Gigantometopus coronobtectus Kim, Taszakowski & Jung, 2021

Kim, Junggon, Taszakowski, Artur, Herczek, Aleksander & Jung, Sunghoon, 2021, Gigantometopus coronobtectus sp. nov., the first Isometopinae (Hemiptera Cimicomorpha: Miridae) from Vietnam, Zootaxa 4990 (1), pp. 104-116 : 106-109

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4990.1.6

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scientific name

Gigantometopus coronobtectus Kim, Taszakowski & Jung

sp. nov.

Gigantometopus coronobtectus Kim, Taszakowski & Jung , sp. nov.

( Figs 1–8 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 )

Diagnosis. Differs from other congeners by the following combination of characters: body 5–6 mm ( Figs 1–4 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 ); head with a dark band transverse marking mesially ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ); labium exceeding hind-coxae ( Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 4 View FIGURE 4 ); calli with small punctures and golden setae ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 3A View FIGURE 3 , 5D View FIGURE 5 ); scutellum (excluding mesoscutum) mostly yellowish brown with mesial dark marking; and cuneus entirely yellowish brown ( Figs 1A View FIGURE 1 , 3A View FIGURE 3 ).

Description. Adult: Male: Body elongate-oval, length 5.34 mm. Coloration. generally yellowish brown and dark brown dorsally, mostly dark brown ventrally. Head: mostly pale and yellowish brown; vertex near ocelli tinged with reddish; frons partly sooty, with a large dark transverse band, dark band extending to ventral side of the compound eye in lateral view; clypeus pale and yellowish brown, apex dark tinged with reddish; gena entirely dark brown; antennae mostly dark brown; first segment entirely dark brown except for pale apex; second segment fuscous, darker toward apex; base of third segment pale; labium mostly dark brown; apical part of second segment and base of third segment pale brown; fourth segment mostly pale brown except for dark apex. Thorax: pronotum mostly dark brown, lateral and posterior margins yellowish brown; calli yellowish brown; pronotal collar yellowish brown; scutellum mostly yellowish brown with dark marking anteromesially; mesoscutum mostly dark brown with a pale spot at apex; hemelytra mostly dark brown; corium dark brown with paler basal part; clavus entirely dark brown; embolium dark brown with base paler; cuneus entirely yellowish brown; membrane grayish with dark veins; legs mostly yellowish brown; femora yellowish brown with dark annulation in the middle, tinged with reddish apically; tibia mostly yellowish brown, basal part dark brown; tarsi mostly brown, first tarsal segment pale brown. Abdomen: mostly dark brown, tinged with reddish mesially. Surface and Vestiture. Body mostly glossy, deeply punctate, covered with densely two types of long setae; head rugose and partly punctate, covered with long setae laterally; vertex transversely rugose; frons with small punctures in outer area ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 , 4 View FIGURE 4 , 5B–C View FIGURE 5 ); antennae with short erect setae; pronotum deeply punctate, covered with dense long setae, anterior part with golden and silvery setae; calli region covered with long golden setae, with small punctures; scutellum (including mesoscutum) deeply punctate, with dense golden setae; propleura, mesopleura and metapleura distinctly punctate with dense silvery setae; hemelytra densely punctate, covered with long golden setae; legs with partly short and long setae ( Figs 6 View FIGURE 6 , 7A View FIGURE 7 ); femur with trichobothria originating from trichome; mid-femora with five trichobothria ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ); hind-femora with six trichobothria ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ); fore and mid-tibiae with short setae and spines; hind-tibia with very long setae; abdomen covered with dense golden setae, with small dense punctures on all abdominal segments; genital segment punctate, covered with setae ( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 ). Structure. Head: flattened, hypognathous, elongate laterally, anterior margin straight dorsally, less than pronotum height laterally; vertex slightly prominent above the compound eye, the narrowest part of the vertex as wide as 1/2 compound eye width; lateral margin of frons normally rounded; compound eye large, not reaching anterior margin of pronotum, slightly less than 1/2 head height in lateral view; ocelli small, placed near the compound eye; fovea antennalis positioned at middle of the ventral margin of compound eye and apex of clypeus; antennae shorter than the body, linear; first segment shorter than the fourth segment, as thick as the second segment; second segment longest, longer than the combination of the third and fourth segment; third segment longer than the fourth, as thick as fourth; the proportion of first to fourth antennal segments 0.2: 1.5: 1.0: 0.3; frontal-clypeal part broad; labium reaching apex of the third abdominal segment; the proportion of first to fourth labial segments 0.8: 0.8: 0.9: 0.8. Thorax: pronotum trapeziform, length subequal to 1/4 body length, midline length equal to anterior width, longer than 1/2 posterior width, lateral margin slightly constricted near calli region, posterior margin weakly sinuate, a mid-transverse line slightly concave, posterior angles weakly angled; pronotal collar thin; calli region swollen, with one fossa in middle ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ); scutellum (including mesoscutum) large, midline subequal to pronotal midline length, width subequal to length ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ); combined length of pronotum and scutellum subequal to 1/2 body length; evaporatory area triangular, one margin straight and the other rounded; ostiolar peritreme small, strongly swollen ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ); hemelytron tapered to membrane, lateral margin slightly rounded; clavus narrow; commissure very short; cuneus broad, inner margin straight; membrane with two cells; legs somewhat short, hind-femur distinctly thick, not reaching the apex of abdomen; tibia cylindrical; tarsus three segmented; claws without apical tooth. Abdomen: elongate, exceeding apex of cuneus. Genitalia: genital segment with two curved parameres, covered with long setae ( Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 , 8A–B View FIGURE 8 ); parameres scythe-shaped, length of parameres subequal; left paramere with long hypophysis and broad sensory lobe, hypophysis vertically curved, tapered to apex, as broad as the diameter of the neck, sensory lobe as broad as two times the diameter of the neck, with long setae; right paramere with slightly broad hypophysis and sensory lobe, hypophysis slightly curved at apex, slightly broader than the diameter of the neck, sensory lobe slightly thicker than the diameter of the neck ( Figs 8C–D View FIGURE 8 ); endosoma membranous with tiny spinules ( Fig. 8E View FIGURE 8 ).

Female: Body length 6.31. Coloration. as in male. Surface and Vestiture. as in male. Structure. as in male except for the genital segment with ovipositor ( Figs 3B View FIGURE 3 , 4 View FIGURE 4 ). Genitalia. as in Fig. 8F–G View FIGURE 8 ; simple, sclerotized rings absent; valvula smooth, without tooth apically.

Nymph: Last instar ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ): Body entirely mottled yellowish brown, oval, length 4.13 mm; head mostly brown; face partly dark and pale brown; antennae mostly brown with dark patterns, first and second segments thicker than other segments; labium long, exceeding hind-coxae; pronotum generally pale brown with mottled dark patterns, impunctate, covered with very short setae, anterior and lateral margins roughly projected, posterior margin sinuate; mesonotum and wing pads shagreened, with a pair of dark marking mesially; legs pale brown with dark markings; hind-femur pale with dark patches; hind-tibia pale with three dark annulations and small patches, apex dark brown; apical part of third tarsal segment dark brown; abdomen pale brown with mottled dark markings, outer and anterior areas darker in dorsal view.

Measurements (in mm). Male (n=1)/Female (n=1) Body length, clypeus-apex of membrane: 5.34/6.31; head length, excluding collar: 0.45/0.44; head width, including compound eyes: 0.95/1.00; head height: 1.51/1.66; vertex width: 0.35/0.37; 1st antennal segment length: 0.20/0.21; 2nd antennal segment length: 1.50/1.48; 3rd antennal segment length: 1.03/missing; 4th antennal segment length: 0.36/missing; 1st labial segment length: 0.84/0.90; 2nd labial segment length: 0.86/0.88; 3rd labial segment length: 0.97/0.99; 4th labial segment length: 0.82/0.83; total labial length: 2.81/2.85; mesal pronotal length: 1.37/1.49; posterior pronotal maximal width (straight): 2.34/2.72; anterior scutellum width: 1.17/1.35; mesal scutellum length: 1.13/1.21; mesoscutum length: 0.11/0.14; outer embolial margin length (straight): 3.78/4.66; outer cuneal margin length (straight): 0.55/0.66; cell length: 0.79/1.01; cell width: 0.27/0.32; hind-leg (femur: tibia: tarsus): 1.64: 2.68: 0.50/2.06: 2.89: 0.51; tarsal segment (I to III): 0.19: 0.23: 0.25/ 0.20: 0.24: 0.25.

Type material. [ CNU] Holotype : 1♂, Cuc Phuong National Park (20°19´07˝N 105°36´18˝E), Ninh Binh Prov., Vietnam, 10.v.2017, on Saurauia roxburghii, J. Kim leg.; [ CNU] GoogleMaps Paratype: 1♀, same data as holotype; [ CNU] nymphs: 2, same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Host. Saurauia roxburghii (Actinidiaceae) .

Biology. This species (adults and nymphs) was found on the host plant growing near a lake.

Distribution. Vietnam (Northern).

Etymology. Coronobtectus from the name "coronavirus" and the Latin word obtectus, meaning covered, because the dark band on its frons resembles dark protective masks worn by people during the pandemic of Covid- 19.


Capital Normal University, College of Life Sciences















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