Rhynchomonas nasuta Klebs 1893

Lee, Won Je, 2015, Small Free-Living Heterotrophic Flagellates from Marine Sediments of Gippsland Basin, South-Eastern Australia, Acta Protozoologica 54 (1), pp. 53-76 : 60

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4467/16890027AP.15.005.2192



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Rhynchomonas nasuta Klebs 1893


Rhynchomonas nasuta Klebs 1893 ( Fig. 2k View Fig )

Observation: Cells are 3.5 to 6 µm long and flattened. The cells are flexible with a bulbous motile snout. The snout, which contains a mouth, beats slowly. The anterior flagellum lies alongside the snout and is hard to see, and the trailing flagellum is 2 to 2.7 times the cell length, and acronematic. The cells consume attached bacteria and cells move by gliding. Commonly observed.

Remarks: This species is one of the most widely reported taxa from diverse sites worldwide ( Patterson and Lee 2000). It can be distinguished from other small gliding species by the bulbous snout.

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