Rhagoletis alternata ( Fallén, 1814 )

Korneyev, V. A., Mishustin, R. I. & Korneyev, S. V., 2017, The Carpomyini Fruit Flies Diptera: Tephritidae Of Europe Caucasus And Middle East: New Records Of Pests With Improved Keys, Vestnik Zoologii 51 (6), pp. 453-470 : 461-462

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Felipe (2022-04-12 17:10:59, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-07 01:37:43)

scientific name

Rhagoletis alternata ( Fallén, 1814 )


Rhagoletis alternata ( Fallén, 1814) View in CoL (figs 6, 2)

Tephritis alternata Fallén, 1814: 162, 1820: 3 View in CoL ; Trypeta alternata Loew, 1844: 315 ; Zonosema alternata: Loew, 1862b: 43 ; Zonosema alternatum: Rohdendorf, 1961: 192 ; Rhagoletis alternata: Hendel, 1927: 74 View in CoL ; Rohdendorf, 1936: 23; Bush, 1966: 512; Korneyev, 1983: 12; Kameneva & Korneyev, 1985: 68; White & Elson-Harris, 1992: 386; Merz, 1994: 108, 2001: 92; Korneyev, 1997: 95; Norrbom et al., 1999: 200; Merz & Korneyev, 2004; Smit, 2010: 129.

Material. Ukraine: Kyiv: “ Kyiv ”, 27.06.1920, 1 Ơ [S. Paramonov], Irpin, 50.5279 N, 30.2643 E, ex Rosa sp. , 7.09.1993 –07.1994, 2 ♀ ( V. Korneyev) GoogleMaps ; Chernihiv: Yaduty , 51.41 N, 32.39 E, ex Rosa sp. , 08.2000– 1.06.2001, 1 Ơ, 1 ♀ ( V. Korneyev) GoogleMaps ; Cherkasy: Kaniv Nature Reserve, 49.70 N, 31.53 E, ex Rosa sp. , 2.10.1980 – 1.06.1981, 1 Ơ ( V. Korneyev); Russia: Northern Caucasus : Karachaevo-Cherkessia: Teberda, 43.44 N, 41.74 E, 18.07.2013, 1 Ơ, 19.07.2013, 1 ♀ 21.07.2013, 1 Ơ, 1 ♀ (S. & V. Korneyev) ( SIZK) GoogleMaps .

D i s t r i b u t i o n. Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark (mainland), Finland, Freance (mainland), Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway (mainland), Poland, Romania, Russia (European: North-Eastern, Central,

Fig. 6. Rhagoletis spp. wings: 1 — R. meigenii ; 2 — R. alternata ; 3 — R. caucasica ; 4 — R. berberidis ; 5–6 — R. cerasi ; 7 — R. cingulata .

Eastern), Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine; Asian Russia: Northern Caucasus, Altai, Tyva, south of Far East; Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Japan.

Host plants. Rosa acicularis Lindl. , R. alberti Rgl. , R. canina L., R. rugosa Thunb. , R. spinosissima L., R. villosa ( Kandybina, 1977; Smith & Bush, 1999).

Bush, G. L. 1966. The taxonomy, cytology and evolution of the genus Rhagoletis in North America. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 134, 431 - 562.

Fallen, C. F. 1814. Beskrifning ofver de i sverige funna tistel-flugor, horande till dipter-slagtet Tephritis. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapakademiens Handlingar. 35, 156 - 177.

Fallen, C. F. 1820. Ortalides sveciae. Berling, Lundae, 1 - 34.

Hendel, F. 1927. 49. Trypetidae. In: Lindner, E. Ed. Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region. Sweizerbart, Stuttgart, 5 (Lfg. 16 - 19), 1 - 221.

Kameneva, E. P. & Korneyev, V. A. 1985. Tephritid flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the Ukrainian SSR fauna. Problems of general and molecular biology. Kiev, 4, 67 - 71 [In Russian].

Kandybina, M. N. 1977. Larvae of fruit-infesting fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae). Nauka, Leningrad, 1 - 210 [In Russian].

Korneyev, V. A. 1983. Tephritid flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the Middle Dnieper Territory. manuscript deposited in the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific & Technical Information [UkrNIINTI], Kiev (1.12.1983, No 1343, Uk-D 83), 1 - 28 [In Russian].

Loew, H. 1844. Kritische Untersuchung der europaischen Arten des Genus Trypeta Meig. Zeitschrift fuer Entomologie (Germar), 5, 312 - 437.

Loew, H. 1862 b. Die europaischen Bohrfliegen (Trypetidae). W. Junk, Wien, 1 - 128 p.

Merz, B. 1994. Diptera: Tephritidae. Insecta Helvetica Fauna. HGE Press, Geneva, 10, 1 - 198.

Merz, B. 2001. Faunistics of the Tephritidae (Diptera) of the Iberian Peninsula and the Baleares. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 74, 91 - 98.

Merz, B., Korneyev, V. A. 2004. Tephritidae. Fauna Europaea, version 1.1, http: // www. faunaeur. org (accessed 6.05.2016).

Norrbom, A. L., Carroll, L. E., Thompson, F. C., White, I. M., Freidberg, A. 1999. Systematic Database of Names. In: Thompson, F. C., ed. Fruit Fly Expert Identification System and Systematic Information Database. Backhuis Publishers, Leiden, 65 - 299.

Rohdendorf, B. B. 1936. [Fruit flies (Trypaneidae), their distribution and significance as quarantine pests]. Sukhumi, NKZ Abkhazii, 1 - 44.

Rohdendorf, B. B. 1961. Palaarktische Arten der Gattung Rhagoletis Loew (Diptera, Trypetidae) und verwandte Bohrfliegengattungen. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 40 (1), 176 - 213.

Smit, J. T. 2010. De Nederlandse boorvliegen (Tephritidae). Entomologische Tabellen, 5, 1 - 159.

Smith, J. J., Bush, G. L. 1999. Phylogeny of the subtribe Carpomyina (Trypetinae), emphasizing relationships of the genu Rhagoletis. In: Aluja, M., Norrbom, A. L., eds. Fruit flies (Tephritidae): Phylogeny and evolution of behavior. CRC Press, London, 187 - 217.

White, I. M. & Elson-Harris, M. M. 1992. Fruit flies of economic significance: their identification and bionomics. International Institute of Entomology, London. i - xii + 1 - 601.


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Schmaulhausen Institute of Zoology











