Cylisticoides rotundifrons (Schmalfuss, 1986)

Kashani, Ghasem M., 2016, Iranian terrestrial isopods of the family Cylisticidae Verhoeff, 1949 with a description of a new species (Isopoda, Oniscidea), ZooKeys 582, pp. 157-165 : 158-159

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Cylisticoides rotundifrons (Schmalfuss, 1986)


Taxon classification Animalia Isopoda Cylisticidae

Cylisticoides rotundifrons (Schmalfuss, 1986) View in CoL

Cylisticus rotundifrons Schmalfuss, 1986: p. 394; Schmalfuss 2003b: 99.

Material examined.

Amol to Chamestan, Belvich village, 36°28.3'N, 52°10.0'E, elev. 60 m, 29 July 2014, leg. G.M. Kashani, two females (PCGMK 1960); Neka to Behshahr, Pasandrez forests, 36°40.0'N, 53°36.7'E, elev. 300 m, 31 July 2014, leg. G.M. Kashani, one female (PCGMK 1998).


N Iran.


Schmalfuss (1986) described Cylisticus rotundifrons from a female specimen collected at 12 km NE Zirab, Iran. He also named two females from Noor district as Cylisticus aff. rotundifrons . Schmalfuss (2003a) transferred the species to the genus Cylisticoides . In the present study, no male specimen was found either. Despite been relatively widely distributed in northern Iran (Fig. 1), Cylisticus rotundifrons does not seem to be common. Though no male is known for the species, it can be readily distinguished from Cylisticoides angulatus , the only congeneric species, from the rounded (vs. angled) postero-lateral margin of pereon-tergite I and the lack of a ridge on lateral margin of pereon-tergite I (present in Cylisticoides angulatus ). Based on current knowledge, Cylisticus rotundifrons is restricted to northern Iran.