Polia lama leucobliterata, Varga, Zoltán, Ronkay, Gábor & Ronkay, László, 2019

Varga, Zoltán, Ronkay, Gábor & Ronkay, László, 2019, Taxonomic Survey Of The Polia (Polia) Nebulosa Species Complex (Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Hadenini), With The Description Of Two New Subspecies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 65 (2), pp. 107-122 : 113-114

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17109/AZH.

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Polia lama leucobliterata

subsp. nov.

Polia lama leucobliterata ssp. n.

( Figs 17, 18, 35, 36)

Holotype: male, Uzbekistan, W Hissar Mts , Mt. Maidanak, 2500 m, 38°40’N, 66°53’E, GoogleMaps

25.VI.2007, leg. local collector (coll. G. Ronkay, Budapest). laya Mts, 22 = female, paratype, Pakistan, Hindukush Mts ; 23–24 = Polia goliath (Oberthür,

1880): 23 = male, holotype, Russia, Askold Island , 24 = female, Russian Far East

Paratypes: Uzbekistan. 2 males, 3 females, with the same data as the holotype. The paratypes are deposited in coll. P. Gyulai (Miskolc), G. Ronkay (Budapest) and the HNHM (Budapest) .

Genitalia slides: RL 11992m (male, holotype), VZ 9224m (male, paratype), VZ 9791m (male, paratype), RL11993f (female, paratype).

Diagnosis. The westernmost population of P. lama in the Hissar Mts strongly differs from the typical subspecies ( Figs 9–12) and the ssp. lama enodata ( Figs 13–16) by its on average slightly larger size and stronger body, the blurred forewing pattern (with the exception of the conspicuous long arrowhead spot at the tornus), the more whitish hindwing, and by certain slight differences in the male clasping apparatus ( Fig. 35), i.e. the shorter “neck” and the triangular, relatively large “head” of the cucullus.

Description. Relatively large moths (wingspan: male 46–50 mm, female 53–55 mm) with strong body, elongate forewings with less acute apex, pale ochreous-grey ground colour, blurred maculation and crosslines but with prominent blackish-brown tornal arrowhead streak. Hindwings basally whitish-grey with light ochreous-grey terminal band and ochreous shine. Dorsal tufts on the first abdominal segments less prominent. Sexes similar but the marking of females are somewhat more diluted.

In the male genitalia, the genital capsule ( Fig. 35) is strongly asymmetrical, the right saccular process is rather short, slightly recurved terminally, and the left process has two prominent tufts of strong setae. Cucullus relatively large, its “neck” is slightly shorter than in the other subspecies of P. lama . Aedeagus moderately sclerotised, slender, vesica with two prominent diverticula medially and a long fascia of cornuti terminally.

In the female genitalia ( Fig. 36), antrum broad triangular, ductus bursae relatively slen- der, appendix bursae dome-shaped, corpus bursae with two larger and one smaller signa.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)













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