Paraclytus sapa Viktora et Tichý, 2015

Miroshnikov, A. I., 2022, New records and description of the female of Paraclytus sapa Viktora et Tichyґ, 2015 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae: Anaglyptini), with notes on the generic distribution area, Russian Entomological Journal 31 (3), pp. 283-285 : 284-285

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.31.3.09

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scientific name

Paraclytus sapa Viktora et Tichý, 2015


Paraclytus sapa Viktora et Tichý, 2015 View in CoL

Figs 1–6.

Paraclytus sapa Viktora et Tichý, 2015: 108 View in CoL . Type locality: Vietnam, Lao Cai Prov., Sapa Mt. (according to the original description and the label of the holotype).

MATERIAL. Holotype, ♂ (cTT) (photograph); 1♀ (cAM) (Fig. 1), Vietnam, Yen Bai Province, Mu Cang Chai District , ~ 21°50´N / 104°06´E, 04.2021, local collector; 1♀ (cAM) (Fig. 2), same locality, 06.2021, local collector. GoogleMaps

MORPHOLOGICAL NOTES. Holotype male. Body length 14.56 mm, humeral width 4.12 mm [ Viktora, Tichý, 2015].

DESCRIPTION OF THE FEMALE. Closely resembles a male. Body length 15.5–15.9 mm, humeral width 4.35–4.45 mm.

Antennae shorter than body, barely not reaching or freely reaching the apical fascia of elytra; length ratio of antennomeres 1–11, 36: 7: 28: 22: 28: 27: 25: 20: 19: 16: 21 (one of the females taken as an example); antennomere 2 subequal in length and width; in one of the females apical internal angle of antennomeres 3 and 4 with a weakly expressed spine (see Note below).

Pronotum more or less distinctly transverse, 1.06–1.12 times as wide as long; at base barely or slightly wider than at

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Figs 1–6. Paraclytus sapa , females: 1–2 — habitus; 3–4 — pronotum; 5–6 — humeral angle.

Рис. 1–6. Paraclytus sapa , самки: 1–2 — общий вид; 3–4 — переднеспинка; 5–6 — плечевой угол.

apex; with very well-developed lateral tubercles, as in Figs 3– 4, and with a distinct median tubercle in basal part in front of middle, similar to the male.

Elytra clearly narrowed towards apex, 2.35–2.4 times as long as humeral width; base tuberculiform elevated, each elytron there with a sharp keel-shaped, backwards sloping tubercle; humeral angle with a barely developed or wellexpressed tubercle rounded apically, as in Figs 5–6 (that is not listed in the description of the holotype male); apical external angle drawn into a long sharp spine, like in male.

Last (visible) abdominal sternite at apex widely rounded laterally and truncate or barely emarginate in middle; last (visible) abdominal tergite almost the same in structure apically.

Distribution and coloration of setation of antennae and dorsum, as in Figs 1–2, and resembles that of a male (thereby it should be taken into account that the setation of the elytra of the holotype male is partly abraded).

DISTRIBUTION. Vietnam: Lao Cai and Yen Bai provinces .

NOTE. In some of my works, including those in collaboration [Miroshnikov, 2014, 2015; Miroshnikov et al., 2014], devoted to the representatives of the genera Paraclytus and Anaglyptus Mulsant, 1839 , one and the same misprint was made requiring correction. In all cases, the fragment of the morphological description “apical external angle of antennomere…/antennomeres… with… spine” should be read as “apical internal angle of antennomere…/antennomeres… with… spine”.

Acknowledgements. I am very grateful to my wife Tatiana P. Miroshnikova who helped a lot in the preparation of the illustrations for publication.














Paraclytus sapa Viktora et Tichý, 2015

Miroshnikov, A. I. 2022

Paraclytus sapa Viktora et Tichý, 2015: 108

Viktora P. & Tichy T. 2015: 108
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