Ophiomyia simplex (Loew, 1869)

Guglya, Yu. A., 2014, Mining Flies Of The Genus Ophiomyia (Diptera, Agromyzidae) Of Eastern Ukraine And Adjacent Territories: Review Of The Species Without A Fasciculus, Vestnik Zoologii (Vestn. Zool.) 48 (1), pp. 51-66 : 61

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Felipe (2022-04-12 14:26:05, last updated 2024-11-26 23:22:40)

scientific name

Ophiomyia simplex (Loew, 1869)


Ophiomyia simplex (Loew, 1869) View in CoL (fig. 57–60)

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Stara Pokrovka, 13.06.2010, 2 ♂.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n. Head (fig. 57, 58). Orbit strongly projected above eye in profile, shining; 2 orb s, 3 fr s; frorb sta reclinate, sparse; keel and vibrissa lacking; lunule with round deepening in centre; ocellar triangle conspicuously shining, reaching the level of 2nd orb s; maximal height of eye 5.0 × maximal height of gena; 1st flagellomere small, rounded.

Wing. Costa ending after R 4+5; last and penultimate sections of M equal; calypter grey, fringe and margin black. Length of wing 2.2 mm.

Mesonotum black; 2 dc; halter and legs black.

Male genitalia (fig. 59, 60). Distiphallus 0.11 mm long, 2.0 × as wide as endophallus (ventral view). Basiphallus highly asymmetrical.

D i s t r i b u t i o n. Occurring in most of Western Europe, Ukraine ( Guglya, 2011), the United States and Eastern Canada ( Spencer, 1976).

H o s t p l a n t. Asparagaceae : Asparagus officinalis L. ( Spencer, 1990).

B i o n o m i c s. Larva forms external stem mines ( Spencer, 1990).

Guglya, Yu. A. A study of the fauna of leaf-miner flies of subfamily Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Ukraine. Report 1. 28 new species for the fauna of Ukraine // The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette. - 2011. - 19 (2). - P. 61 - 66. - Russian: Gugлi Ю. A. Izuciнii фauны мiнiрuющik мusik podсiмiйсtva Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Ukрaiны. Сoobщiнii 1. 28 нovыk vidov dлi фauны Ukрaiны.

Spencer, K. A. The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark - Klampenborg: Scandinavian Sci. Press, 1976. - Part 1. - 304 p.

Spencer, K. A. Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) - Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1990. - 444 p. - (Ser. Entomologica. Vol. 45).











