Lonicera implexa var. longifolia Gussone (1843: 259)

Ferrer-Gallego, P. Pablo & Laguna, Emilio, 2018, The nomenclatural types of four names in Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae), Phytotaxa 345 (3), pp. 286-292 : 288-290

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.345.3.5

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scientific name

Lonicera implexa var. longifolia Gussone (1843: 259)


Lonicera implexa var. longifolia Gussone (1843: 259) View in CoL

Type (lectotype, designated here):—[ ITALY]. Saline, Gussone s.n., May ( PAL number of identification 59927 [digital image!], available at:

Notes: —The protologue includes a description of the plant, and a comment with the geographical locality: “var. c. in dumetis et ad sepes, Saline”. In the Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum at PAL we found original material of Gussone. The herbarium sheet (number of identification 59927), bears two fragments with leaves and flowers, and a label annotated “Maggio / Lonicera implexa Ait. / longifolia Guss / Saline Guss” handwritten by Gussone. We have not found any other specimen in any herbaria in which the Gussone’s material is deposited ( CAT, NAP and PAV). This specimen matches well the Gussone’s protologue, and corresponds to the current concept and use of the name (e.g., Ruiz Téllez & Devesa 2007). Therefore, we designate it as the lectotype of the name.

Lonicera valentina Pau ex Willkomm (1891: 52) View in CoL

Lonicera implexa var. valentina (Pau ex Willkomm) Maire (1931: 294) View in CoL

Type (holotype):—[ SPAIN]. Segorbe [Castellon province], Barranco del Azutejo, C. Pau s.n., June 1889 ( MA barcode MA 118870 [digital image!]) (image of the holotype available at:

= Lonicera maialis Sennen (1928: 144) View in CoL

Type (lectotype, designated here):— [ SPAIN]. Barcelone: Massif du Tibidabo, F. Sennen (exsiccata Plantes d’Espagne N. 3697), 29-V-1918 ( BC barcode BC966296 [digital image!]) ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ) ; isolectotypes: MPU barcode MPU023979 About MPU (image available at: http://plants. jstor.org/stable/viewer/10.5555/al.ap.specimen.mpu023979), MPU barcode MPU023980 About MPU (image available at: http://plants.jstor.org/ stable/viewer/10.5555/al.ap.specimen.mpu023980?loggedin=true), MA barcode MA-01-00118833 [digital image!], BC barcodes BC26590 [digital image!], BC966294 [digital image!], BC966295 [digital image!] .

Notes: —The name Lonicera valentina was validly published by Willkomm (1891: 52) from the specific epithet mentioned by Pau (1889) as Caprifolium valentinum . Willkomm mentioned in the protologue: “ Lonicera valentina Pau (sub Caprifolio) Not. III, p. 30 (sine descriptione)”. Certainly, the name Caprifolium valentinum Pau (1889: 30) is a nomen nudum because it was published without a description or diagnosis or reference to a description or diagnosis previously published.

The Willkomm’s protologue of Lonicera valentina consisted of a complete description followed by the geographical indication “In regno Valentino, ubi cl. Carolus Pau junio 1889 eam prope Segarbé [Segorbe] in vallibus montis Monte Malo usque ad montem del Azutejo primus observavit” from Pau (1889: 30 sub “289. Caprifolium valentinum Pau ” “Monte Malo, descendiendo por los barrancos hasta el del Azutejo: rara, Segorbe” [descending through the ravines to the Azutejo: rare, Segorbe]), repeated by Willkomm (1893: 134).

We have not found any herbarium sheet from this geographical locality in the Willkomm Herbarium at COI. However in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid at MA there is a relevant herbarium sheet ( MA barcode MA 118870) that contains material collected by Carlos Pau in 1889 ( Carrasco 1975). This sheet bears a single fragment with leaves, but no flowers, and contains a label handwritten by Pau “ Lonicera valentina Pau, Notas. / ˈBarranco del Azutejoˈ raris / Segorbe / VI 1889 ”, this geographical locality matches with the geographical indication cited in the protologue “…montis Monte Malo usque ad montem del Azutejo…”. We have been unable to locate any further original material in any herbaria that contain Pau’s material (e.g., AK, B, BC, BR, E-GL, FI, G, GB, GOET, K, L, LIVU, LRMANCH, PH, PI, W) (see Stafleu & Cowan 1983).

In conclusion, the specimen at MA (barcode MA 118870) appears to be the only specimen that comprises the gathering cited in the protologue. In this sense, as indicated by McNeill (2014) “If, prior to 1958, a single gathering (but not a single specimen) is indicated as the basis of a new taxon but without the word type, there will be a holotype only if it can be established that the author used no other element and if the gathering is represented by a single specimen—because the specimens that comprise the gathering are syntypes (Art. 40 Note 1)”. Therefore, the specimen MA 118870 can be considered as the holotype of the name Lonicera valentina . Fortunately, it is in a good state of preservation and represents the traditional concept and current use of the name (e.g., Ruiz Téllez & Devesa 2007).

On the other hand, Sennen (1928: 144) describes the species Lonicera maialis from the exsiccata “Plantes d’Espagne N. 3697”, collected in “Massif du Tibidabo” (Barcelona, Spain). The protologue includes a description in Latin and in French, and the geographical localty “Hab.—Barcelone, massif du Tibidabo, dans la brousse.”. There are several specimens marked with the number 3697 in some European herbaria (e.g., BC, MA, MPU). All these herbarium sheets bear the same printed label “Plantes d’Espagne— F. Sennen / Nº 3697 / Lonicera maialis Sennen / Barcelona: Massif du Tibidabo / 1918 et 1919– V et VI ”. Curiously, this material belongs to more than one gathering (see Art. 8.2) since it has two different dates “ 1918- V and 1919- VI ”. However, there are two sheets at BC with an original label handritten by Sennen. The sheet at BC with barcode BC 966296 is annotated “ 1918-29- V ”, and the sheet with barcode BC 966294 is annotated “ 1919-8- VI ”. We designated as the lectotype of the name Lonicera maialis the specimen preserved at BC, with barcode BC 966296.


Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum


Università di Catania


Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica (formerly National Academy of Peiping)


Università di Pavia


University of Copenhagen


Real Jardín Botánico


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Nanjing University


Institut Botànic de Barcelona


Université Montpellier 2


University of Coimbra Botany Department


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Auckland War Memorial Museum


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Natural History Museum


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


University of Gothenburg


Universität Göttingen


Royal Botanic Gardens


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Hartley Botanical Laboratories


Paleontological Institute


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium














Lonicera implexa var. longifolia Gussone (1843: 259)

Ferrer-Gallego, P. Pablo & Laguna, Emilio 2018

Lonicera implexa var. valentina (Pau ex Willkomm)

Maire, R. 1931: )

Lonicera maialis

Sennen, Fr. 1928: )

Lonicera valentina Pau ex Willkomm (1891: 52)

Willkomm, M. 1891: )

Lonicera implexa var. longifolia

Gussone, G. 1843: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF