Ahermodontus bischoffi ( VŠETEČKA, 1939 )

DellacaSa, M. & DellacaSa, G., 2002, Systematic Redefinition Of Taxa Belonging To The Genera Ahermodontus Báguena, 1930 And Ammoecius Mulsant, 1842, With Description Of The New Genus Vladimirellus (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (4), pp. 269-316 : 279-280

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587419

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scientific name

Ahermodontus bischoffi ( VŠETEČKA, 1939 )


Ahermodontus bischoffi ( VŠETEČKA, 1939) View in CoL

( Figs 2 View Figs 1–4 , 15 View Figs 15–20 )

Aphodius (Ammoecius) bischoffi VŠETEČKA, 1939: 31 View in CoL ; BALTHASAR 1964: 79; BARAUD 1971: 69. Aphodius (Ahermodontus) bischoffi View in CoL : DELLACASA M. 1988: 99.

Ahermodontus bischoffi View in CoL : DELLACASA G. & DELLACASA M. 1998: 415.

Type locality: Logara , Albania .

Type depository: BALTHASAR collection, National Museum, Prague.

Type material: We had the opportunity to examine the female holotype, which is, as far as we know, the sole specimen known. It was collected in 1934 by Alfons Bishoff (Tirana) to whom the species was dedicated .

corypha (lateral view), 19–20 = aedeagus (dorsal and lateral view)

Description of female – Length 4.5 mm. Short, oval, strongly convex, shiny, glabrous ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–4 ). Blackish; clypeal margin and legs brown-reddish; antennal club reddish-testaceous. Head with epistoma finely microreticulate and almost imperceptibly punctured on disc, laterally with few punctures very large, anteriorly with strong transverse carina in front of which the punctation becomes finely granulose; clypeus quadridentate, inner teeth stronger and more upturned than lateral ones, subtruncate at middle, straight and thinly bordered at sides; genae angulate, rather elongately ciliate, distinctly protruding more than eyes; frontal suture faint; frons somewhat more distinctly punctured than epistomal disc; epipharynx: Fig. 15 View Figs 15–20 . Pronotum transverse, strongly convex, doubly punctured, larger punctures irregularly sparse, much denser on sides; much smaller punctures throughout regularlyscattered;sidesnearlystraight,thinlybordered,bordershortlyandsparselybristledtowardfront angles; hind angles obtusely rounded; base not bisinuate at all, very thickly bordered, border distinctly sunken if compared with pronotal surface. Scutellum regularly triangular, slightly convex, impunctate. Elytra strongly convex, feebly broadened backward; sharply denticulate at shoulder; striae large, very deep, coarsely punctured, strongly crenulate; interstices moderately convex on disc, more distinctly convex laterally and subcarinate on preapical declivity, laterally microreticulate, finely sparsely punctured. Hind tibiae superior apical spur as long as first tarsal segment; latter as long as following three combined.

Male unknown.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality.














Ahermodontus bischoffi ( VŠETEČKA, 1939 )

DellacaSa, M. & DellacaSa, G. 2002

Aphodius (Ammoecius) bischoffi VŠETEČKA, 1939: 31

BARAUD, J. 1971: 69
BALTHASAR, V. 1964: 79
VSETECKA, K. 1939: 31
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