Tesnus petrii, L. Benick, 1913 a: 205

Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium IV. Staphylinine Group (Part 1) Euaesthetinae, Leptotyphlinae, Megalopsidiinae, Oxyporinae, Pseudopsinae, Solieriinae, Steninae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2440 (265), pp. 1807-2440 : 1807-2440

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090.265.1.4

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scientific name

Tesnus petrii


petrii L. Benick, 1913a: 205 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Siebenbürgen, Fogeraser Gebirge [Oberkerz, Glashütte]).

— Puthz, 1968e: 98 (Stenus; synonym of phyllobates).

miscellus L. Benick, 1925: 76 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Triest).

— L. Benick, 1929a: 41 ( Stenus ; subgenus Nestus ; characters in key).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1161 ( Stenus ; subgenus Stenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1967a: 19 ( Stenus ; synonym of vastus ).

— Puthz, 1971v: 92 ( Stenus ; subspecies of phyllobates ; characters; notes).

— Puthz, 1972s: 254 ( Stenus ; subspecies of phyllobates ; Balkan region).

— Puthz and Zanetti, 1995: 18 ( Stenus ; subspecies of phyllobates ; Italy).

kardaschi Bernhauer, 1940b: 632 ( Stenus ; subgenus Nestus ; Type locality: Umgebung

des Forsthauses von Riecnica [ Slovakia]).

— Szujecki, 1961: 9 ( Stenus ; variety of phyllobates ).

— Smetana, 1964a: 51 ( Stenus ; subgenus Nestus ; valid species; characters).

— Puthz, 1968e: 98 ( Stenus ; synonym of phyllobates ).

— Hromádka, 1993: 44 ( Stenus ; synonym of phyllobates ).

vasconicus Jarrige, 1963: 167 ( Stenus ; subgenus Nestus ; Type locality: Larrau, Basses Pyrénées).

— Puthz, 1971l: 168 ( Stenus ; subspecies of phyllobates ; France).

— Dauphin, 1993: 179, 187 ( Stenus ; subgenus Nestus ; subspecies of phyllobates ; characters; France).

coiffaitianus Puthz, 1971 l: 165 ( Stenus ; subspecies of phyllobates ; Type locality: Gironde: env. de Bordeaux).

— Dauphin, 1993: 179, 187 ( Stenus ; subgenus Nestus ; subspecies of phyllobates ; characters; France).

piceolus Puthz, 1971: 237 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Cameroun: Mabete Victoria Div.).

— Rougemont, 1983: 110 ( Stenus ; Cameroon).


picipennis Erichson, 1840: 725 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Saxonia).

— Kiesenwetter, 1845: 224 ( Stenus ; notes; Germany).

— Redtenbacher, 1849: 827 ( Stenus ; characters).

— Leprieur, 1851: 199 ( Stenus ; characters).

— Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 593 ( Stenus ; characters; France).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 226 ( Stenus ; characters; Germany).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 785 ( Stenus ; characters; Germany).

— Rye, 1864: 90 ( Stenus ; characters; habitat; England).

— Fauvel, 1873: 118 [= 1873a: 276] ( Stenus ; characters; France; Britain; Germany; Corsica).

— Fauvel, 1874: 333 [= 1874b: 39] ( Stenus ; Spain).

— Rey, 1884: 378 [= 1884a: 226] ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; France).

— Fauvel, 1886: 30 [= 1886a: 22] ( Stenus ; Morocco; Algeria).

— Fowler, 1888: 355 ( Stenus ; characters; Britain).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 590 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Germany; France; England; Corsica).

— Fauvel, 1902b: 78 ( Stenus ; Morocco; Algeria; Tunisia).

— Sainte-Claire Deville, 1906: 83 ( Stenus ; Corsica).

— Reitter, 1909: 159 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 184 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

L. Benick, 1913: 157 ( Stenus ; characters; Sardinia) .

— L. Benick, 1929a: 85 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters in key).

— Portevin, 1929: 401 ( Stenus ; characters; France).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1195 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Wüsthoff, 1934a: Tafel IV ( Stenus ; illustration of aedeagus).

— Normand, 1935: 364 ( Stenus ; Tunisia).

— Scheerpeltz, 1960d: 134 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Portugal).

— Scheerpeltz, 1961d: 122 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Italy).

— Szujecki, 1961: 51 (Stenus; subgenus Hemistenus; characters; Poland).

— Palm, 1961a: 112 (Stenus; subgenus Hemistenus; characters).

— Horion, 1963: 379 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Britain; Denmark; Holland; Belgium; France; Czech Republic; Poland; Spain; Corsica; Sardinia; Italy; Slovenia; Dalmatia; Germany; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 124 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; central Europe).

— Smetana, 1964d: 67 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Czechoslovakia).

— Puthz, 1967: 8 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Portugal).

— Puthz, 1967h: 299 ( Stenus ).

Puthz, 1971v: 106 ( Stenus ; Switzerland) .

— Puthz, 1972s: 265 ( Stenus ; notes).

— Puthz, 1972d: 85 ( Stenus ; subgenus “ Hemistenus ”; characters).

— Pope, 1977: 26 ( Stenus ; Britain).

— Outerelo, 1980a: 55 ( Stenus ; Spain).

— Anderson, 1984: 248 ( Stenus ; collecting notes; Ireland).

— Lucht, 1987: 98 ( Stenus ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Switzerland; France; Benelux; Denmark).

— Hromádka, 1993: 45 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Czech Republic; Slovakia).

— Puthz and Zanetti, 1995: 18 ( Stenus ; Italy).

— Betz, 1996: 25 ( Stenus ; labial adhesion capture apparatus).

— Outerelo, Gamarra, and Salgado, 1998: 131 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; collected from cave; Spain).

- DISTRIBUTION: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Europe.

picipes Stephens, 1833: 288 ( Stenus ; Type locality: London ; Suffolk; Bristol).

— Stephens, 1839: 412 ( Stenus ; characters; England).

— Erichson, 1840: 723 ( Stenus ; [Note: Misidentification: Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 181, cited bifoveolatus Erichson as a synonym of foveicollis Kraatz ; Erichson attributed the species to Gyllenhal]; characters; Sweden; Finland).

— Hardy, 1851: 47 ( Stenus ; notes; England).

— Rye, 1864: 90 ( Stenus ; characters; habitat; Scotland, England).

— Fauvel, 1873: 116 [= 1873a: 274] ( Stenus ; characters; France; Scandinavia; Britain; Germany; Switzerland; Austria; Italy; Greece).

— Fauvel, 1874: 333 [= 1874b: 39] ( Stenus ; Spain).

— Fauvel, 1876a: 64 [= 1876: 249] ( Stenus ; Syria).

— Fowler, 1888: 355 ( Stenus ; characters; Britain).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 589 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Europe; Mediterranean region).

— Poppius, 1905: 11 ( Stenus ; Orkney Islands; Shetland Islands).

— Reitter, 1909: 160 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 184 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Johansen, 1914: 516 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Denmark).

— L. Benick, 1929a: 89 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters in key).

— Portevin, 1929: 402 ( Stenus ; [Note: Erichson cited as author]; characters; France).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1195 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Wüsthoff, 1934a: Tafel IV ( Stenus ; illustration of aedeagus).

— C. Koch, 1941: 55 ( Stenus ; Morocco).

— Scheerpeltz, 1961d: 122 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Italy).

— Szujecki, 1961: 53 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Poland).

— Palm, 1961a: 110 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway).

— Horion, 1963: 382 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Sweden; Denmark; Britain; Holland; Belgium; France; Portugal; Italy; Dalmatia; Greece; Macedonia; Romania; Hungary; Czechoslovakia; Poland; Germany; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 124 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; central Europe).

— Scheerpeltz, 1965b: 395 ( Stenus ; Sicily).

— Scheerpeltz, 1965c: 500 ( Stenus ; Sicily).

— Puthz, 1967: 8 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Portugal).

— Bordoni, 1970: 25 ( Stenus ; ecological notes; Italy).

— Puthz, 1971v: 106 (Stenus; notes).

— Puthz, 1972s: 265 ( Stenus ; Yugoslavia).

— Puthz, 1972d: 89 ( Stenus ; subgenus “ Hemistenus ”; characters).

— Pope, 1977: 26 ( Stenus ; Britain).

— Anderson, 1984: 248 ( Stenus ; collecting notes; Ireland).

— Lucht, 1987: 98 ( Stenus ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Switzerland; France; Benelux; Denmark; Sweden).

— Hromádka, 1993: 45 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Czech Republic; Slovakia).

— Sparacio, 1995: 148 ( Stenus ; characters; notes; Sicily).

— Puthz and Zanetti, 1995: 18 ( Stenus ; Italy).

— Bordoni, 1995: 82 ( Stenus ; ecological notes; Italy).

— Betz, 1996: 25 ( Stenus ; labial adhesion capture apparatus).

— Owen, 1997a: 148 ( Stenus ; collecting sites; Ireland).

— Jelínek, 1999: 159 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; collecting note; Czech Republic).

- DISTRIBUTION: Morocco, Europe, Syria.

rusticus Erichson, 1840: 724 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Germania; [Note: See lectotype designation by Puthz, 1967h]. Originally cited from Germania meridionalis; Lutetiae; Anglia). — Redtenbacher, 1849: 827 ( Stenus ; characters; Austria).

— Leprieur, 1851: 198 ( Stenus ; characters).

— Hardy, 1851: 47 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— G. Waterhouse, 1858: 28 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 592 ( Stenus ; characters; France).

— Thomson, 1857: 231 ( Stenus ; characters; Sweden).

— Redtenbacher, 1857: 224 ( Stenus ; characters; Austria).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 783 ( Stenus ; characters; Germany).

— Kraatz, 1858b: 125 ( Stenus ; Crete; Greece).

— Thomson, 1860: 233 ( Stenus ; characters; Scandinavia).

— Fauvel, 1873b: 130 [= 1873c: 23] ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Redtenbacher, 1874: 243 ( Stenus ; characters; Austria).

— Seidlitz, 1875: 256 ( Stenus ; characters; Baltic region).

— Rey, 1884: 380 [= 1884a: 228] ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; France).

— Fowler, 1888: 355 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 589 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 184 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1195 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— L. Benick, 1951a: 284 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Puthz, 1967h: 300 ( Stenus ; lectotype designation: Germ.; synonym of picipes ).

— Puthz, 1972d: 90 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Lecoq, 1993: 38 ( Stenus ; aggregations; France).

rufimanus Heer, 1841: 577 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Genf).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 784 ( Stenus ; synonym of rusticus ).

— Rey, 1884: 381 [= 1884a: 229] ( Stenus ; synonym of rusticus ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 589 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 184 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— L. Benick, 1951a: 284 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Puthz, 1972d: 90 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

brevipennis Thomson, 1851: 133 , 134 note 5 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Ramlösa).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 779 ( Stenus ; characters).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 155 ( Stenus ; catalog).

— L. Benick, 1917c: 58 ( Stenus ; notes).

— L. Benick, 1929a: 89 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters in key).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1195 ( Stenus ; variety of picipes ).

— Szujecki, 1961: 10 ( Stenus ; variety of picipes ).

— Palm, 1961a: 110 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; subspecies of picipes ; characters; Sweden; Denmark; Norway).

— Kevan and Allen, 1962: 216 (Stenus; characters; valid species separate from picipes; Britain).

— Horion, 1963: 382 ( Stenus ; variety of picipes; northern Europe; Austria).

— Lohse, 1964: 125 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; central Europe).

— Smetana, 1964d: 67 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Czechoslovakia).

— Puthz, 1971v: 106 ( Stenus ; notes).

— Puthz, 1972d: 89 ( Stenus ; subgenus “ Hemistenus ”; subspecies of picipes ; characters; Europe). — Pope, 1977: 26 ( Stenus ; cited as valid species; Britain).

— Haberman, 1983: 101 ( Stenus ; Estonia).

— Anderson, 1984: 245 ( Stenus ; cited as valid species; collecting notes; Ireland).

— Lucht, 1987: 98 ( Stenus ; checklist; Germany; Poland; Czechoslovakia; Austria; Benelux; Denmark).

— Frisch, 1992: 153 ( Stenus ; Hungary).

— Hromádka, 1993: 45 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Czech Republic).

— Puthz and Zanetti, 1995: 18 ( Stenus ; subspecies of picipes ; Italy).

spretus Fairmaire and Laboulbène, 1856: 590 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Paris).

— Kraatz, 1857d: 779 ( Stenus ).

— Fauvel, 1869: 492 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Fauvel, 1873: 116 [= 1873a: 274] ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Fowler, 1888: 355 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 589 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 184 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— L. Benick, 1951a: 284 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Puthz, 1972d: 90 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

brevicollis Thomson, 1857: 231 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Ramlösa i Skåne).

— Thomson, 1860: 235 ( Stenus ; characters; Scandinavia).

— Rye, 1864: 89 ( Stenus ; characters; England).

— Fauvel, 1873: 117 [= 1873a: 275] ( Stenus ; synonym of foveicollis ).

— Rey, 1884: 383 [= 1884a: 231] ( Stenus ; synonym of foveicollis ).

— Fowler, 1888: 355 ( Stenus ; synonym of bifoveolatus ).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 590 ( Stenus ; synonym of foveicollis ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 181 ( Stenus ; synonym of foveicollis ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1195 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— L. Benick, 1951a: 285 ( Stenus ; variety of picipes ).

— L. Benick, 1951a: 285 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes variety brevipennis ).

— Puthz, 1972d: 90 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes brevipennis ).

testaceicornis Perris, 1857: 121 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Biscarosse).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 589 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 184 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— L. Benick, 1951a: 284 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

— Puthz, 1972d: 90 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes ).

foveicollis Kraatz, 1857d: 782 ( Stenus ; Type locality: südliches Deutschland; Riesengebirge ).

— Thomson, 1860: 235 ( Stenus ; synonym of brevicollis ).

— Rye, 1864: 89 ( Stenus ; synonym of brevicollis ).

— Fauvel, 1873: 116 [= 1873a: 275] ( Stenus ; characters; France; Scandinavia; Germany; Transcaucasia; Tirol).

— Rey, 1884: 383 [= 1884a: 231] ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; France).

— Fowler, 1888: 355 ( Stenus ; characters; Britain).

— Ganglbauer, 1895: 590 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; north and middle Europe). — Reitter, 1909: 160 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Germany).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 181 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Johansen, 1914: 516 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters; Denmark).

— L. Benick, 1917c: 59 ( Stenus ; notes).

— L. Benick, 1923a: 222 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes variety brevipennis ).

— Portevin, 1929: 402 ( Stenus ; characters; France).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1196 (Stenus; synonym of picipes).

— Wüsthoff, 1934a: Tafel IV ( Stenus ; illustration of aedeagus).

— L. Benick, 1951a: 285 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes variety brevipennis ).

— Szujecki, 1961: 10 ( Stenus ; variety of picipes variety of brevipennis ).

— Kevan and Allen, 1962: 216 ( Stenus ; synonym of brevipennis ).

— Lohse, 1964: 125 ( Stenus ; synonym of brevipennis ).

— Smetana, 1964d: 67 ( Stenus ; synonym of brevipennis ).

— Puthz, 1972d: 90 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes brevipennis ).

— Pope, 1977: 26 ( Stenus ; synonym of brevipennis ).

— Hromádka, 1993: 45 ( Stenus ; synonym of brevipennis ).

monachus Bernhauer, 1905b: 582 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Griechenland).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 182 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— L. Benick, 1929a: 87 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; characters in key).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1192 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1971v: 106 ( Stenus ; subspecies of picipes ; Greece).

— Puthz, 1972d: 84, 89 ( Stenus ; subgenus “ Hemistenus ”; subspecies of picipes ; notes; characters). — Puthz, 1980e: 365 ( Stenus ; Albania).

beieri Scheerpeltz, 1931: 402 , 406 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Type locality: Voidiastock, Peloponnes).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1185 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— L. Benick, 1951a: 285 ( Stenus ; synonym of monachus ).

— Puthz, 1972d: 90 ( Stenus ; synonym of picipes monachus ).

vulturnus L. Benick, 1951a: 284 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; subspecies of picipes ; Type locality: Kephalonia: Abythossee; Krane. Attica. Kreta: Assitaes. Gerace, Calabrien). — Puthz, 1971v: 106 ( Stenus ; subspecies of picipes ; eastern Europe; Syria).

— Puthz, 1972s: 265 ( Stenus ; notes; Greece).

— Puthz, 1972d: 89 ( Stenus ; subgenus “ Hemistenus ”; subspecies of picipes ; characters).

— Puthz and Zanetti, 1995: 18 ( Stenus ; subspecies of picipes ; Italy).

picipes Motschulsky, 1857 , see: humilis Erichson, 1839 .

pictus Motschulsky, 1857a: 515 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Indes orientales).

— Kraatz, 1859: 166 ( Stenus ; India orientalis).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 176 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1930: 351 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters; India).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1181 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1934d: 78 ( Hemistenus ; type examined).

— Cameron, 1940: 87 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters).

— Puthz, 1968g: 202 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters; notes; Burma; Sumatra).

— Abdullah and Qadri, 1968a: 308 ( Stenus ; characters; East Pakistan).

— Puthz, 1983: 7 ( Stenus ; notes; Borneo; India).

— Puthz, 1988: 660 ( Stenus ; Borneo).

- DISTRIBUTION: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Borneo, Indonesia.

flavicollis Bernhauer, 1926a: 124 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Borneo: Tumbang-Hiang).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1177 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1973d: 72 ( Stenus ; characters; Borneo).

— Puthz, 1988: 660 ( Stenus ; synonym of pictus ).

fascipennis L. Benick, 1942: 12 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: NO-Burma: Kambaiti, 2000 m).

— Puthz, 1968g: 202 ( Stenus ; synonym of pictus ).

— Puthz, 1983: 7 ( Stenus ; synonym of pictus ).

— Puthz, 1988: 660 ( Stenus ; synonym of pictus ).

oedichiroides Rougemont, 1981a: 334 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Burma: Rangoon, Inya Lake).

— Puthz, 1983: 7 ( Stenus ; synonym of pictus ).

— Puthz, 1988: 660 (Stenus; synonym of pictus).

pieperi Puthz, 1983e: 353 ( Stenus ; subgenus Parastenus ; Type locality: Iran: Elburs-Gebirge, Masandaran, S von Alamdeh, 1000 m).

— Ryvkin, 1990: 203 ( Stenus ; notes).


pigafettai Puthz, 1988: 673 ( Stenus ; subgenus Parastenus ; Type locality: Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu National Park, below Layang Layang, 2595 m).


pilicornis Fauvel, 1895: 208 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Bírmanie: Carin Cheba, 900–1100 m; [Note: See lectotype designation by Puthz, 1969]. Also cited from Bírmanie:

Carin Asciuii Ghécu, 1400–1500 m).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 184 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1930: 397 ( Stenus ; subgenus Mesostenus ; characters; Burma).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1196 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1969: 37 ( Stenus ; subgenus Parastenus ; lectotype designation: Carin Cheba, 900–

1100 m; characters).

— Rougemont, 1983c: 43 ( Stenus ; Thailand).

— Puthz, 1983: 11 ( Stenus ; notes; synonyms; characters; Philippines; Nepal; Burma; Laos; Thailand; Java; Bali).

— Puthz, 1984c: 177 ( Stenus ; notes).

— Rougemont, 1984: 236 ( Stenus ; notes; Java; Bali).

— Rougemont, 1987: 712 ( Stenus ; subgenus Parastenus ; Thailand).

- DISTRIBUTION: Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos Indonesia, Philippines.

pangrangoensis Cameron, 1925a: 179 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Type locality: Pangrango, 3000 m).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1195 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1984c: 177 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

seriatipennis L. Benick, 1929: 96 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Type locality: Trinidad, Nord-Luzon).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1197 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1980k: 40 ( Stenus ; notes; Burma).

— Puthz, 1983: 11 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1983c: 43 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1984: 236 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

plumbellus L. Benick, 1929: 97 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Type locality: Luzon, Subuagrn).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1196 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1980k: 40 ( Stenus ; synonym of seriatipennis ).

— Puthz, 1983: 11 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1983c: 43 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1984: 236 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

jacobsoni Cameron, 1930d: 329 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; Type locality: Fort de Kock).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1191 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1980k: 40 ( Stenus ; synonym of seriatipennis ).

— Puthz, 1983: 11 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1983c: 43 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1984: 236 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

limbatus L. Benick, 1938: 25 ( Stenus ; subgenus Parastenus ; Type locality: Java: G. Tangkoeban Prahoe 4000 bis 5000 Voet; Preanger).

— Puthz, 1980k: 40 ( Stenus ; synonym of seriatipennis ).

— Puthz, 1983: 11 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1983c: 43 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1984: 236 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

meracus L. Benick, 1942: 32 ( Stenus ; subgenus Parastenus ; Type locality: NO-Burma: Kambaiti, 2000 m).

— Puthz, 1983: 11 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

— Rougemont, 1984: 236 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilicornis ).

piliferus Motschulsky, 1857a: 514 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Indes orientales).

— Kraatz, 1859: 163 ( Stenus ).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 176 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1930: 378 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters; East Indies).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1181 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1934d: 78 ( Hemistenus ; type examined).

L. Benick, 1938: 26 ( Stenus ; Java) .

— Puthz, 1966: 6, 10 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters; key to subspecies; Timor).

— Puthz, 1971o: 212 ( Stenus ; characters; Ceylon).

— Puthz, 1972m: 180 ( Stenus ; Vietnam).

— Puthz, 1978: 128 ( Stenus ; India).

— Rougemont, 1981b: 377 ( Stenus ; Thailand).

— Puthz, 1981a: 6 ( Stenus ; notes; Vietnam; China).

— Rougemont, 1984a: 352 ( Stenus ; notes; China).

— Rougemont, 1984: 238 ( Stenus ; notes; Sulawesi).

— Puthz, 1984e: 583 ( Stenus ; characters; India; Sri Lanka).

— Betz, 1996: 25 ( Stenus ; labial adhesion capture apparatus).

— Naomi, 1997e: 746 ( Stenus ; characters; Japan).

- DISTRIBUTION: India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo, Indonesia, New Guinea, Australia, Bismarck Islands, China, Japan.

tricarinatus Kraatz, 1859: 164 ( Stenus ; Type locality: India orientalis).

— Fauvel, 1904a: 49 ( Stenus ; Dugeli; Kanara; Bírmanie; Java).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 178 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Cameron, 1930: 380 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters; Ceylon; Australia; Java).

— Cameron, 1930d: 327 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Sumatra).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1184 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

L. Benick, 1933a: 103 ( Stenus ; Java) .

— Cameron, 1934d: 78 ( Hemistenus ; synonym of piliferus ).

— Cameron, 1940: 87 ( Stenus ; synonym of piliferus ).

— Puthz, 1966: 6 ( Stenus ; synonym of piliferus ).

obesulus Fauvel, 1878 g: 506 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Australie orientale: Queensland,

Wide Bay, Moreton Bay).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 183 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hemistenus ; catalog).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1190 ( Stenus ; synonym of gayndahensis ).

— Puthz, 1966: 7 ( Stenus ; synonym of piliferus gayndahensis ).

— Puthz, 1969: 26 ( Stenus ; synonym of piliferus gayndahensis ).

— Puthz, 1970e: 67 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; characters; Australia). — Puthz, 1972f: 109 ( Stenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; Australia).

— Puthz, 1972r: 477, 485 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; characters; Papua; New Guinea).

— Puthz, 1982a: 133 ( Stenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; New Guinea).

— Reid, 1997: 123 ( Stenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; Australia).

banosanus Bernhauer, 1914c: 94 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Los Banos). — L. Benick, 1929: 254 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters; Philippines).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1173 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1966: 6 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; characters; Philippines). hackeri L. Benick, 1928a: 180 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Blackall, Queensland; Brisbane).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1178 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1966: 7 ( Stenus ; synonym of piliferus gayndahensis ).

— Puthz, 1969: 26 ( Stenus ; synonym of piliferus gayndahensis ).

— Puthz, 1970e: 67 (Stenus; synonym of piliferus obesulus).

conulus L. Benick, 1933a: 103 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Borneo, S. Boh., Nebenfluss des Hauptflusses Mahakam).

— Puthz, 1973d: 72 ( Stenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; characters; Borneo).

— Puthz, 1988: 660 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; Borneo).

timoricola Puthz, 1966: 7 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; Type locality: Timor: Same, na rib. Abatu, junto a Raiúbo).

sulawesicus Puthz, 1966: 8 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; Type locality: Süd Celebes: Bantimoeroeng).

mussauensis Puthz, 1970 h: 88 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; Type locality: Bimarck Inseln, Mussau, Talumalaus).

— Puthz, 1972r: 477 ( Stenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; characters; New Guinea).

ceramicola Puthz, 1994b: 54 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; subspecies of piliferus ; Type locality: Ceram: Umgebung Wahai).

pilifrons L. Benick, 1949b: 567 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Brasilien:

São Miguel, atual São Miguel dos Campos, Mun. São Miguel, atual São Miguel

dos Campos, Staat Alagaos).


pilipes Jarrige, 1970: 56 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Madagascar:

Mt. Tsaratanana, 1500 m).

— Puthz, 1972: 18 ( Stenus ; characters; Madagascar).

— Puthz, 1992a: 12 ( Stenus ; Madagascar).

- DISTRIBUTION: Madagascar.

pilosiventris Bernhauer, 1915c: 70 ( Stenus ; subgenus Tesnus ; Type locality: Korea: Gensan).

— L. Benick, 1924: 255 ( Stenus ; Siberia).

— L. Benick, 1930: 232 ( Stenus ; synonym of crassus ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1172 ( Stenus ; subgenus Tesnus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1967m: 81 ( Stenus ; Mongolia).

— Puthz, 1968g: 207, 213 ( Stenus ; subgenus Tesnus ; characters; notes).

— Puthz, 1970b: 32 ( Stenus ; China).

— Puthz, 1974k: 439 ( Stenus ; Korea).

— Puthz, 1979h: 121 ( Stenus ; notes; Korea).

— Yuh, Paik, Kwon, and Lee, 1985: 232 ( Stenus ; Korea).

- DISTRIBUTION: Korea, China, Mongolia, Russia.

bodemeyeri Bernhauer, 1927b: 92 ( Stenus ; subgenus Tesnus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Ostsibirien, Sotka Gora).

— L. Benick, 1930: 232 ( Stenus ; synonym of crassus ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1169 ( Stenus ; synonym of bodemeyerianus ).

— Puthz, 1968g: 213 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilosiventris ).

bodemeyerianus Bernhauer, 1929e: 123 ( Stenus ; replacement name for bodemeyeri Bernhauer ).

— L. Benick, 1930: 232 ( Stenus ; synonym of crassus ).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1169 ( Stenus ; subgenus Tesnus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1968g: 213 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilosiventris ).

pilosulus Stephens, 1833 , see: binotatus Ljungh, 1804 .

pilosus Puthz, 1967 , see: favoides Puthz, 1967 .

pilumnus L. Benick, 1951, see: pilus Schubert, 1911 .

pilus Schubert, 1911: 7 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Kenya, 2000 m; [Note: See lectotype designation by Puthz, 1967h]. Also cited from Afr. or. Germaniae).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1181 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— L. Benick, 1951: 193 ( Stenus ; characters; East Africa).

— Puthz, 1965: 548 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters).

— Puthz, 1967h: 307 (Stenus; lectotype designation: Kenya, 2000 m).

— Puthz, 1967j: 14 (Stenus; Zaire).

— Puthz, 1967r: 1013 ( Stenus ; Cameroon).

— Puthz, 1968a: 35, 43 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters; notes; Congo; Mashonaland; Kenya; Cameroon).

— Puthz, 1971: 281 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; characters; Kenya).

— Rougemont, 1981: 111 ( Stenus ; discussion; Ethiopia).

- DISTRIBUTION: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, Cameroon, Zimbabwe,

South Africa.

scotti Bernhauer, 1931d: 571 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Abyssinia: Mulu, above Muger Valley, ca. 8,000 ft.; Mt. Zukwala, forest near highest point,

ca. 9,600 ft., and in the crater, ca. 9,600 ft.).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1182 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1965: 548 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Puthz, 1971: 282 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Rougemont, 1981: 111 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

altissimus Bernhauer, 1931d: 572 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Abyssinia: Mt. Zukwala, forest near the highest point of the crater-rim, about 9,665 ft., and in the crater, ca. 9,000 ft.).

— Scheerpeltz, 1933: 1173 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— Puthz, 1968a: 43 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Puthz, 1971: 282 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Rougemont, 1981: 111 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

mashunensis L. Benick, 1933: 314 ( Stenus ; Type locality: Mashunaland: Salisbury; Natal: Frere).

— Puthz, 1968a: 44 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Puthz, 1971: 282 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Rougemont, 1981: 111 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

ukereweanus Bernhauer, 1937b: 585 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Ukerewe Insel: Muruntuguru).

— Puthz, 1968a: 44 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Puthz, 1971: 282 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Rougemont, 1981: 111 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

consanguineus Bernhauer, 1937: 292 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; [preoccupied]; Type locality: Kenya: Nairobi).

— Puthz, 1968a: 44 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Puthz, 1971: 282 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Rougemont, 1981: 111 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

sticticus L. Benick, 1951: 193 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; Type locality: Abessinien: Kovacs).

— Puthz, 1968a: 44 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Puthz, 1971: 282 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Rougemont, 1981: 111 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

pilumnus L. Benick, 1951: 194 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; replacement name for consanguineus Bernhauer ).

— Puthz, 1968a: 44 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Puthz, 1971: 282 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

— Rougemont, 1981: 111 ( Stenus ; synonym of pilus ).

pinguis Casey, 1884: 177 ( Areus ; Type locality: British Columbia; Thurston County, Washington Territory; Oregon; Lake Tahoe , Nevada; California; Colorado).

— Fall, 1901: 71 ( Stenus ; California).

— Bernhauer and Schubert, 1911: 176 ( Stenus ; subgenus Hypostenus ; catalog).

— L. Benick, 1925: 80 ( Stenus ; notes).

— Puthz, 1974d: 165 ( Stenus ; notes).













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