Melanopsis olivula Letourneux & Bourguignat, 1887

Neubauer, Thomas A., 2016, A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Melanopsidae (Gastropoda, Cerithioidea), ZooKeys 602, pp. 1-358 : 201

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scientific name

Melanopsis olivula Letourneux & Bourguignat, 1887


Melanopsis olivula Letourneux & Bourguignat, 1887 View in CoL [invalid]

Original source.

Letourneux and Bourguignat 1887: 156.

Type locality.

"À Nefta, dans les canaux d’arrosement et à El-Hammam, près Tozer" [at Nefta, in the irrigation channel, and at El-Hamma-Djerid near Tozeur], Tunisia.


Junior homonym of Melanopsis olivula Grateloup, 1838. Pallary (1916: 84) was aware of the homonymy issue but did not introduce a replacement name for he considered the taxon as a junior synonym of Melanopsis doumeti Letourneux & Bourguignat, 1887.