES 12–18 , 24, 25 View FIGURES 19–27 ). Forewings above with pattern similar to C. gressitti , but brown to ochreous- and greyish-brown, without bright yellow or orange lines or bands, with subbasal band rather broad, with an indistinct, inwardly directed small subbasal notch, with median band broad for the genus, rather broad at the hind margin, edged with thin whitish, brownish and ochreous lines, with a medial projecting tooth outwards and a small inwardly directed postmedial streak near the costal margin, with an inconspicuous dash-like discal dot, without a whitish subterminal line. Hind wings in males with apex slightly protruded and angled, whitish outwards, with an area of brownish scales and hairs in the basal half, without a blotch of androconial scales near tornus.

Male genitalia ( Figs 36, 37 View FIGURES 32–39 ). Uncus slightly narrower in its basal 1/3 and longer than in C. gressitti , almost parallel sided, distally narrowly rounded, with relatively small basal outgrowths attached to the distal area of the tegumen; tegumen elongated; valva rather large, shaped like a human ear, with a medium sized ring of weak sclerotisation at base of costa similar to C. gressitti , narrowing towards the costal margin, with a small basal extension; labides a very small, rounded bulge; vinculum with a finger-shaped dorsal process and a medium sized anterior hook; saccus smaller than in C. gressitti , rounded; aedeagus relatively large, with two indistinct rows of much reduced short spines.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 46–51 ). Antrum broad and short, weakly sclerotised, with a flat base. Ductus bursae long and narrow, longer than in C. gressitti , with lateral areas heavier sclerotized. Corpus bursae large, rounded, with a central band of fine scobination. Ductus seminalis inserted on corpus bursae on a small rounded protuberance near entrance of ductus bursae. Signum a medium sized, proximally rounded patch of spicules on ventral side of corpus bursae.

Distribution. Indonesia (West Papua), Papua New Guinea.


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


University of Nottingham
















Crasilogia fumipennis Warren

Schmidt, Olga 2020

Crasilogia fumipennis

Scoble, M. J. 1999: 192
Holloway, J. D. 1984: 162

Crasilogia fumipennis

Warren, W. 1906: 192
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