Barathronus multidens Nielsen, 1984

Nielsen, Jørgen G., 2019, Revision of the circumglobal genus Barathronus (Ophidiiformes, Bythitidae) with a new species from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4679 (2), pp. 231-256 : 246-248

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Plazi (2020-04-28 07:09:10, last updated 2024-11-29 12:58:43)

scientific name

Barathronus multidens Nielsen, 1984


Barathronus multidens Nielsen, 1984 View in CoL

Table 2. Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 18–20 View FIGURE 18 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURE 20

Barathronus multidens Nielsen, 1984a: 583 View in CoL (type locality: 32°54.6’N, 11°40.0’W).

Barathronus multidens: Nielsen et al. 1999: 139 View in CoL ; Evseenko et al. 2018.

Material examined (3 specimens, SL 45–83 mm): Holotype: BMNH 1983.2 .28.1 (SL 72 mm, male), off southern Morocco, 32°54.6’N, 11°40’W, RV Discovery , cr. 77, st. 8976, bottom trawl, 3610–3646 m, 5 Aug. 1976 GoogleMaps . Paratype: ZMUC P77712 (SL 83 mm ,, male), north of Bahamas, 29°19.7’N, 73°18.6’W, RV Columbus Iselin , cr. 8007, st. CO57, 45’ otter trawl, 4269–4279 m, 19. Sep. 1980 GoogleMaps . Non-type ; IORAS 03293 (SL 45 mm, juv.), Mid-Atlantic ridge, 16°50.052’N, 46°33.045’W, RV Professor Logachev, cr. 37, st. 158, Sigsbee trawl, 3227 m, 4 Mar. 2015 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Barathronus multidens differs from the other four Barathronus species with a transparent peritoneum by the following combination of characters: vomer with 11 and dentaries with 8–11 fangs, dorsal-fin rays 72–ca. 75, anal-fin rays 62– ca. 65, pectoral-fin rays 23–24, precaudal vertebrae 32–34, total vertebrae 77–79, long gill rakers on anterior arch 23–25, paired bulbs at basis of penis absent ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 ), penis protected ventrally by large urogenital hood and no ventral flexure of anterior vertebrae. The very small otolith ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ) is almost circular with the undivided sulcus placed centrally. Head and body yellowish without pigmentation.

Description. For a detailed description of the holo- and paratype see Nielsen (1984a: 583) and for the juvenile see Evseenko et al. (2018: 138). The principal meristic and morphometric characters are shown in Table 2.

Comparisons. Barathronus multidens seems most similar to B. parfaiti sharing a transparent peritoneum and lack of ventral flexure of anteriormost vertebrae. They differ by B. multidens having more fangs on vomer (7–11 vs. 1+) and less long rakers on anterior gill arch (23–25 vs. 29).

Distribution ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). The three specimens known are from the East (3610-3646 m) and West (4269-4279 m) Atlantic Ocean and from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (3227 m), all caught in bottom fishing gear. The specimen from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a juvenile with weekly ossified vertebrae which indicates that it might have been caught pelagically during hauling of the trawl. The other two specimens are adult males with well-ossified vertebrae indicating a benthopelagic occurrence.

Remarks. Evseenko et al. (2018: 139) presented two phylogenies each based on two different genes.

Evseenko, S. A., Gordeeva, N. V., Bolshakova, Y. Y. & Kobyliansky, S. H. (2018) Morphology and molecular phylogenetic relationships of Barathronus multidens (Ophidiiformes, Bythitidae). Cybium, 42 (2), 137 - 141.

Nielsen, J. G. (1984 a) Two new abyssal Barathronus spp. from the North Atlantic (Pisces, Aphyonidae). Copeia, 1984 (3), 579 - 584. https: // doi. org / 10.2307 / 1445137

Nielsen, J. G., Cohen, D. M., Markle, D. F. & Robins, C. R. (1999) FAO species catalogue. Vol. 18. Ophidiiform fishes of the world (Order Ophidiiformes). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of pearlfishes, cusk-eels, brotulas and other ophidiiform fishes known to date. FAO Fisheries Synopsis. No. 125. Vol. 18. FAO, Rome, 178 pp.

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FIGURE 1. Records of Atlantic Barathronus species. Numbers indicate several stations.

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FIGURE 18. Barathronus multidens, BMNH 1983.2.28.1, holotype, male, SL 72 mm (M. Krag photo).

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FIGURE 19. Intromittent organ of Barathronus multidens, BMNH 1983.2.28.1, holotype, male, SL 72 mm (from Nielsen 1984a).

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FIGURE 20. Right otolith from paratype of Barathronus multidens, ZMUC P77712, male, SL 83 mm.


Collection of Leptospira Strains


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen











