Ophiomyia pinguis (Fallén, 1820)

Guglya, Yu. A., 2014, Mining Flies Of The Genus Ophiomyia (Diptera, Agromyzidae) Of Eastern Ukraine And Adjacent Territories: Review Of The Species Without A Fasciculus, Vestnik Zoologii (Vestn. Zool.) 48 (1), pp. 51-66 : 58-59

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Felipe (2022-04-12 14:26:05, last updated 2024-11-26 23:22:40)

scientific name

Ophiomyia pinguis (Fallén, 1820)


Ophiomyia pinguis (Fallén, 1820) View in CoL (fig. 44–49)

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Near Kuzemin , 23.05.2010, 28– 29.05.2011, 13– 14.08.2011, 32 ♂, 27 ♀ ; near Vakalovshchina , 15.06.2010, 1 ♀ ; near Krasnoye , 23.05.2012, 6 ♂, 2 ♀ ; near Kamenka , 14.05.2010 and 01.06.2013, 2 ♂, 3 ♀ ; near Zhovtneve , 15.05.2011, 5 ♂, 1 ♀ ; Vudy , 25.07.2009, 1 ♂; near Vilkhuvatka, 06.08.2011, 2 ♂, 3 ♀ ; near Sidorove, 07.08.2010, 2 ♂; near Haydary , 03– 04.06.2011, 25.06.2009, 1 ♂, 4 ♀ ; near Gatishche , 15.07.2010, 4 ♂, 1 ♀ ; near Rubizhne , 20.05.2012, 12.06.2012, 15.07.2010, 26.08.2012, 3 ♂, 8 ♀ ; near Ogurtsovo , 15.07.2010, 6 ♂; near Bukino, 20.07.2010, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ ; near Petrivka , 24.07.2010, 1 ♀ ; Lubotin , 30.05.2010, 1 ♀ ; Poltava, 12.08.2012, 1 ♂; Sokolniki , 10.07.2011, 3 ♂, 7 ♀ ; Botanical Garden , 30.06.2012, 1 ♂; Pyatykhatki, 10.06.2010, 2 ♀ ; near Krinichnoye , 18.07.2010, 1 ♀ ; near Kochetok , 16.07.2010, 1 ♀ ; near Balaklea, 04.05.2013, 2 ♂; Trostyanets , 07.05.2013, 1 ♂; near Liman, 18.05.2013, 1 ♂, 4 ♀ ; near Zarichne , 12.07.2013, 1 ♀ ; Stara Pokrovka , 13.06.2009, 1 ♂; Borisovka, 06– 08.07.2011, 22 ♂, 27 ♀ .

R e d e s c r i p t i o n. Head (fig. 44, 45). Orbit slightly projected above eye in profile, wide and shining (anterior view); 2 fr s in male, 2 orb s and 2 fr s in female; frorb sta numerous, proclinate, in several rows, elongate; facial bulb large, spherical, 1.1–1.4 × as wide as pedicel, slightly flattened; lunule rounded; frons matt, divided into two equal parts with distinct central vertical line; slender vibrissa present in both sexes; maximal height of eye 7.6 × maximal height of gena.

Рис. 44–49. O. pinguis (Fallén) : 44, 45 — голова самца; 46 — фаллюс, латеральный вид; 47 — то же, вентральный вид; 48 — левая лопасть восьмого стернита; 49 — сперматека. Масштабная линейка 0,1 мм.

Рис. 50–56. O. pulicaria (Meigen) : 50, 51 — голова самца; 52 — фаллюс, дорсальный вид; 53 — то же, латеральный вид; 54 — то же, вентральный вид; 55 — левая лопасть восьмого стернита; 56 — сперматека. Масштабная линейка 0,1 мм.

Wing. Costa to M; last section of M 0.85 × as long as penultimate; calypter and margin grey, fringe brown. Length of wing 2.2 mm.

Mesonotum black or greyish-black, slightly shining (anterior view); 2 dc; ac 3 nearest to sctsctl sut and 10 at level of 2nd dc; halter and legs black.

Male genitalia (fig. 46, 47). Phallus 0.28 mm long. “Basiphallus elongated, strongly chitinized at base, distiphallus complex asymmetrical” ( Spencer, 1964). Distiphallus as long as basiphallus. Endophallus not reaching basal margin of distiphallus. Proximal part of distiphallus with dorsal bladder, 0.4× as wide as distal part.

Female terminalia (fig. 48, 49). Both spermathecae equal, rounded, more strongly tapering to base. Proximal and ventral margins of egg guide with sharp, sparse, well-defined teeth. Medial margin with minute dark scales in one row.

D i s t r i b u t i o n. Europe ( Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Italy, former Yugoslavia, European part of Russia ( Spencer, 1976), Turkey ( Civelek et al., 2009), Lithuania, Belarus ( Pakalniškis, 1994), Ukraine ( Guglya, 2012), Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Egypt ( Spencer, 1976)

H o s t p l a n t. Asteraceae : Cichorium intybus L., Leontodon spp. ( Spencer, 1990) , Lactuca ( Benavent-Corai et al., 2005) .

B i o n o m i c s. Larva feeds primarily in stalks ( Spencer, 1990).

Benavent-Corai, J., Martinez, M., Jimenez Peydro, R. Catalogue of the host plants of the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) // Bollettino di Zoologica Agraria e di Bachicoltura. - 2005. - Ser. II, 37. - P. 1 - 97.

Civelek, H. S., Ҫ ikman, E., Dursun, O. Revised checklist of Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna of Turkey // Turk. J. Zool. - 2009. - 33. - P. 349 - 357.

Guglya, Yu. A. A study of the fauna of leaf-miner flies of subfamily Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Ukraine. Report 2. 15 new species for the fauna of Ukraine. The first record of Melanagromyza provecta (de Meijere, 1910) for Europe // The Kharkiv Entomological Society Gazette. - 2012. - 20 (1). - P. 56 - 62. - Russian: Gugлi Ю. A. Izuciнii фauны мiнiрuющik мusik podсiмiйсtva Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Ukрaiны. Сoobщiнii 2. 15 нovыk vidov dлi фauны Ukрaiны. Piрvai нakodka Melanagromyza provecta (de Meijere, 1910) v Ivрopi.

Pakalniskis, S. The Lithuanian Agromyzidae (Diptera). Descriptions of 6 new species and other notes // Acta entomologica Lituanica. - 1994. - 12. - P. 5 - 34.

Spencer, K. A. A revision of the palaearctic species of the genus Ophiomyia Braschnikov (Diptera: Agromyzidae) // Beitr. Entomol. - 1964. - Bd. 14, Hf. 7 - 8. - S. 773 - 822.

Spencer, K. A. The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark - Klampenborg: Scandinavian Sci. Press, 1976. - Part 1. - 304 p.

Spencer, K. A. Host specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera) - Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1990. - 444 p. - (Ser. Entomologica. Vol. 45).











