Eunotioforma mattogrossiana Kociolek, Burliga & Salomoni, 2013

Burliga, Ana Luiza, Kociolek, John Patrick, Salomoni, Saionara Eliane & Figueiredo, Daniela, 2013, A new genus and species in the diatom family Eunotiaceae Kützing (Bacillariophyceae) from the Amazonian hydrographic region, Brazil, Phytotaxa 79 (2), pp. 47-57 : 50-51

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.79.2.1


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scientific name

Eunotioforma mattogrossiana Kociolek, Burliga & Salomoni

sp. nov.

Eunotioforma mattogrossiana Kociolek, Burliga & Salomoni sp. nov. ( Figures 1–4 View FIGURES 1 View FIGURES 2 View FIGURES 3 View FIGURES 4 )

Valves large, arcuate, margins parallel, slightly arcuate, ends slightly inflated and broadly rounded. In some specimens there is a slight indentation near the apices. Length 74.0-360.0 µm (X = 218.6± 56.06 µm); breadth 8–14 µm (X = 10.1± 1.32 µm); (n = 100); length/width ratio 5.3–33.9 (X = 22.26 ± 5.76 µm). Punctate striae interrupted near middle of valve, slightly towards ventral margin. Striae density 18-24 in 10 µm throughout length of valve. Areolae round, about 8 in 10 um. Raphe highly curved to U-shaped, external proximal end terminates at about centre of valve at apex. Helictoglossae large, positioned and situated close to ends. Raphe nearly exclusively on valve face. Between two and four rimoportula present at or near apex. Individual valves may have different numbers of rimportulae between one apex and the other, and two valves of the same frustule may also have different numbers of rimoportulae. Number of rimportulae per apex on a single valve ranges from 1–5, with the largest number for one individual valve being 9, the smallest 3.

This species is differentiated from other large taxa with the raphe almost entirely on the valve face and interruptions of the striae near the centre of the valve as opposed to near the ventral margin, such as Eunotia synedraeformis Hustedt and E. curvula Hustedt , by the larger number of rimoportulae (up to 8 per valve) and distinctive valve shape ( Hustedt 1952; Kociolek 2000).

Type: — Do Sangue River , Mato Grosso, MT, Brazil, Holotype Slide HAS 6426 About HAS ( Figure 1B View FIGURES 1 is the holotype specimen). Isotypes: Slides 448099 and 448100 in the J.P. Kociolek Collection at the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History.

Etymology: —The specific epithet refers to occurrence in Mato Grosso State.


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok

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