Ancyromonas impluvium nov. spec., 2015

Lee, Won Je, 2015, Small Free-Living Heterotrophic Flagellates from Marine Sediments of Gippsland Basin, South-Eastern Australia, Acta Protozoologica 54 (1), pp. 53-76 : 64

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.15.005.2192


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Ancyromonas impluvium nov. spec.

sp. nov.

Ancyromonas impluvium nov. spec. ( Figs 1j View Fig , 3n–o View Fig )

Diagnosis: Ancyromonas , cell 4 to 6 µm long, ovoid to roundish, somewhat laterally compressed. Two thickend flagella emerging from wide snout at anterior end of cell insert apically and are thin at tip.

Etymology: The name refers to ‘basin’.

Observation: Cells are ovoid to roundish, 3 to 6 µm long and somewhat laterally flattened. The cells have two thickened flagella, which insert separately by a shallow, wide snout at the anterior end of the cell. Both flagella are thin at the tip. The anterior flagellum is slightly longer than the cell and beats stiffly. The posterior flagellum is 2 to 3 times longer than the cell and is directed posteriorly. The nucleus is located subapically. Food materials are seen in the posterior end of the cell. Normally, the cells glide with the beating of the anterior flagellum, but at times glide slowly with the anterior flagellum directed to the rear ( Fig. 3o View Fig ). Commonly observed.

Remarks: This species is assigned to Ancyromonas because it glides, is laterally compressed, and has one short flagellum emerging from the anterior end and one long trailing flagellum emerging subapically from the ventral depression. Ancyromonas impluvium is distinguished from Ancyromonas sinistra by the lack of a rugose flange on the left anterior-lateral margin of Ancyromonas sinistra . This species can be distinguished from other Ancyromonas species ( A. melba , A. micra , A. sigmoides , A. sinistra ) because it glides with the beating of the anterior flagellum and at times glides in the anterior flagellum helding down. It is similar to Heteromita globosa , which glides in the anterior flagellum helding down, but both flagella in H. globosa insert close together subapically. Ancyromonas impluvium is similar to Protaspa species in that the nucleus is located anteriorly, but is distinguished by the orientation of the flagella and because A. impluvium is laterally compressed.

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