Podagricomela shavrini, Medvedev, 2013

Medvedev, Lev N., 2013, New And Poorly Known Oriental Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera), Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 13 (2), pp. 85-87 : 86-87

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12646588

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Podagricomela shavrini

sp. nov.

Podagricomela shavrini sp. nov.

Holotype (male): N. India, Uttarakhand, left side of Kasi river , 5 km N Ramnagar, N 29 o 43’2”, E 79 o 14’, 7-11. VI.2001, leg. A. Anishchenko & A. Shavrin. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: same locality and date, 3 ex... Description. Entirely fulvous (Fig.2), in one paratype hind tibiae piceous.

Body short ovate, 1.4 times as long as wide in male. Head finely and very densely punctuate, anterior margin of labrum and clypeus straight, labrum with row of punctures in middle, bearing setae, clypeus not divided from frons, frontal grooves absent, a space between antennal bases much larger than length of basal segment, but a little smaller than between eyes. Antennae short, reach base of elytra, proportions of segments are as 12-6-5-5-5-5- 6-7-7-7-6, preapical segments about 1.5 times as long as wide. Prothorax 2.4 times as wide as long, broadest at base, side margins feebly rounded, anterior angles produced, posterior angles obtuse, both with a bristle, surface strongly convex, finely and very densely punctuate, interspaces smaller than diameter of punctures, microsculptured. Scutellum small, triangular, punctuate and microsculptured. Elytra 1.15 times as long as wide, broadest Fig. 1-2 – general view: 1 – Issikia papuana , 2 – Podagricomela shavrini .

Mandarella violacea (L. Medvedev, 1984) Material. N India, Uttarakhand , Uttarkashi distr. , 14 km E Uttarkashi, N 30 o 44’99”, E 78 o 34’41”, 1446 m, 10-12.IV.2012, leg. A. V. Shavrin, 1 ex. Firstly found in India , was described from Nepal.


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