Psyllobora pauline, González & Almeida, 2017

González, Guillermo & Almeida, Lúcia M., 2017, Psyllobora picta (Germain) species complex (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), with descriptions of two new species from Chile, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 61 (4), pp. 330-338 : 332-333

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2017.08.002

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scientific name

Psyllobora pauline

sp. nov.

Psyllobora pauline sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–14 View Figs , 53 View Fig )

Holotype ♂: “ CHILE, Prov. [ Provincia ] Elqui / Tongoy / 1-15- octubre-1996 /leg. G. González ” “ ♂ 576” (mv) [ MHNS].

Paratypes (9 ♂ and 10♀): 2 ♀: same data of holotype [ MHNS] . 2 ♂: “ El Melocotón / Cajón del Maipo /Stgo Chile / enero 1977 /G .

González F.” “ ♂♂ 567” (mv) [ CPGG]. 2 ♂ and 1 ♀: “ Fray Jorge / Prov. Limarí / Chile / 16-II-1992, leg./ G. González F.” “ ♂ ♀ 1645” (mv) [ CPMD] . 1 ♂ and 1 ♀: “ Chile, Elqui prov, Que-/brada El Arrayán, 10 km / S. La Villa, Malaise trap,/ 400m, 16-dic-2003 3-ene/2004, leg. ME Irvin, 30 ◦ /04 Ɩ 26 ƖƖ S, 71 ◦ 004 Ɩ W” “ ♂ 1647 ƖƖ “ ♀ 1647” (mv) [ JEBC] . 2 ♀ and 1 ♂: “ Cuesta Pa-/jonales/ Coquimbo / Chile / Oct. 6. 1974 /coll:/H. Vázquez” “ Chile ” “ Psyllobora / bicongregata /Bohem. 1859./ L.M. de Almeida det. 1990” “ ♂ 1655” “ ♀ 1655” (mv) [ CPAA] . 1 ♂: “ Chile, IV-R/ Limarí / Las Rojas / 26-IX-2006 /leg. A. Lüer ” (mv) [ CPAL] . 1 ♂: “ Chile, III R/ Huasco / Vallenar / 12-X-2008 /leg. A.Lüer ” (mv) [ CPAL] : 1 ♂ and 2 ♀: “ 16-IX-2006 Hacienda/Los Andes – Hurtado/RM en algarrobo/ Chile, Coll: R. Honour S.” “Macho/146”, “Hembra/142” and “Hembra/190” [ CPRH] ; 1 ♂: “ 11-II-2008 /La Serena/IV Región/ Chile, Coll: R. Honour S.” “Hembra/142” and “Macho/146” [ CPRH] ; 1 ♂: “ 16 a 19-IX-2006 /Hacienda Los Andes/Hurtado - IV Región/En Prosopis chilensis / Chile, Coll: R. Honour S.” “Macho/191” [ CPRH] .

Additional material (44 specimens): Chile: Copiapó: Bahía Inglesa, 1-XI-1994, leg. J. E. Barriga, 1 specimen [ JEBC]. Cordillera: El Melocotón, I-1977, G. González F. 3 specimens [ CPGG]. Elqui: Paihuano, 23-VIII-1994, leg. G. González, 1 specimen [ CPGG], Camino Tongoy-Tambillo, 6-XII-1985, G. González F. 9 specimens [ CPGG], Quebrada El Arrayán, 10 km. S. La Villa, 400m, 16-XII-2004 a 3-I-2004, leg. ME Irwin, 5 specimens [ JEBC], Rivadavia, 24 a 26-XII-1946, coll. L.E. Peña, 1 specimen [ CPRH], Tongoy, 1 a 15-X-1966, leg. G. González, 8 specimens [ CPGG], Vicuña, 3-VII-1975, coll. E. Loo, en zapallo, 1 specimen [ JEBC]. Limarí: Fray Jorge, Quebrada Honda, 7 a 24-XI-2003, leg ME Irwin and F. Parker, 2 specimens [ JEBC], Fray Jorge PN, El Mineral, 224m, 12 a 31-XII-2003, leg ME Irwin and F. Parker, 2 specimens [ JEBC]; La Serena, 11-feb-2008, coll: R. Honour S, 1 specimen [ CPRH]; La Serena, Reserva Santa Gracia, feb-2018, coll: R. Honour, 1 specimen [ CPRH], Limarí: Hurtado, Hacienda Los Andes, 16 a 19/IX/2006, coll: R. Honour, en Prosopis chilensis , 1 specimen [ CPRH]; same data except “en algarrobo” “macho”, 3 specimens [ CPRH]; Camino Vicuña – Hurtado km 14, 16 a 23/IX/2006, coll: R. Honour, 1 specimen [ CPRH]; Maipo: Rangue, 6-4-1996, Coll: A. Lüer, 1 specimen [ CPAL]; Quillota: Granizo, 17- XI-1990, leg. G. González, 1 specimen [ CPGG]. Santiago: II-1964, G. González F. 1 specimen [ CPGG], Quebrada de Macul. Talca : San Javier, Porter, 1 specimen [ MHNS] .


The dorsal color yellowish brown with ten light brown spots with dark border, ringed, and the very thick tube of the male penis (its width 1/6 of the maximum length), separate P. pauline from the majority of the genera species. From the similar looking P. lueri is distinguished by the penis guide with sinuate sides with evident narrowing at 2/3 of length and the elytral spots rarely jointed, while from the other similar looking species P. bicongregata is distinguished by the penis guide elongate more than 4.0 times longer than wide. Otherwise, P. lueri is restricted to Chile Chico province from Chile, and P. bicongregata to Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay and Uruguay, regions where P. pauline is not present.













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