Leptoptilos falconeri (Milne−Edwards, 1868)

Louchart, Antoine, Vignaud, Patrick, Likius, Andossa, Brunet, Michel & White, Tim D., 2005, A large extinct marabou stork in African Pliocene hominid sites, and a review of the fossil species of Leptoptilos, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50 (3), pp. 549-563 : 560

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13625171

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scientific name

Leptoptilos falconeri (Milne−Edwards, 1868)


Leptoptilos falconeri (Milne−Edwards, 1868)

pars Argala Falconeri ; Milne−Edwards 1867 –71: 450.

pars Argala Falconeri ; Davies 1880: 23, 24, 27, fig. 4.

pars Leptoptilus falconeri ; Lydekker 1884: 139–141, figs. 1, 9, 12, 14. Argala falconeri ; Harrison 1974: 42.

Leptoptilos falconeri ; Harrison 1974: 42, 43, 49, figs. 1, 2. Leptotilos falconeri ; Harrison 1974: 45.

Ephippiorhynchus View in CoL sp. nov.; Brunet et al. 2000: 207.

very large species of Jabiru View in CoL ; Brunet et al. 2000: 205.

Leptoptilos sp. B ; Louchart et al. 2004: 413, 414, 418, fig. 7.

Emended diagnosis.—Larger than L. dubius , but overlapping with this species for smaller individuals. Morphology and intra−segment proportions otherwise similar to those in L. dubius or L. crumeniferus . Inter−segment proportions indicating probably more developed hind limbs relative to forelimbs than in extant species.

New material, localities, and age.—An incomplete left tibiotarsus from the early Pliocene of Kossom Bougoudi ( Chad), KB3−97−161, comprising part of the distal end and all the shaft ( Fig. 1A 1 –A View Fig 3 View Fig ), probably from a male; a distal part of right tibiotarsus shaft from the early Pliocene of Sagantole ( Ethiopia), SAG−VP−1/19 ( Fig. 1B 1 View Fig ), associated with a partial left tarsometatarsus, SAG−VP−1/19, comprising the distal end and most of the shaft ( Fig. 1B View Fig 2 –B View Fig 7)—these two elements are from a single individual; a left distal tibiotarsus from the late Pliocene of Omo ( Ethiopia), OMO−122−76−367 ( Fig. 1G 1 –G View Fig 3 View Fig ), and a right first pedal phalanx of digit II probably from a female, also from the late Pliocene of Omo, F−516−23 ( Fig. 2A View Fig 1 –A View Fig 3 View Fig ).

cf. Leptoptilos falconeri (Milne−Edwards, 1868) cf. Leptoptilos sp. B ; Louchart et al. 2004: 413, 414, 418, fig. 8.

Material, localities, and age.—A proximal half of a left carpometacarpus from the late Pliocene of Koro Toro ( Chad), KT13−96−504, with part of the proximal end, and a distal half of a left carpometacarpus, KT13−98−004, with an almost complete distal end ( Fig. 2B View Fig 1 View Fig , B 2 View Fig and C 1 View Fig , C 2 View Fig )—these two elements almost certainly come from a single carpometacarpus, and the total length can be reconstructed; a right distal tibiotarsus from Urugus (early Pliocene, Ethiopia), URU−VP−1/15 ( Fig. 1F View Fig ); a left distal tibiotarsus from Urugus, URU−VP−1/28 ( Fig. 1E 1 View Fig , E 2 View Fig ); a left first pedal phalanx of digit III from Urugus, URU−VP−1/45 ( Fig. 3A View Fig 1 View Fig ), associated with a 12 th vertebra (i.e., 10 th after the atlas and axis), URU−VP−1/45 ( Fig. 3A View Fig 2 View Fig , A 3 View Fig )—these two elements are from a single individual. The 12 th vertebra URU−VP−1/45 is about 55 mm long and 45 mm wide.














Leptoptilos falconeri (Milne−Edwards, 1868)

Louchart, Antoine, Vignaud, Patrick, Likius, Andossa, Brunet, Michel & White, Tim D. 2005

Leptoptilos sp. B

Louchart, A. & Mourer-Chauvire, C. & MacKaye, H. T. & Likius, A. & Vignaud, P. & Brunet, M. 2004: 413


Brunet, M. & Mission Paleoanthropologique Franco-Tchadienne 2000: 207

Leptoptilos falconeri

Harrison, C. J. O. 1974: 42
Harrison, C. J. O. 1974: 45

Leptoptilus falconeri

Harrison, C. J. O. 1974: 42
Lydekker, R. 1884: 139


Davies, W. 1880: 23
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