Biscogniauxia petrensis Z.F. Zhang, F. Liu & L. Cai, Persoonia

Chen, Meng-Lan, Zhang, Jing-Yi, Xiao, Yuan-Pin & Lu, Yong-Zhong, 2024, Biscogniauxia dicranopteridis sp. nov. and B. petrensis isolated from Dicranopteris dichotoma in China, Phytotaxa 641 (4), pp. 255-266 : 260-263

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.641.4.2


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scientific name

Biscogniauxia petrensis Z.F. Zhang, F. Liu & L. Cai, Persoonia


Biscogniauxia petrensis Z.F. Zhang, F. Liu & L. Cai, Persoonia View in CoL 39: 11 (2017), FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 3

Index Fungorum number: IF818247. Facesoffungi number: FoF 10201

Endophytic in the leaves of Dicranopteris dichotoma . Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Hyphae hyaline to brown, septate, branched, aerial mycelium, thin-walled. Conidiophores 4.3–7.5 μm (x = 5.5 μm, n = 22) wide, immersed or semi-immersed, macronematous, mononematous, hyaline to slightly brownish, septate, branched, slightly flexuous, finely roughened, with conidiogenous cell arising terminally or laterally. Conidiogenous cells 6.6–11.8 × 3.5–5.7 µm (x = 7.9 × 4.2 μm, n = 21), holoblastic, hyaline to light brownish, thin- and rough-walled, cylindrical to oblong, slightly swollen at the apex with conidial secession scars. Conidia 3.8–6.3 × 2.1–3.7 µm (x = 5.1 × 3.2 µm, n = 40), unicellular, hyaline, 0-septate, thin-walled, smooth, obovoid to clavate.

Culture characters: Colonies on PDA medium grow rapidly, reaching over 90 mm diameter in 7 days at 25°C, dense, circular, covered with abundant, brownish grey, cottony to woolly aerial mycelia, margin entire; reverse dark brown at center with light brown edges. Colonies on WA medium exhibit sporulation, slow growth, planar, mycelia sparse, white from above and reverse.

Known distribution and hosts: Rock in China ( Zhang et al. 2017), Mnium heterophyllum in Korea ( Choi et al. 2020), adult mosquitoes in Korea ( Das et al. 2020), Dendrobium orchids in Thailand ( Ma et al. 2020), marine algae in India ( Sahoo et al. 2021), Osmanthus fragrans in China ( Samarakoon et al. 2022), lichen on pine trees in South Korea ( Yang et al. 2022), Dicranopteris dichotoma in China (this study).

Material examined: CHINA, Guizhou Province, Guiyang City, Guiyang Medicinal Botanical Garden , from the healthy leaves of Dicranopteris dichotoma , 13 December 2021, J. Y. Zhang, NS 50-3 (dried culture: HKAS 124929 View Materials ; living culture: GZCC 22–2040 ) .

Notes: Zhang et al. (2017) introduced and isolated Biscogniauxia petrensis from a rock in China. Subsequently, B. petrensis has been reported on various hosts, including Mnium heterophyllum ( Choi et al. 2020) , adult mosquitoes ( Das et al. 2020), Dendrobium orchids ( Ma et al. 2020) , marine algae ( Sahoo et al. 2021), lichen on pine trees ( Yang et al. 2022), and dead branch of Osmanthus fragrans ( Samarakoon et al. 2022) . Our isolate is morphologically indistinguishable from the holotype of B. petrensis (HMAS 246921) ( Zhang et al. 2017). The newly obtained strain is phylogenetically clustered with three strains of Biscogniauxia petrensis (MFLUCC 14–0151, CGMCC 3.17949 and HKAS 102388) with strong statistical support (100% ML-bs/1.00 BYPP/ 100% MP-bs). Furthermore, we compared the new collection with Biscogniauxia petrensis (MFLUCC 14–0151) using single-gene data, and found similarities of 1.10% (6/554), 1.17% (12/1027), and 0.12% (1/833) in ITS, RPB2, and LSU, respectively. This study documents a new host record of Biscogniauxia petrensis in Dicranopteris dichotoma from China.


University of the Witwatersrand


Yale University














Biscogniauxia petrensis Z.F. Zhang, F. Liu & L. Cai, Persoonia

Chen, Meng-Lan, Zhang, Jing-Yi, Xiao, Yuan-Pin & Lu, Yong-Zhong 2024

Biscogniauxia petrensis Z.F. Zhang, F. Liu & L. Cai, Persoonia

Z. F. Zhang, F. Liu & L. Cai 2017: 11
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