Illawarra, Gray, 2010

Gray, Michael R., 2010, A Revision of the Australian Funnel-web Spiders (Hexathelidae: Atracinae), Records of the Australian Museum 62 (3), pp. 285-392 : 309

publication ID

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Felipe (2021-08-21 19:35:59, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 06:13:37)

scientific name


gen. nov.

Illawarra View in CoL View at ENA n.gen.

Type species Illawarra wisharti new species.

Diagnosis. Differs from other atracine species as follows—in males, by having broad midventral spine row on male tarsi

I–IV ( Fig. 3B View Figure 3 ); in females, by having a robust, aspinose leg

I with metatarsus partially fused to tarsus and tarsal claws enlarged.

Description. With the characters of the Atracinae . Colour light to dark brown with distinct abdominal chevrons.

Carapace longer than wide; relatively low with caput weakly raised ( CH /CW 0.37) and narrow frontally (CFW/CL 0.54).

Cheliceral paturon less robust than in other genera. (Figs.

16A,B; 17B,C). Cheliceral groove narrow, lateral margins Figure 15. Collection records for Illawarra wisharti . parallel; central tooth row short; basal; prolateral tooth row may be incomplete; retrolateral row complete (Fig. 16C). Other material examined. New South Wales (males): AMS KS921 , Willowvale , 4 km W. of Gerringong , 11 May 1977, G. Wishart; AMS Labium short (LL/LW 0.70) (Fig. 16D), cuspule numbers KS922 ,Willowvale, 4 km W.of Gerringong, 20 May 1977, G.Wishart; AMS low to moderate (85–154). Apical segment of posterior KS1448 , Willowvale, 4 km W. of Gerringong, 5 April 1978, G. Wishart; lateral spinnerets relatively short. Leg I more robust than AMS KS918 , Ulladulla, Ulladulla Ambulance Station ; AMS KS10796 , other legs, especially in females; female leg I without spines, Unanderra, January 1983, M. Senior .

tarsal claws enlarged and metatarsus thickened proximally

(wedge-shaped) and partially fused to the tarsus ( Fig. 17H,I View Figure 17 ). Diagnosis. CL 6.77–10.13 (male). Male tarsi I–IV strongly Male tarsi highly spinose (43–93 spines), with two lateral spinose (tarsus I with 43–93 spines), with a middle ventral spine rows and a full midventral spine row ( Fig. 3B View Figure 3 ). Female spine row as well as lateral ventral rows ( Fig. 3B View Figure 3 ). Female tarsi with few spines. Male femora I, II with slender dorsal leg I robust, aspinose; metatarsus I thickened proximally and spines (Fig. 16F,H); legs I, II without apophyses; tibia I, II partially fused with tarsus I, tarsal claws enlarged ( Fig. 17H,I View Figure 17 ). and metatarsus I, II spinose, spines slender and scattered

( Fig. 18D–J View Figure 18 ). Male palpal patella a little wider than femur.

Palpal bulb with a broad tegular area; groove between tegulum and subtegulum sometimes wide, exposing middle haematodocha.; embolus short, wide. (Figs. 16I, 18B).

Female spermathecae two very short, distally broad sacs

( Fig. 17E View Figure 17 ).

Included species. Illawarra wisharti n.sp.

Distribution. The Illawarra region of southern New South


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Figure 3. (A) Hadronyche infensa, ventral tarsus II, scopula and lateral spine rows; (B) Illawarra

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Figure 17. Illawarra wisharti, female: (A) sternum, labium

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Figure 18. Illawarra wisharti, male (A,D–J, AMS KS15748; B,C, AMS KS5356):(A) palp, prolateral; (B) bulb; (C) embolus, distal; (D,E) distal patella and tibia I—D, ventral, E, prolateral; (F) metatarsus I, ventral; (G,H) distal patella and tibia II—G, ventral, H, prolateral; (I,J) metatarsus II—I, ventral, J, prolateral. Scale lines: 0.3 mm, except A 0.2 mm, and B 1.0 mm.









