Ophiomyia pulicaria (Meigen, 1830)

Guglya, Yu. A., 2014, Mining Flies Of The Genus Ophiomyia (Diptera, Agromyzidae) Of Eastern Ukraine And Adjacent Territories: Review Of The Species Without A Fasciculus, Vestnik Zoologii (Vestn. Zool.) 48 (1), pp. 51-66 : 59-60

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Felipe (2022-04-12 14:26:05, last updated 2024-11-26 23:22:40)

scientific name

Ophiomyia pulicaria (Meigen, 1830)


Ophiomyia pulicaria (Meigen, 1830) View in CoL (fig. 50–56)

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Near Kuzemin , 14.08.2011 , 1 ♂; near Vakalovshchina , 14.06.2010 , 2 ♂; near Novodruzhesk , 21.07.2010 , 1 ♂; near Mala Volchja , 18.05.2011 , 1 ♂ (leg. Terekhova); Kharkiv, mine on Taraxacum officinale Webb ex Wigg. , 25.04.2013 — pupa, 07 and 10.05.2013 — imago, 1 ♂, 1 ♀.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n. Head (fig. 50, 51). Orbit not projected above eye in profile; 2 orb s, 3–4 fr s; frorb sta sparse, short, reclinate; keel lacking; lunule rounded, with furrow on upper third deeper and wider; maximal height of eye 5.6 × maximal height of gena; gena rounded; ocellar triangle short but wide, reaching level between 2nd and 3rd orb s.

Wing. Costa ending slightly after M; last and penultimate sections of M equal; calypter grey; margin and fringe black. Length of wing 2.4 mm.

Mesonotum black, slightly shining (anterior view); 3 dc (sometimes 2nd smaller than 1st and 3rd); ac 4 nearest to sctsctl sut and 8 at level of 2nd dc; halter and legs black.

Male genitalia (fig. 52–54). Phallus 0.37 mm long. Basiphallus V-shaped in lateral view and G-shaped in dorsal view, reaching 0.1 of distiphallus length (including distal margin of endophallus). Distiphallus as long as basiphallus, oval, with small apical process.

Рис. 57–60. O. simplex (Loew) : 57, 58 — голова самца; 59 — фаллюс, вентральный вид (без базифаллюса); 60 — то же, латеральный вид (без базифаллюса). Масштабная линейка 0,1 мм.

Female terminalia (fig. 55, 56). Both spermathecae equal, subovate with apex narrower, 1.7 × as long as width at widest part. Proximal and ventral margins of egg guide with large, rounded teeth. Distal part of medial margin with large, dark scales in two or three irregular rows.

D i s t r i b u t i o n. Originally European, this species has been introduced into Asia, Africa, North America and Australia ( Spencer, 1990). Ukraine ( Guglya, 2011, 2012).

H o s t p l a n t. Asteraceae : Crepis spp. , Hieracium spp. , Hypochoeris spp. , Leontodon spp. , Picris spp. , Sonchus spp. , Taraxacum spp. ( Spencer, 1976) , Andryalla, Chondrylla, Lapsana , Reichardia ( Benavent-Corai et al., 2005) .

B i o n o m i c s. Larva feeding within the midrib. Pupation takes place in the base of the midrib. Two generations per year ( Spencer, 1976).

Benavent-Corai, J., Martinez, M., Jimenez Peydro, R. Catalogue of the host plants of the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) // Bollettino di Zoologica Agraria e di Bachicoltura. - 2005. - Ser. II, 37. - P. 1 - 97.

Guglya, Yu. A. A study of the fauna of leaf-miner flies of subfamily Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Ukraine. Report 1. 28 new species for the fauna of Ukraine // The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette. - 2011. - 19 (2). - P. 61 - 66. - Russian: Gugлi Ю. A. Izuciнii фauны мiнiрuющik мusik podсiмiйсtva Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Ukрaiны. Сoobщiнii 1. 28 нovыk vidov dлi фauны Ukрaiны.

Guglya, Yu. A. A study of the fauna of leaf-miner flies of subfamily Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Ukraine. Report 2. 15 new species for the fauna of Ukraine. The first record of Melanagromyza provecta (de Meijere, 1910) for Europe // The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette. - 2012. - 20 (1). - P. 56 - 62. - Russian: Gugлi Ю. A. Izuciнii фauны мiнiрuющik мusik podсiмiйсtva Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Ukрaiны. Сoobщiнii 2. 15 нovыk vidov dлi фauны Ukрaiны. Piрvai нakodka Melanagromyza provecta (de Meijere, 1910) v Ivрopi.

Spencer, K. A. The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark - Klampenborg: Scandinavian Sci. Press, 1976. - Part 1. - 304 p.

Spencer, K. A. Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) - Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1990. - 444 p. - (Ser. Entomologica. Vol. 45).











