Cephalenchus driekieae, Rashidifard & Du Preez & Abolafia & Pedram, 2020

Rashidifard, Milad, Du Preez, Gerhard, Abolafia, Joaquín & Pedram, Majid, 2020, Cephalenchus driekieae n. sp. (Nematoda: Tylenchidae) from South Africa, a new member of the genus with a long pharyngeal overlap, Journal of Nematology 52 (1), pp. 1-10 : 3-5

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.21307/jofnem-2020-031

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Cephalenchus driekieae

sp. nov.

CephalenChUS dRiekieae View in CoL * n. sp. ( Figs. 1–3 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 View Figure 3 ; Table 1).



Body slightly ventrally arcuate after fixation, the curvature greater in posterior region, tapering slightly toward posterior end by having an elongate filiform tail. Cuticle thin and coarsely annulated, annuli 1.8 to 2.2 µm wide at mid-body. Lateral fields with three alae or four longitudinal incisures, the outer ones smooth in SEM, ending at proximal part of tail. Cephalic region separated from the rest of the body by a depression, the corners rounded, and its cephalic framework weakly sclerotized. Amphidial openings dorso-ventrally oriented on labial disc (disc, SenSU Pereira et al., 2016). There are four cephalic papillae on the corners of the labial disc. Oral disc small and rounded. Stylet with a conus ca. 45% of its total length, a cylindrical shaft, and anchor-shaped knobs. The protractor muscles well developed. Dorsal gland orifice located at a short distance to the knobs. Pharynx with wide, muscular and short procorpus, about one stylet length. The constraining muscle at the junction with metacorpus prominent and metacorpus pyriform, 7 to 10µm long, 5 to 7µm wide, with a centrally located small valve; isthmus remarkably narrow (especially when compared with procorpus) and slender, pharyngeal glands with long dorsal overlap over the intestine, the overlap 13.5 to 17.5μm long, the pharyngeal junction with the intestine discernible. Nerve ring at around middle isthmus, 40 to 53µm from anterior end or ca 70% of the neck length. Excretory pore at anterior half of the pharyngeal glands, or at ca 90% of the neck length. Hemizonid discernible, slightly anterior to the excretory pore. Intestine simple. Rectum about as long as anal body width. Anus distinctive. Reproductive system monodelphic-prodelphic, 117 to 218 µm long (excluding post-vulval uterine sac, PUS); the ovary outstretched, and oocytes behind the germination zone in single row; oviduct tubular and short; spermatheca spherical and empty; uterus with tubular distal part (uterine crustaformeria) and quadricolumellate, with apparently six cells in each row, and proximal part (ovejector) swollen, with thinner walls; PUS spacious, about as long as vulval body width, vagina perpendicular to body axis, 31 to 43% of corresponding body width long and not heavily sclerotized; vulva a small transverse slit and vulval flaps visibly very small under SEM. Tail elongated and filiform, its tip finely rounded.


Not found.

Type habitat and lOCality

The new species was recovered from soils collected in a small section of a grassland located next to a maize field. This grassland is located 20km north of the town Lichtenburg (North-West Province, South Africa) at the following GPS coordinate: 26°02´36.31˝S; 26°08´30.57˝E.

Type material

Holotype and three paratype females on slide 50945 were deposited in the National Collection of Nematodes ( NCN), ARC-PPRI, Pretoria , South Africa. Four paratype females were deposited in the WaNeCo collection, Wageningen, the Netherlands (http://www.waneco. eu/). The LSID for this publication is: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1F7FFCE8-AE69-4EC0-B6AD-E7A015AF8AD5 .

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