Campylodiscus fastuosus Ehrenberg, 1845

Joh, Gyeongje, 2021, Distribution and frequent occurrence of diatom taxa (Bacillariophyta) inhabiting warmer oceans in Seogwipo coast of Jeju Island, southernmost Korea, Phytotaxa 517 (1), pp. 1-67 : 48

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Campylodiscus fastuosus Ehrenberg


75. Campylodiscus fastuosus Ehrenberg ( Figs 153, 154 View FIGURES 146–156 , 219 View FIGURES 219–223 )

Synonym: Campylodiscus parvulus W. Smith; Campylodiscus thuretii Brébisson ; Campylodiscus thuretii var. simulans (Gregory) Tempere & Peragallo.

Type locality: Ad Pulo Pinang Indiae marit.

References: Hendey 1964, p. 290, pl. 40, fig. 4; Choi & Noh 1987, p. 104, figs 73–76; Stidolph et al. 2012, pl. 6, figs 132, 136, pl. 21, fig.

14; Lobban 2015, p. 3, figs 13, 14, 16, 18–20.

Morphometrics: Valves 26–35 (16–34) μm long, 28–36 μm wide, apical ribs 3–4 in 10 μm, transapical striae in the middle parts of valve, 11 (14) in 10 μm.

Remarks: Campylodiscus fastuosus was found frequently in all North Seas as a common marine species ( Hendey 1964). This taxon has been reported from many regions: the coast of Quebec of Canada ( Bérard-Therriault et al. 1986), the coastal lagoons of western Portugal ( Resende et al. 2005), the Galapagos Islands ( Stidolph et al. 2012), a lagoon of Vladivostok in the East Sea, Russia ( Begun & Zvyagintsev 2013), the coast of Baja California Peninsula in Mexico ( Siqueiros-Beltrones & Argumedo-Hernández 2014; López-Fuerte et al. 2015), Guam ( Lobban 2015), and recently Singapore strait ( Tan et al. 2016). It is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical as well as temperate regions. In South Korea, this taxon was reported in the coast of Gyeongju by Choi & Noh (1987) in Korea, and currently rare in the Seogwipo coast of Jeju Island.

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