Indostola kaengkrachanensis, Fouquè, 2015

Fouquè, René, 2015, A review of the genera Indostola, Tagenostola, Indochillus, Pseudethas, and Pseudochillus gen. nov. in South East Asia (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Stenosini), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 55 (1), pp. 217-242 : 220-223

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Marcus (2021-08-27 23:12:55, last updated 2024-11-26 06:13:57)

scientific name

Indostola kaengkrachanensis

sp. nov.

Indostola kaengkrachanensis sp. nov.

( Figs 2 View Figs 1–4 , 22 View Figs 17–26 , 28 View Figs 27–36 , 37 View Figs 37–43 )

Type locality. Thailand, Phetchaburi Province, Kaeng Krachan National Park.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: ♂, ‘ THAILAND: Phetchaburi / Kaeng Krachan Nat.Pk / 450 m, 19.XI.1985 / Burckhardt-Löblʼ ( MHNG). PARATYPES: same data as holotype (2 spec. MHNG, 1 ♂ 1 spec. RFCL); same data as holotype, but 18.xi.1985 (1 ♂, 1 spec. MHNG).

Description. Body length 3.7 mm (3.6–4.0 mm), body width 1.1 mm (1.1–1.2 mm). – Body, legs and antennae brown to rusty brown.

Head elongate, length/width ratio 1.38, widest at one eye length before anterior margin of eyes. Tempora long, widest at posterior margin of eyes, from there one eye length behind posterior margin of eyes very fine, then gradually narrowing to cervix. Frons with two distinct impressions. Genae slightly extending from anterior margin of eyes to widest point, and then directly narrowing to clypeus. Genae concave opposite to frons impressions. Clypeus straight. Ratio of head/cervix widths 2.36. Eyes ( Fig. 28 View Figs 27–36 ) are not divided by genae, with about 17 facets. Shape of eye in lateral view is somewhat triangular, but not diminished to narrow transverse stripe of facets in lower part. Punctation rounded, on vertex little bit elongate. Surface between punctures finely wrinkled. Head glabrous, only clypeus and tempora covered with very fine setae. Antennae ( Fig. 22 View Figs 17–26 ): all antennomeres wider than long, trapezoidal, second antennomere almost fused with third one. Antennae densely covered with light setae, as long as ¾ length of antennomeres. Antennomeres 2–11 combined 1.3 times longer than length of head; last antennomere rounded apically. Antennomeres 2 and 11 markedly narrower than others; length ratio of antennomeres 2–11 100: 122: 113: 96: 87: 100: 87: 96: 96: 96, width ratio 117: 152: 157: 157: 152: 152: 165: 165: 157: 130.

Pronotum distinctly longer than wide (1.40), widest in anterior quarter and distinctly narrower than head; width ratio of head / anterior edges of pronotum / widest point of pronotum/ posterior edges of pronotum 100: 73: 77: 65. Anterior corners rectangular, not protruding. Posterior corners obtuse. Base of pronotum slightly convex.Anterior margin bisinuate. Lateral margin bordered; behind anterior corners gently arched to first quarter than little bit convexly narrowing to base. Punctation dense and rounded, larger than that on the head. Space between punctures glossy, slightly wrinkled. Pronotum without setae.

Elytra elliptical; 3.1 times longer and 2.2 times wider than pronotum, widest in middle; elytral length/width ratio 1.98. Base concave, as wide as pronotal base. Each elytron with 10 rows of punctures, 8 on dorsal side, 2 on deflexed part; all intervals slightly convex, interval 9 and 10 arched. Punctures deep and rounded, larger than those on pronotum. Space between punctures glossy and slightly wrinkled. Each interval with very thin setae which are absent on the disk and are as long as puncture diameter. Scutellum very small; scutellar row with four punctures. Epipleura with one row of punctures on their whole length, punctures somewhat smaller than in row 10. Humeral calli not developed, apterous.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 37 View Figs 37–43 ) length approximately 0.7 mm; in anterior third strongly arched in lateral view; with one pair of long setae and two pairs of smaller setae at apex.

Abdomen: first abdominal ventrite with sparse punctures smaller than those on epipleura; second to fourth abdominal ventrites with punctures of same size, concentrated on lateral parts, finer and sparser in middle. Last abdominal ventrite with rounded and deep punctures of same size as those of epipleura.

Differential diagnosis. Indostola kaengkrachanensis sp. nov. can easily be recognized from I. pulchella by almost glabrous body; by trapezoidal antennomeres and the antennomere 3 shorter than wide (0.80); by only gently cordiform shape of pronotum, with anterior corners rectangular and anterior margin bisinuate. Indostola pulchella is entirely covered by setae; the antennomeres are more club-shaped, and antennomere 3 is distinctly longer than wide (length/width ratio 1.60); the shape of the pronotum is cordiform with obtuse anterior corners and convex anterior margin.

Etymology. Named after its type locality, Kaeng Krachan National Park in Thailand, where the type series was collected.

Distribution. Thailand: Phetchaburi Province.

FOUQUE R. 2008: Revision of the genus Pseudethas Fairmaire, with descriptions of four new species from Nepal and Thailand (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Stenosini). Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde A, Neue Serie 1: 357 - 369.

KASZAB Z. 1981: Neue orientalische Stenosini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 27: 273 - 313.

KOCH C. 1940: Phylogenetische, biogeographische und systematische Studien uber ungeflugelte Tenebrioniden II (Col. Tenebr.). Mitteilungen der Munchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 30: 683 - 750.

KOCH C. 1941: Phylogenetische, biogeographische und systematische Studien uber ungeflugelte Tenebrioniden III (Col. Tenebr.). Mitteilungen der Munchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 31: 252 - 314.

MEDVEDEV G. S. 1991: Novye chernotelki trib Stenosini i Cnemeplatini (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) mirovoy fauny (New Tenebrionid beetles of the tribes Stenosini and Cnemeplatiini (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) of the world fauna). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 70: 557 - 570 (in Russian, English summary).

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Figs 1–4. Dorsal view. 1 – Indostola pulchella Medvedev, 1991, holotype ♀, India (West Bengal). 2 – Indostola kaengkrachanensis sp. nov., holotype♂, Thailand.3 – Tagenostola albovillosa Koch, 1940,Vietnam.4 – Pseudethas thailandicus Fouquè, 2008, holotype ♂, Thailand. Scale bar = 4 mm.

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Figs 17–26. Antenna. 17 – Indochillus cristatus Koch, 1941. 18 – Pseudochillus (Pseudochillus) bangaloreanus (Kaszab, 1981). 19 – P.(P.) aalbui sp. nov. 20 – P.(Kaszabochillus) andamanus (Kaszab, 1981). 21 – P.(K.) helferi sp.nov. 22 – Indostola kaengkrachanensis sp.nov. 23 – I.pulchella Medvedev, 1991.24 – Pseudochillus (Micropseudochillus) palawanus sp. nov. 25 – P.(M.) thailandicus sp. nov. 26 – P.(M.) indochinensis sp. nov. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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Figs 27–36. Lateral view of head with eyes. 27 – Indostola pulchella Medvedev, 1991. 28 – I. kaengkrachanensis sp. nov.29 – Indochillus cristatus Koch, 1941. 30 – Pseudochillus (Pseudochillus) bangaloreanus (Kaszab, 1981). 31 – P. (P.) aalbui sp. nov. 32 – P.(Kaszabochillus) andamanus (Kaszab, 1981). 33 – P.(K.) helferi sp. nov. 34 – Pseudochillus (Micropseudochillus) palawanus sp. nov. 35 – P.(M.) thailandicus sp. nov. 36 – P.(M.) indochinensis sp. nov.

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Figs 37–43. Aedeagus. 37 – Indostola kaengkrachanensis sp. nov. 38 – I. pulchella Medvedev, 1991. 39 – Pseudochillus (Pseudochillus) bangaloreanus (Kaszab, 1981). 40 – Pseudochillus (P.) aalbui sp. nov. 41 – Pseudochillus (Micropseudochillus) palawanus sp. nov. 42 – P.(M.) thailandicus sp. nov. 43 – P.(M.) indochinensis sp. nov. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (Figs 37, 38, 40–42), 1 mm (Fig. 39, 43).


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