Orthogonius baconii Chaudoir, 1871

Tian, Mingyi & Deuve, Thierry, 2016, A review of the baconii species group of the termitophilous genus Orthogonius Macleay (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Orthogoniini), Zootaxa 4093 (1), pp. 118-126 : 120-122

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4093.1.7

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scientific name

Orthogonius baconii Chaudoir, 1871


Orthogonius baconii Chaudoir, 1871

Figs 3–5 View FIGURES 3 – 5

Chaudoir, 1871: 109; Andrewes, 1930: 246; Csiki, 1932: 1587; Bates, 1892: 401

Description. Length: 11.0 mm; width: 5.0 mm. Habitus as in Fig. 3 View FIGURES 3 – 5 .

Small size for Orthogonius , dark brown, lateral marginal bead of pronotum and elytra lighter, underside yellowish brown; moderately shiny, head faintly and irregularly striated; head, pronotum and elytra punctate, with punctures small on head, moderate on pronotum and elytra; microsculptural meshes densely isodiametric.

Head broad, HW/HL=1.25; compound eyes very large and prominent, frons and vertex strongly convex, clypeus bisetose, frontal margin of labrum straight, frontal impressions small, frons and vertex flat, neck short; ligula bisetose at apex, palps subcylindrical, glabrous, labial palpomere 2 and 3 subequal in length, labial palpomere 2 bisetose on inner margin; maxillary palpomeres 3 and 4 subequal in length; antennae rather short and stout, reaching over humerus of elytra; antennomere 1 unisetose, slightly longer than antennomere 3, but subequal to each of antennomeres 4–11; flatly dilated from antennomere 4, with an indistinct longitudinal stripe along antennomeres 4-10.

Pronotum strongly transverse, PW/PL=1.94, both fore and hind angles rounded, base distinctly wider than front, PbW/PfW=1.36; base and front bordered; lateral expanded margins wide and slightly reflexed; punctures sparser on disc, denser on and near basal fovea and lateral expanded margins.

Elytra broadly elongate-ovate, EL/TW=1.46; humerus quadrate, base well bordered, apex broadly truncated; inner apical angle slightly re-entrance, sutural angle denticulate; striae fine and deep, intervals convex, odd and even intervals from 2-6 subequal in width; interval 3 of elytra with three setiferous pores; prosternal process well bordered at apex; meso-coxa asetose medially, fore tibia dilated at apex, with outer apical angle distinctly produced; all legs with claws pectinate; abdominal ventrite VII with apical margin complete in male.

Male genitalia ( Figs 4–5 View FIGURES 3 – 5 ): The median lobe of aedeagus short, moderately expanded ventrally in middle, gently curved towards apex, apex very small though distinctly blunt in profile; in dorsal view, apical lamella is wide and flat, distinctly longer than wide, widely obtuse at apex.

Materials studied: ♂, Holotype, India (MNHN)? 1 ♂, “C. E. Br.”, “Soc. Ent. Belg. Coll. Putzeys” (IRSNB); 1 ♂, “Nilgiri Hill”, “803”, “H. E. Andrewes Coll. B. M. 1945–97 ”, from India, with Andrewes’ label “ insularis group” (NHML); 1 ♂, “N. W. India ”, and with Andrewes’ label “ Orthogonius baconii ?” (NHML).

Distribution. India.















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