Triphosa dubitata ( Linnaeus, 1758 )

Wanke, Dominic, Hausmann, Axel & Rajaei, Hossein, 2019, An integrative taxonomic revision of the genus Triphosa Stephens, 1829 (Geometridae: Larentiinae) in the Middle East and Central Asia, with description of two new species, Zootaxa 4603 (1), pp. 39-65 : 44-47

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4603.1.2

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scientific name

Triphosa dubitata ( Linnaeus, 1758 )


Triphosa dubitata ( Linnaeus, 1758) View in CoL

( figs 13 View FIGURES 13–17 , 22 View FIGURES 20–37 , 38 View FIGURES 38–40 , 46 View FIGURES 46–49 ; map)

Phalaena Geometra dubitata Linnaeus, 1758 . Systema naturae (Ed. 10) 1, 524. Syntypes (Europe). Deposited in the Linnean Society of London, UK.

Phalaena dubia Brez, 1791 . La flore des insectophiles, précédée d'un discours sur l'utilité des insectes et de létude de l'insectologie, 174. Incorrect subsequent spelling.

Phalaena Geometra dimidiata Stewart, 1802 . Elements of natural history, 2, 162. Syntypes ( England).

Triphosa cinerata Stephens, 1829 . Illustrations of British entomology (Haustellata), 3, 263. Syntypes ( England).

Triphosa dubitata amblychiles Prout, 1937 View in CoL . In: Seitz, The Macrolepidoptera of the World, 4, Supplement, 99. Holotype ♂ ( China, Kwei-chou). Deposited in Natural History Museum, London, UK.

Material examined. 1 ♂, Türkei, Prov. Erzurum, 05.vii. [20]00, ca. 2400 m, 1 km E Gölyurt Gecidi im Mescit Daglari, leg. Bernd Schacht, BC Lep DS 0020, g. prep 0031/2018; in PCDS . 6 ♂, 6 ♀, Hispania, Leon, Pto. Pandetrave , 1500 m, 18.vii.1976, leg. Aistleitner, coll. W. Schäfer, Stuttgart, SMNS-Lep.1997-11, g. prep (♂) 0014/2018 D. Wanke ; 1 ♂, 4 ♀, Gr. Ballon Ht.-R , France, 11.viii. [19]62, coll. E. Wenck ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Gr. Ballon Ht.- R , France, 4.viii. [19]61, coll. E. Wenck ; 1 ♂, Gr. Ballon Ht.-R , France, 10.vii. [19]61, coll. E. Wenck ; 1 ♂, Gr. Ballon Ht.-R , France, 10.vii. [19]69, coll. E. Wenck ; 1 ♀, Gr. Ballon Ht.-R , France, 10.vii. [19]59, coll. E. Wenck ; 1 ♂, Valle du Miroux , Digue, B.-Alpes, France, 4.-21.vii. [19]64, leg. E. Wenck ; 1 ♂, Haut-Rhin , 14.vii. [19]53, coll. E. Wenck ; 1 ♂, F: Dept. Isère, Chatreuse, Grotte de Gulers Mort , 1350 m, 6.x.1984, leg. Schawaller ; 2 ♀, F: Dept. Isère, Chatreuse, Grotte de Gulers Mort , 1350 m, 6.x.1984, leg. Bretzendorfer ; 1 ♂, Schweiz, Kanton Uri, Steinalper Jochli, b. Isenthal , 2150 m, 30.vii.1992, leg. H. Hoppe ; 1 ♂, Hispania, Burgos, Sierra Mencilla , 1650 m, 2.viii.1976, Li. leg. Aistleitner, coll. W. Schäfer, Stuttgart, SMNS-Lep.1997-11 ; 1 ♂, Schweiz, Strelapass, 6.viii. [19]62, L. Settele ; 1 ♀, Davos , Strelapass, 4.viii. [19]64, L. Settele ; 1 ♀, Graubuenden, Strelapass, 7.viii. [19]62, L. Settele ; 1 ♀, Gempenhöhle , 29.xii. [19]47 ; 1♀, Zürich, 18.iv.1909 ; 1 ♂, Italy, Piemonte, Prov. Cuneo, Parco Naturale Alpi, Marittime : N Lago della, NW Gias della Beurra, old road, 1575 m, 44°11’03.47’’N 7°20’37.15’’E, 2.ix.2008, 20:30-23:30 h, at light, leg. C. Häuser, Record ID: EDIT ATBI 01 CH 2008-23 A-001- 0252 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Italy, Piemonte, Prov. Cuneo, Parco Naturale Alpi, Marittime : Sant’ Anna di Valdieri , 975-990 m, at light, N 44.2435°, E 7.32161°, 1.ix.2008, 21.45-22.30h, leg. D. Bartsch & C. Häuser, Record ID: EDIT ATBI 01 CH 2008-22 -001-0007, SMNS - Lep. 2008 - 01 GoogleMaps ; 1 ♂, Südtirol, 2000 m, Stilfser Joch , 1.viii.-8.viii.1958, leg. H. Jüngling ; 1 ♂, Italia, Prov. Friaul, 400 m, 19.vii.1961, leg. H. u. G. Reiss ; 2 ♂, 2 ♀, Trafoi, 15.vii.1927, A. Langheinrich, g. prep (♀) 0013/2018 D. Wanke ; 1 ♂, Stilfser Joch , Südtirol, Trafoi , 1600 m, 1.-8.viii.1959, leg. H. Jüngling ; 1 ♂, Italien, Schnalstal, 900 m, 19.v. [19]79, R. Probst ; 1♀, Naturns, 6.84 Rp., Berberitze , e.p. 11.v. [19]85, Sammlung Langer, SMNS 1986 About SMNS ; 1♀, Pitztal-Tirol , 1400-1700 m 8.-22.vii.1961, L. Settele ; 1 ♂, S. Fedele d’Intelvi , 1.viii.1907 ; 1 ♂, S. Fedele d’Intelvi , 20.vii.1907 ; 1 ♂, S. Fedele d’Intelvi , 17.viii.1907 ; 1 ♂, S. Fedele d’Intelvi , 19.viii.1907 ; 1 ♀, S. Fedele d’Intelvi , 22.viii.1907 ; 1 ♂, Austria, Lechtal, Häselgehr , 4.viii.1965, leg. W. Rohm ; 2 ♂, Austria, Steiermark, Radmer, 17.vii.1959, leg. Achtelig ; 1 ♂, Wien, vii.[19]30 ; 1 ♂, Oberösterreich, Hochburg, 27.vii. [19]57, Sauer ; 1 ♂, Oberösterreich, Hochburg, 5.vii. [19]56, e.l, Sauer ; 1 ♂, Oberösterreich, Hochburg , 6.v. [19]59, Sauer ; 1 ♂, Oberösterreich, Hochburg , 18.vii. [19]56, Sauer ; 1 ♀, Oberösterreich, Hochburg , 15.vii. [19]56, e.l, Sauer ; 1 ♀, O. Öst., Hochburg , 3.iv. [19]53, Lichtfg., Sauer ; 1 ♀, O. Öst., Hochburg , 3.iv. [19]53, Sauer ; 1 ♀, O. Öst., Hochburg , 28.iv. [19]53, Lichtfg., Sauer ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Ungarn, Bakony-Wald, 9.viii. [19]80 Li, Sammlung Langer SMNS 1986 About SMNS ; 1 ♀, Oberbayern, München-Allach , 10.v.1979, W. Sauer ; 1 ♂, Jugoslawien, Porec, LF, [19]86, H. Popp, coll. H. Popp, Rottenburg/Laaber, SMNS - Lep. 2003 - 05 ; 1 ♂, Iran, Elburs, vic. Kendevan, 2500–3000 m, 7.-9.viii.1977, leg. W. Thomas, coll. W. Schäfer, Stuttgart, SMNS - Lep., 1997 - 11, g. prep 0015/2018 D. Wanke ; 2 ♂, Georgia: Borjomi Kharaguali NP, Borjomi District, vic. Likani , trail 1 near ranger shelter, 1850 m, 22.vii.2006, 41°51’01,6’’, 43°15’39,1’’E, at light, leg. C. Häuser, D. Bartsch, SMNS - Lep 2006 - 03, g. prep 0016/2018 D. Wanke; all in SMNS .

Diagnosis. Wingspan 34–43 mm, but in rare cases smaller specimens with wingspan of 28–33 mm (length of forewing 17–23 mm). Ground colour greyish brown, with red shimmer (beige, sandy coloured in T. silviae sp. n.; beige, sandy-coloured to very bright brown in T. lecerfi sp. n.; pale grey to bright yellow-white, with some grey shine in T. sabaudiata ; sandy-yellow covered with a slate-coloured shroud in T. taochata ). Transversal lines on the forewing darkened, clearly visible, on the hindwing faint. Terminal line black. Fringes clearly visible, not differing in colour from wings.

Male genitalia ( figs 13 View FIGURES 13–17 , 38 View FIGURES 38–40 ). Socii weakly developed, consisting of few setae at the base of the uncus (fewer setae located at base of uncus in T. silviae sp. n.; more setae at the uncus base in T. lecerfi sp. n.; setae located on protrusions in T. sabaudiata and T. taochata ) ( figs 13 View FIGURES 13–17 a–17a). Labides on the ventral view hump-shaped, not touching each other, equipped with setae (flat, thickened to the centre and setose in T. silviae sp. n.; thin, flat, strongly and dense setose in T. lecerfi sp. n.; labides stick-like fused in T. sabaudiata ; spoon-shaped, fused, tip strongly setose in T. taochata ) ( figs 13 View FIGURES 13–17 b–17b). Juxta three-lobed. Sacculus projection heavily sclerotized, distally forked; lower prong shorter than upper one, upper prong curved. Both arranged in less than 90° (prongs of sacculus projection tip slightly different, with the upper prong longer and broader, both arranged in less than 90° in T. silviae sp. n.; both prongs blunt and short, arranged in more than 90° in T. lecerfi sp. n.; two identical prongs, arranged in ~45° in T. sabaudiata ; upper prong long, lower prong shortened, arranged in ~90° in T. taochata ) ( figs 13 View FIGURES 13–17 c–17c).

Female genitalia ( fig. 46 View FIGURES 46–49 ). ' Guitar-shaped'. Ovipositor slim. Ductus bursae sclerotized, arched-folded, flat, wide on the ventral view, but narrow on the lateral view. Posterior part of corpus bursae tubular, heavily sclerotized with few longitudinal folds; anterior part membranous (corpus bursae pyriform; posterior part strongly sclerotized, with longitudinal folds, funnel-shaped in T. silviae sp. n., T. lecerfi sp. n., T. sabaudiata and T. taochata ).

Phenology. Univoltine. One very long generation, emerging early July, both sexes hibernating, in spring flying from March to early June ( Ebert 2001; Hausmann & Viidalepp 2012).

Biology. Larva oligophagous on Rhamnaceae ( Rhamnus cathartica , Frangula alnus ) and Rosaceae ( Prunus spinosa , Crataegus ), adults on catkins of Salix and Buddleja ( Heinicke & Müller 1976; Ebert 2001; Hausmann & Viidalepp 2012).

Habitat. Silvicolous, warm hillsides, gardens, parks, hedges, cemeteries. Hibernating in caves, under bridges, buildings, between rocks and boards ( Heinicke & Müller 1976; Ebert 2001; Hausmann & Viidalepp 2012). Occurring at almost all altitudes up to the subalpine level ( Ebert 2001).

Distribution. Palaearctic. Widely distributed from Europe to southern Siberia (with a gap between Urals and Russian Far East ( Sinev 2008)), northern Turkey to Caucasus, western and northern China to Japan ( Hausmann & Viidalepp 2012).

DNA barcoding. Clusters separately from all the other examined Triphosa species at a distance of more than 4% ( tab. 2). Populations from Iran, Turkey and Georgia separated from the European populations in the NJ tree (2.5%), but there is no morphological difference between these populations. It might be regarded as a separated subspecies but this hypothesis needs further investigation ( fig. 54 View FIGURE 54 ).


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart














Triphosa dubitata ( Linnaeus, 1758 )

Wanke, Dominic, Hausmann, Axel & Rajaei, Hossein 2019

Triphosa dubitata amblychiles

Prout 1937

Triphosa cinerata

Stephens 1829

Geometra dimidiata

Stewart 1802

Phalaena dubia

Brez 1791

Geometra dubitata

Linnaeus 1758
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