Bordnamonas tropicana Larsen and Patterson 1990

Lee, Won Je, 2015, Small Free-Living Heterotrophic Flagellates from Marine Sediments of Gippsland Basin, South-Eastern Australia, Acta Protozoologica 54 (1), pp. 53-76 : 60

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.15.005.2192


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scientific name

Bordnamonas tropicana Larsen and Patterson 1990


Bordnamonas tropicana Larsen and Patterson 1990 ( Fig. 2j View Fig )

Observation: Cells are 7 to 11 µm long, flattened and flexible, particularly when squashed. The cells are anteriorly narrow and posteriorly broad. Two slightly thickened flagella insert subapically in the right ventral side of the cell, are about 1.5 times the cell length and not acronematic. The anterior flagellum is held in a sigmoid arc and beats stiffly, and the posterior one curves near its flagellar insertion and is directed towards the rear of the cell. An apical mouth is visible by light microscopy. The cells move by gliding or rapidly by skidding close to the substrate. Often observed.

Remarks: Previously reported size ranges are 5 to 20 µm ( Lee and Patterson 1998; Patterson and Lee 2000; Al-Qassab et al. 2002; Lee 2002b, 2006b; Lee et al. 2003; Aydin and Lee 2012). This species appear to be cosmopolitan. The cell appearance is entirely consistent with the description of Larsen and Patterson (1990). Bordnamonas tropicana is similar to Neobodo curvifilus in having an anterior flagellum held anteriorly in a curve, the thicker nature of the anterior flagellum, but can be distinguished by its swimming pattern, non-acronematic flagellar thickness and the anterior mouth. This species resembles Klosteria bodomorphis Nikolaev et al. 2003 in cell length and cell shape, but it may be distinguished by its non-acronematic flagella. Further studies are required to clearly distinguish these two species.

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