Hussain, Rowshi, Rogers, Steven L. & Blackburn, Joel A., 2022, Ovummuridae (calcareous microfossils) from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 27) 25 (2), pp. 1-24 : 6-7

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26879/1222

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Munnecke, Servais, and Vachard, 2000

Type species. Minourella gotlandica .

Diagnosis (Modified from Munnecke et al., 2000 and MacNeil and Jones, 2006). The morphology of Minourella is similar to the Tubertinidae, a Foraminifera. It is characterised by a bilocular, globular or conical test with a dorsal section that is gently vaulted with a small apical aperture in the central part. The ventral chamber corresponds to the second chamber and is with or without an aperture. The thickness of the wall is usually constant but can also be non-uniform throughout even at the aperture with the pseudo-septum being relatively thinner than the wall ( Munnecke et al., 2000). The external and internal surfaces are smooth.

Remarks. Diagnosis amended to include a non-uniform wall thickness as observed within various specimens of Minourella gotlandica . The apertures are present within both the dorsal and ventral chambers in some of the specimens as similarly noted by MacNeil and Jones (2006). We position M. wenlockensis in the Genus Minourella because: (1) it resembles the same morphology as M. gotlandica , however, contains a conical ventral chamber that has a sharp apex rather than a smooth apex, (2) has the characteristic wall structure of Ovummuridae , (3) and meets the same ranges of measurements of Minourella .

Stratigraphical range. Silurian to Upper Devonian.

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