Goniomonas amphinema Larsen and Patterson 1990

Lee, Won Je, 2015, Small Free-Living Heterotrophic Flagellates from Marine Sediments of Gippsland Basin, South-Eastern Australia, Acta Protozoologica 54 (1), pp. 53-76 : 54

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4467/16890027AP.15.005.2192



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Goniomonas amphinema Larsen and Patterson 1990


Goniomonas amphinema Larsen and Patterson 1990 ( Fig. 2b View Fig )

Observation: Cells are almost triangular in shape and 3 to 4.5 µm long. Pellicle stripes and anterior row of ejectisomes may be not seen. Two flagella of unequal length insert in an anterior lateral pocket; one directed anteriorly, the other one posteriorly. Commonly observed.

Remarks: This species is one of the most widely reported taxa from diverse sites worldwide ( Patterson and Lee 2000). Goniomonas amphinema has been distinguished from G. pacifica Larsen and Patterson, 1990 by having two flagella of unequal length and by the flagellar orientation according to previous observers. Recently one more species ( Goniomonas avonlea ) was reported from marine sandy sediment by Kim and Archibald (2013). Goniomonas avonlea is different from G. amphinema in having two subequal flagella and a larger cell body ( Kim and Archibald 2013).

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