Ophiomyia adunca Guglya, 2014

Guglya, Yu. A., 2014, Mining Flies Of The Genus Ophiomyia (Diptera, Agromyzidae) Of Eastern Ukraine And Adjacent Territories: Review Of The Species Without A Fasciculus, Vestnik Zoologii (Vestn. Zool.) 48 (1), pp. 51-66 : 52-53

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Felipe (2022-04-12 14:26:05, last updated 2024-11-26 23:22:40)

scientific name

Ophiomyia adunca Guglya

sp. nov.

Ophiomyia adunca Guglya View in CoL , sp. n (fig. 1–4)

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. T y p e. Holotype ♂: Ukraine, Sumy Region, 13 km NE Sumy , near Vakalovshchina (51°02ʹ N, 34°55ʹ E), 15.06.2010, meadow with high grass (Guglya) (dissected). [«Сумская обл., Сумской / р-н, окр. с. Вакаловщина / высокотравный луг / 10.00, 15.06.2010 / Собр. Гугля Ю. »] GoogleMaps ; Paratype ♂: Ukraine, Sumy region, Velyka Pysarivka (50°26ʹ N, 35°28ʹ E), 24.06.2012, meadow on the river Vorskla bank (Guglya) (dissected). [«Сумская обл. / пгт Вел. Писаревка / пойменный луг 10.00 / 24.06.2012 / Собр. Гугля Ю. А.»] (KMN) GoogleMaps .

D e s c r i p t i o n. Head (fig. 1, 2). Orbit not projected above eye in profile; 2 orb s, 2 fr s (all strong); frorb sta sparse, elongated, reclinate; keel not visible; lunule rounded, its upper margin with triangular deepening medially; ocellar triangle shining, with clear contours, reaching level of 1st orb s; frons matt; vibrissa present; maximal height of eye 8.5 × maximal height of gena; gena angular with stretched blunt top oriented frontally; 1st flagellomere rounded.

Рис. 1–4. O. adunca sp. n., голотип: 1, 2 — голова самца; 3 — фаллюс, вентральный вид; 4 — то же, латеральный вид. Масштабная линейка 0,1 мм.

Рис. 5–11. O. aeneonitens (Strobl) : 5, 6 — голова самца; 7 — фаллюс, вентральный вид; 8 — то же, латеральный вид; 9 — голова самки; 10 — левая лопасть восьмого стернита; 11 — сперматека. Масштабная линейка 0,1 мм.

Wing. Costa reaching M; last section of M 0.75 × as long as penultimate; calypter greyish-brown, fringe and margin brown. Wing length 2.1 mm.

Mesonotum shining, bluish-black (anterior view), greyish-black (lateral view); 2 dc; ac 2 nearest to sctsctl sut and 8 at level of 2nd dc; halter black, legs uniformly brown.

Male genitalia (fig. 3, 4). Phallus 0.25 mm long. Distiphallus 1.4 × as long as basiphallus. Distal and proximal parts of distiphallus are triangular with rounded apexes and of equal sizes. Endophallus short, not reaching posterior margin of distiphallus, but reaching distal margin of basiphallus. Distiphallus with well-marked, proximally-directed hook dorsomedially. Basiphallus V-shaped in lateral view and G-shaped in dorsal view.

D i a g n o s i s. The new species is similar to Ophiomyia pulicaria (fig. 50–54), O. vimmeri (fig. 68–71), O. beckeri (fig. 12–14) and O. cunctata (fig. 18–21) in non-genitalic characters, including as the absence of a vibrissal fasciculus and facial keel, as well as a non-projecting orbit. These species also share a similar basiphallus (G-shaped in dorsal view and V-shaped in lateral view), but the presence of a prominent dorsomedial hook on the distiphallus in the new species is unique. The new species can’t be distinguished from the Ukrainian congeners without genitalia dissection.

E t y m o l o g y. The species name is adjective (Latin aduncatus — hooked), reflecting the presence of a well-marked hook on the dorsal part of distiphallus.











