Cymindis (Pinacodera) rufostigma Hunting

Hunting, Wesley M., 2013, A taxonomic revision of the Cymindis (Pinacodera) limbata species group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), including description of a new species from Florida, U. S. A., ZooKeys 259, pp. 1-73 : 35-38

publication ID

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cymindis (Pinacodera) rufostigma Hunting

sp. n.

Cymindis (Pinacodera) rufostigma Hunting View in CoL   ZBK sp. n. Figs 18, 19A, 20B-C, 21

Type material.

Eleven specimens, labeled as follows. HOLOTYPE male, "FLORIDA: HIGHLANDS CO./ ARCHBOLD BIOL. STA./ 22.IX.1976/ L.L. LAMPERT, JR."; "U. V. LIGHT" [handwritten]; “UASM/141621,” [FSCA]. Ten additional PARATYPES, sex and label data as follows. Male, same as holotype except "UASM#/ 202040" [ABSC]. Male, same as holotype except "UASM#/ 141609" [FCSA]. Female, same as holotype except “… 19.IV.1976; "UASM#/ 202044 " [ABSC]. Female, same as holotype except “… 17.IX.1977; "UASM#/ 202042" [ABSC]. Female, same as holotype except “… 23.IX.1977; "UASM#/ 202041" [ABSC]. Female, same as holotype except “… 3.IX.1981/ UVL [handwritten]"; "UASM#/ 202043" [ABSC]. Male, "FLORIDA ALACHUA CO.,/ AUSTIN CARY FOREST/ 28-VI-1976/ G. B. FAIRCHILD"; "INSECT LIGHT TRAP/ #2, CO2-BAITED"; "UASM/ 141619" [FSCA]. Male, "Austin Cary Forest [handwritten]/ Alachua Co./ Fla. 21.VI.1961 [handwritten]/ ...Hetrick/ ...light trap" [handwritten, partially illegible]"; "UASM#/ 141620" [FSCA]. Female, "FLA. Indian River Co./ SR 512.5 mi. W. I. 95/ 16-30-III-1977/ Fla. Med. Ent. Lab."; "sorted from dusk;dawn/ suction trap sample in/ and near bayhead/ M. C. Thomas collection"; " UASM#/ 141608" [FSCA]. Male, "St. Augustin/ Fla."; "Liebeck/ Collection"; "UASM#/ 136905" (head missing) [MCZC].

Type locality.

Archbold Biological Station, Highlands County, Florida, U.S.A.

Specific epithet.

This is a two part feminine Latin noun in apposition, nominative case, based on the adjective rufus (red) and the noun stigma (mark), referring to the rufo-testaceous central mark on the elytra of adult members of this species.


This species (Fig. 18) differs from others in the following ways: testaceous head and pronotum, pronotum with posteriolateral margins right- angled (Fig. 19A, cf.19B) and elytra with large oblong rufous central macula. Male genitalia with distinct basal endophallic lobe (bel) (Fig. 20B).


With character states of subgenus Pinacodera restricted as follows: OBL. 9.1 - 10.3 mm. Length (n= 7 males, 3 females): head 0.88 - 1.00, pronotum 1.52 - 1.76, elytra 5.25 - 6.00, metepisternum 1.26 - 1.50 mm; width: head 1.72 - 2.00, pronotum 2.10 - 2.44, elytra 3.42 - 3.92, metepisternum 0.54 - 0.84 mm.

Body proportions. HW/HL 1.82 - 2.04; PWM/PL 1.29 - 1.45; EL/EW 1.48 - 1.58; ML/MW 1.92 - 2.41.

Color. Dorsum of head and pronotum rufous to rufo- testaceous; antennae rufo-testaceous to rufo-brunneous; palpi rufo-testaceous to brunneous; elytra brunneo-piceous to rufo-piceous with large oblong rufo-testaceous central macula and pale, somewhat translucent margins; elytral epipleura testaceous to rufo-testaceous; thoracic sclerites and abdominal sterna testaceous to rufo-piceous.

Microsculpture. Microlines not visible on dorsum of head capsule and pronotum at 50 × magnification. Elytra with mesh pattern isodiametric, microlines clearly impressed throughout.

Macrosculpture and pilosity. Head capsule with shallow, randomly scattered setigerous punctures on dorsal surface from constriction of neck extended anteriorly toward clypeus. Elytra with striae moderately impressed and punctulate throughout length; intervals 2, 4, 6 and 8 typically with two to three rows of scattered punctures; all other intervals with one row of punctures; some specimens with intervals 1, 3 and 5 somewhat raised toward apex.

Metepisternum. Distinctly longer than wide.

Hind wings. Macropterous.

Male genitalia. Phallus (Fig. 20A) length 1.70 - 2.00 mm. Endophallus with basal endophallic lobe (bel) distinctly formed.

Habitat and seasonal occurrence.

The known elevational range of Cymindis rufostigma extends from sea level to 65 m. Some specimens were collected in stands of slash pine. Methods of collecting include: dusk-dawn suction traps, u.v. light traps, CO2-baited insect light traps.

Geographical distribution.

The range of this species extends from southern Florida north to northern Florida (Fig. 21).

Chorological affinities.

Cymindis rufostigma is sympatric in portions of its range with Cymindis platicollis atripennis and Cymindis limbata . It is allopatric with Cymindis platicollis platicollis and all other species in the limbata group.

Material examined.

The type material. See above for details.















