Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903

Šípek, Petr, Vendl, Tomáš & Král, David, 2012, Homothyrea inornatipennis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Leucocelina): immature stages and distribution, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52, pp. 183-193 : 184-185

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Felipe (2021-08-29 05:01:29, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-05 12:44:59)

scientific name

Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903


Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903

( Figs. 1–5 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903: 269 . Type locality: ‘Sokotra: Hadibu plain’.

Published record. Sokotra, 10.16 Dec. [18]98, Hadibu plain, W. R. O.Grant, Lectotype, BMNH ( ANTOINE 1993 ).

Material examined (112 adult specimens). Yemen, Soqotra Is., 22.xi.2003, ca 20–170m, Suq, E env. – sand dune, N12°40′02′′ E54°03′45′′ (GPS), David Král lgt., Yemen – Soqotra 2003 Expedition GoogleMaps ; Jan Farkač, Petr Kabátek & David Král, 2 spec. in NMPC ; Yemen, Soqotra Is., 5.–6.xii. 2003, Noged plain, Qaareh (waterfall), 57 m, N12°20′10′′ E 53°37′56′′ (GPS), David Král lgt., Yemen – Soqotra 2003 Expedition GoogleMaps ; Jan Farkač, Petr Kabátek & David Král, 3 spec. in NMPC ; same data but Jan Farkač lgt., 1 spec. in NMPC ; Yemen, Soqotra Is., 5.–6.xii. 2003, Noged plain (sand dunes), 11 m, N12°21′09′′ E54°01′47′′ (GPS), David Král lgt., Yemen – Soqotra 2003 Expedition GoogleMaps ; Jan Farkač, Petr Kabátek & David Král, 18 spec. in NMPC ; same data but Jan Farkač lgt., 26 spec. in CULS, 23 spec. in NMPC ; same data but Petr Kabátek lgt., 18 spec. in NMPC ; Yemen, Soqotra Is., 6.–7.xii.2003, Noged plain, Wadi Ireeh, 95 m, N12°23′11′′ E53°59′47′′ (GPS), David Král lgt., Yemen – Soqotra 2003 Expedition GoogleMaps ; Jan Farkač, Petr Kabátek & David Král, 9 spec. in NMPC ; Yemen, Soqotra Is., 9.xii.2003, Qalansiyah env., Ditwah (lagoon), 23m, N12°41′42′′ E 53°30′08′′ (GPS), David Král lgt., Yemen – Soqotra 2003 Expedition GoogleMaps ; Jan Farkač, Petr Kabátek & David Král, 5 spec. in NMPC ; Yemen, Socotra Island, 10.–11.xi.2010, Noged plain (sand dunes), Sharet Halma vill. env., 12°21.9′N, 54°05.3′E, 20 m, Jan Batelka leg., 26 spec. in JBCP GoogleMaps ; same data but Jan Bezděk leg., 2 spec. in NMPC GoogleMaps ; same data but Jiří Hájek leg., 7 spec. in NMPC GoogleMaps .

Natural history. This species is probably associated with sandy habitats, including sand dunes. The above material was taken predominantly from flowers of Asteraceae , trees and shrubs of Adenium Roemer & Schultes , Tamarix Linnaeus and Mimosoideae (formerly referred to as genus Acacia Miller ).

Distribution. Endemic to the Socotra Island, see map on Fig. 1 View Fig .

Remark. Old records of Homothyrea helenae from the Socotra Island ( WATERHOUSE 1881, TASCHENBERG 1883) are most likely related to H. inornatipennis . These records come from the time when H. inornatipennis had not yet been described and more recent records ( MIKŠIĆ 1982, SMETANA 2006) only seem to repeat the older sources.

ANTOINE P. 1993: Mimetisme et resemblance: le genre Homothyrea Kolbe (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae). Sciences Nat Bulletin 79: 22 - 26.

GAHAN C. J. 1903: Insecta: Coleoptera. Pp. 261 - 292. In: FORBES H. O. (ed.): The natural history of Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri: Being the report upon the results of the conjoint expedition to these islands in 1898 - 9. Special Bulletin of the Liverpool Museums, xlvii + 598 pp.

MIKSIC R. 1982: Monographie der Cetoniinae der palaarktischen und orientalischen Region. Coleopter: Lamellicornia. Band 3, Systematischer Teil: Cetoniini I. Teil. Forstinstitut in Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 530 pp.

SMETANA A. 2006: Family Cetoniinae Leach, 1815. Pp. 283 - 312. In: LOBL I. & SMETANA A. (eds.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea - Scirtoidea - Dasciloidea - Buprestoidea - Byrrhoidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 690 pp.

TASCHENBERG O. 1883: Beitrage zur Fauna der Insel Sokotra, vorzuglich nach dem von Herrn Dr. Emil Riebeck aus Halle a. S. gesammelten Materiale zusammengestellt. Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft 56: 157 - 185.

WATERHOUSE C. O. 1881: On the coleopterous insects collected by Prof. I. Bailey Balfour in the island of Socotra. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1881: 469 - 478 + plate XLIII.

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Fig. 1. Sketch map of the Socotra Island with known distribution of Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903, empty dot represents the type locality.

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Fig. 2. Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903. A – adult male. B–D – habitus of larva. B – third-instar, length 32 mm; C – second-instar; D – first-instar. E–K – third-instar larva. E – antenna, ventral view; F – antenna, dorsal view; G – cranium; H – metathoracic leg; I – epipharynx; J – maxillo-labial complex; K – last abdominal segment, raster. Scale bars: C–K = 1 mm.

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Fig. 3. Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903, third-instar larva. A–C – right mandible. A – dorsal, B – medial, C – ventral view; D–F – left mandible. D – ventral, E – medial, F – dorsal view; G – thoracic spiracle. Scale bars: A–E = 1mm, G = 100 μm.

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Fig. 4. Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903, immature stages.A – first-instar larva, cranium; B – second-instar larva, raster; C – first-instar larva, raster; D – first-instar larva, thoracic spiracle; E – second-instar larva, cranium; F – second-instar larva, epipharynx; G – second-instar larva; spiraculum; H – pupa, ventral view (total length 13 mm); I – pupa, dorsal view; J – pupa, lateral view; K – second-instar larva, maxillo-labial complex (left maxilla removed). Scale bars: A–C = 200 μm; D, G = 50 μm; E, F, K = 0.5 mm.

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Fig. 5. Homothyrea inornatipennis Gahan, 1903, immature stages. A–E – third-instar larva. A – left mandible, stridulatory area; B – maxillo-labial complex; C – maxillary stridulatory teeth; D – left maxilla, detail with unci; E – hypopharyngeal sclerome; F – first-instar larva, egg-burster.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


National Museum Prague











