Megophryidae, Bonaparte, 1850

Pham, Anh Van, Nguyen, Truong Quang, Pham, Cuong The, Sung, Nenh Ba, Le, Minh Duc, Nguyen, Tao Thien & Ziegler, Thomas, 2022, The herpetofauna of Xuan Nha Nature Reserve, Vietnam, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 323) 16 (2), pp. 215-236 : 217-224

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Megophryidae View in CoL

Boulenophrys palpebralespinosa (Bourret, 1937) ( Fig. 3B): Two specimens were found at night on leaves, 20–50 cm above the ground, near a stream in evergreen forest. This is a new record for Xuan Nha NR.

Boulenophrys cf. parva ( Boulenger, 1893) ( Fig. 3C): One specimen was found at night on the ground, near a stream in evergreen forest. Boulenophrys parva seems to be restricted in Myanmar and records of this species in northern Vietnam should be assigned to other named and unnamed species (Manhony et al. 2020).

Leptobrachella eos (Ohler, Wollenberg, Grosjean, Hendrix, Vences, Ziegler, and Dubois, 2011) View in CoL ( Fig. 3D): One specimen was found at night on the ground near a stream in evergreen forest. This is a new record for Xuan Nha NR.

Leptobrachella namdongensis Hoang, Nguyen, Luu, Nguyen, and Jiang, 2019 ( Fig. 3E): Four specimens were found at night on the ground or on stones near a stream. The surrounding habitat was evergreen forest, composed of small hardwoods, liane, and shrub.

Leptobrachella ventripunctata (Fei, Ye, and Li, 1990) ( Fig. 3F): One specimen was found on a stone near a stream and two other specimens were observed along a forest path at night. This is a new record for Xuan Nha NR.

Leptobrachium masatakasatoi Matsui, 2013 ( Fig. 3G): Two specimens were found at night on the ground near a stream in evergreen forest.

Xenophrys maosonensis (Bourret, 1937) ( Fig. 3H): Two specimens were found at night on the ground, near a stream in evergreen forest.











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