Epidendrum parvireflexilobum Hagsater , J.P.Arista & Edquen, 2023
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https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.227.101907 |
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https://treatment.plazi.org/id/0B1912EF-BBAE-50A1-8A5E-28D041E4FEA9 |
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Epidendrum parvireflexilobum Hagsater , J.P.Arista & Edquen |
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sp. nov. |
Epidendrum parvireflexilobum Hagsater, J.P.Arista & Edquen View in CoL sp. nov.
Fig. 12 View Figure 12
Type material.
Peru. Amazonas: Prov. Bongará: Yambrasbamba: Perla del Imaza, La Perla Vieja, Pampa del Burro, 1871 m, 22 Aug. 2021, J. P. Arista, J. D. Edquén, E. Yrigoín, L. Iliquin 49 (holotype: KUELAP! [LCDP voucher]).
Similar to Epidendrum reflexilobum C.Schweinf., but overall smaller, with plants 22-46 cm tall including the inflorescence (vs. 40-120 cm tall), sepals 9.5-10.8 mm long, elliptic (vs. sepals 12.5-13.5 mm long, obovate-elliptic), the lateral lobes of the lip semi-ovate, erect (vs. lateral lobes spreading, twisted 90° in natural position, narrowly obovate), the callus 3-ribbed, forming a cuneate platform only reaching middle of mid-lobe (vs. callus 3-ribbed, ribs not forming a platform, with the mid-rib longer and reaching apical sinus).
Epiphytic, sympodial, caespitose, erect herb, 22-46 cm tall including inflorescence. Roots 2 mm in diameter, basal, terete, fleshy, white. Stems 8-22 × 0.3 cm, simple, cane-like, terete to slightly compressed toward apex, thin, basal half covered by non-foliar sheaths. Leaves 7-12, distichous, distributed along upper 1/4 of stem; sheaths 4.4-6.0 × 0.4 cm, tubular, smooth, vinaceous, papyraceous when dry; blade 4.0-7.8 × 0.8-2.8 cm, oblong, apex unequally bilobed, articulate, coriaceous, smooth, medium green on both sides, margins entire. Spathe lacking. Inflorescence 12-33 cm long, racemose to pluri-racemose, laxly flowered, cylindric; peduncle 10-28 cm long, elongate, covered by numerous tubular, imbricate bracts 4.5 × 0.4 cm, acute, scarious when dry, striated, papyraceous; rachis ca. 4.8 cm long. Floral bracts 1-3 × 0.7-3.0 mm, much shorter than ovary, decreasing in size toward apex, triangular, acuminate to acute, embracing. Flowers ca. 6-12, per raceme, successive, 3-6 open at a time, non-resupinate, pale to bright red, callus yellow; fragrance none. Sepals spreading, apex obliquely rounded, short apiculate, 7-veined, margin entire, spreading; dorsal sepal 9.5-10.2 × 4.5-4.9 mm, elliptic; lateral sepals 9.9-10.8 × 5.0-5.5 mm, elliptic, oblique, sub-obtuse. Petals 10.6-13.5 × 4.0-5.0 mm, extended, oblanceolate or cuneate-spathulate, apex acute, 3-5-veined, margin entire, spreading. Lip 5.7-7.8 × 8.2-9.0 mm, united to column, deeply 3-lobed, in natural position mid-lobe flat, extended, lateral lobes sub-erect, base cordate, distal margins irregularly laciniate; callus low, rectangular, truncate to rounded, with mid-rib formed by 3 straight, parallel ribs on mid-lobe, mid-rib longer, with two divergent bifid calli at base of lateral lobes; lateral lobes 3.0-3.5 × 4.2-5.9 mm, semi-obovate, erect in natural position; mid-lobe 4.6 × 8.2 mm, obcuneate, bifid, slightly divergent, deeply and narrowly emarginate. Column 4.0 mm long, straight, wider at apex, with a pair of long, apical recurved fleshy wings with distal margin erose. Clinandrium hood very short, margin entire, leaving anther totally exposed. Anther ovoid, apiculate, surface rugose, 4-celled. Pollinia 4, narrowly obovoid, laterally compressed, caudicles formed by a pile of elongate pollen tetrads like a pile of tiles. Rostellum apical, split; viscarium semi-liquid. Lateral lobes of stigma short, occupying ¼ length of stigmatic cavity. Cuniculus penetrating half pedicellate ovary, minutely papillose. Ovary 20 mm long, terete, thin, not inflated, green to red, furrowed. Capsule not seen.
Additional specimens examined.
Peru. Amazonas: Prov. Bongará: Yambrasbamba: Perla del Imaza, La Perla Vieja, Pampa del Burro , 1871 m, 22 Aug. 2021, Arista et al. 25 (KUELAP!) ; Piura: Huancabamba, 1 Oct. 1990, Castillo 5 (AMO!) ; San Martín: Rioja: Pardo Miguel Naranjos, Mirador Venceremos, 1867 m, 6 Dec. 2015, Edquén 1979 (HURP!; color plate published in Hágsater and Santiago 2020b: t. 1835, as E. reflexilobum ) .
Other records.
Peru. Amazonas: Chachapoyas: Balsas-Leimebamba, Cordillera Calla Calla, ca. 2400 m, 4 Feb. 2022, Deza s.n., digital images (AMO!); ibid. loc. 2363 m, Harding s.n., digital images (AMO!); San Martín: Rioja: Nuevo Cajamarca, Sector Yuracyacu, Río Yuracyacu, 1905 m, 15 Jul. 2018, Edquén 1815, digital images (AMO!).
Known presently from northern Peru in the Regions of Amazonas and San Martín. Growing at 1850-1905 m elevation.
Habitat and ecology.
Epiphytic and terrestrial in humid montane forest, secondary forest and abandoned coffee plantations, on Coffea arabica L. and Citrus x aurantium L.
Flowering from July to December.
Taxonomic notes.
Epidendrum parvireflexilobum belongs to the Schistochilum Group, Secundum Subgroup, which is characterized by the caespitose habit, the erect, simple, cane-like stems, the normally elongate peduncle of the inflorescence, the erect raceme of generally non-resupinate, yellow, orange, red or purple flowers, and the lip adorned by a complex callus. The novelty is recognized by the shorter plants, up to 22-46 cm including the inflorescence, thus being one of the "dwarf species" in the Secundum Subgroup, as most species can be over 150 cm tall; the floral segments are short and proportionately wide, the lateral lobes of the lip are flat and not twisted and the callus is formed by a single platform with 3 short ribs, that only reaches the middle of the mid-lobe. Epidendrum reflexilobum occurs in the regions of Huánuco and Junín, and is overall larger, has the same red flowers with a yellow callus, and the lateral lobes of the lip spreading, twisted 90° in natural position, narrowly obovate. The novelty is also similar to Epidendrum macrocyphum Kraenzl. which has pink-purple flowers with a white callus formed by 3-5 straight parallel ribs on the mid-lobe, has the mid-rib longer nearly reaching the apical sinus, with two divergent bifid calli at the base of the lateral lobes, the longer segment projecting on the junction of the mid-lobe with the lateral lobes, and the lip in natural position has the mid-lobe flat, extended, the lateral lobes erect, embracing the entire column with outer margin strongly revolute. In a previous publication of Epidendrum reflexilobum ( Hágsater and Santiago 2020a: t. 1835), the description is a mixture of the new species and Epidendrum reflexilobum ; the latter species corresponds to the photograph on the text page, but the color plate corresponds to the new entity here described.
From the Latin parvi -, small, and Epidendrum reflexilobum , reflexed lobes, in reference to the smaller flowers and lobes of the lip relative to those of closely allied E. reflexilobum .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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