Susuacanga octoguttata ( Germar, 1821 )

Botero, Juan Pablo, 2014, Review of the genus Susuacanga (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae), Zootaxa 3779 (5), pp. 518-528 : 522-523

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Plazi (2016-04-11 18:10:14, last updated 2024-11-24 20:30:32)

scientific name

Susuacanga octoguttata ( Germar, 1821 )


Susuacanga octoguttata ( Germar, 1821) View in CoL

( Figs. 17–23 View FIGURES 17 – 23 )

Cerambyx octoguttatus Germar, 1821: 168 View in CoL .

Eburia octoguttata White, 1853: 92 View in CoL .

Eburia octoguttata View in CoL ab. basibiguttata Tippmann, 1960: 115.

Eburia octoguttata View in CoL ab. basiquadriguttata Tippmann, 1960: 115.

Eburia octoguttata View in CoL ab. inguttata Tippmann, 1960: 115.

Eburia octoguttata View in CoL ab. quadricostata Tippmann, 1960: 115.

Susuacanga octoguttata View in CoL ; Martins, 1997: 60; Monné, 2005: 171; Martins et al., 2009: 235; Monné et al., 2009: 8; Monné et al., 2010: 239.

Eburia unicolor Bates, 1870: 265 View in CoL . syn. nov.

Susuacanga unicolor View in CoL ; Martins, 1997: 60: Monné: 2005: 171; Monné et al., 2009: 8.

Eburia didyma View in CoL ; Heyne & Taschenberg, 1907: 239, pl. 36, fig. 7 (not Olivier, 1795).

Geographical distribution. Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Acre, Rondônia, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Ceara, Paraíba to Rio Grande do Sul), Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina (Salta, Misiones, Tucumán).

Type material examined. Syntype of Cerambyx octoguttatus Germar, 1821 (Fig. 15), BRAZIL, “Rio”, male, V.1804 ( ZMHB) and syntype of Eburia unicolor Bates, 1870 (Fig. 16), PERU, Loreto: Pebas, male ( MNHN).

Specimens examined. ARGENTINA, Corrientes: Corrientes (Ituazingó), female, XI.1962, W. Parteidge leg. ( MACN); Misiones, male, I.1973 ( USNM); Puerto Victoria, male, I.1939 ( MNRJ); female, XII.1938 ( MNRJ); Salta, female, III.1948 ( MNRJ); Orán (Urundel), male and 5 females, XII, 1947, Kormilev leg ( MACN); Tucumán, female, I.1935 ( MNRJ). BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: (4–6 k SSE Buena Vista F&F Hotel), 3 males and female, 22– 31.X.2002, Wappes & Morris legs. ( USNM); Ichilo (Buena Vista), female and male, X.1956, Luis E. Peña leg. ( MNRJ); Florida (Refugio los Volcanes, 4km N Bermejo), 2 males and 5 females, X–XI.2007, S.W. Lingafelter leg ( USNM); Andres Ibañez (Potrerillos del Guenda), 5 males and 2 females, X–XI.2007, S.W. Lingafelter leg ( USNM). BRAZIL, Amazonas: Benjamin Constante, male, VI.1942, A. Parke leg. ( MNRJ) Pará: Óbidos, male, V.1961, Y. Brasileno leg. Rondônia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, male, X.1983, O. Roppa, J. Becker & B. Silva leg.; Vilhena, female, X.1980, O. Roppa & J. Becker leg. Mato Grosso: Nobres, female, III.1977, A. Maller leg. ( MNRJ); Pontes e Lacerda, female, X.1988, O. Roppa, P. Magno & J. Becker leg. ( MNRJ); Sinop (Br 163, Km 500 a 600), male, X.1974, Alvarenga & Roppa leg. ( MNRJ); Vera, male, X.1973, Alvarenga & Roppa leg. ( MNRJ); Goiás, male ( USNM); Jataí, male, X.1972, F.M. Oliveira leg. ( MNRJ); Vianópolis, female, X.1998, N. Tangerina leg. ( MNRJ); Minas Gerais: Sabará, 2 males and female, F. Tippmann leg. ( USNM); Viçosa, female, XI.1958, E. Amante leg.; Espírito Santo: Alfredo Chavez (Matilde), 2 males, XII.1938, F. Tippmann leg. ( USNM); Linhares, male, XII.1969 ( MNRJ); Parque Sooretama, female, X.1959, D. Zajciw leg. ( MNRJ); Santa Maria de Jetibá, female, X.1963 ( MNRJ); Rio de Janeiro: Itaguaí ( UFRRJ Km 47), female, 1959, S.A.F. leg. ( MNRJ); Itatiaia (P.N. de Itatiaia, 700 m), male, X.1959, E Gouvea leg. ( MNRJ); Rio de Janeiro (Corcovado), male, 22.II.1984, D. Zajciw leg. ( MNRJ); Teresópolis, male, P. Schirch leg. ( MNRJ); São Paulo: Amparo, female ( MNRJ); Rio Claro, male, 27.X.1973, F.A. Matthiesen leg. ( MNRJ); Paraná: Arapotí, female, 1940, A. Maller leg. ( MNRJ); Cachoerinha, male, XII.1937, F. Tippmann leg. ( USNM); Rolândia, male, I.1957 ( MNRJ); Santa Catarina, Corupá, male, I.1959 ( MNRJ); Ibirama, male, 4.I.1993, Barchet & Beieri leg. ( MNRJ); Nova Teutonia, 5 males and 2 females, 20.XII.1935, F. Tippmann leg. ( USNM). PARAGUAY, male, II.1965 ( MNRJ); Caaguazú, 2 male and female, 1970, J, Anders leg. ( USNM); Itapúa (17 km N Hohenau), 2 males, 2–4.II.1983, E.G. Riley leg. ( USNM); Villarrica, male, XI.1938 ( MNRJ). PERU, male, F. Tippmann leg. (“ holotype ” of Eburia octoguttata ab. basiquadriguttata Tippmann, 1960) ( USNM); Junín: Chanchamayo, male, 1.IX.1939, Weyrauch leg. ( MNRJ); Junín: Satipo, male, XI–XII.1938, Tippmann leg. (“ holotype ” of Eburia octoguttata ab. inguttata Tippmann, 1960) ( USNM); male, 16.V.1939, Tippmann leg. (“ holotype ” of Eburia octoguttata ab. basibiguttata Tippmann, 1960) ( USNM); male, 1940, A. Maller leg. ( MNRJ); Huánuco: Leoncio Prado (Tingo María), female, IX.1947, Weyrauch leg. (“ holotype ” of Eburia octoguttata ab. quadricostata Tippmann, 1960) ( USNM).

Comments. When Bates (1870) described Eburia unicolor , he considered it similar to Eburia octoguttatus and differentiated them because the tubercle between the upper lobes of the eyes is more elevated in E. unicolor , the eburneus callosities are totally absent and the elytral dark edge is more conspicuous than in E. octoguttata . Zajciw (1967) based on the variability of the characteristic mentioned by Bates (1870) and on the sympatry of the species commented on a possible synonymy of these species. The study of the material examined, the comparison of the original descriptions and photos of the syntype of each name confirm the variability of the characters above mentioned ( Figs. 17–23 View FIGURES 17 – 23 ) and support the synonomy of E. unicolor with E.octomaculata .

Bates, H. W. (1870) Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 18 (4), 243 - 335; 391 - 444.

Germar, E. F. (1821) Neue exotische Kafer beschrieben von C. R. W. Wiedemann u. E. F. Germar. Magazin der Entomologie, 4, 107 - 183.

Heyne, A. & Taschenberg, O. (1907) Die exotischen Kafer in Wort und Bild. Schreiber, Leipzig, 25 / 26, 262 pp.

Martins, U. R. (1997) Contribuicoes para uma revisao das especies sul-americanas da tribo Eburiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 41 (1), 57 - 83.

Monne, M. A. (2005) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region. Part I. Subfamily Cerambycinae. Zootaxa, 946, 1 - 765.

White, A. (1853) Catalogue of the coleopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Longicornia 1. British Museum, London, 7, 1 - 174.

Zajciw, D. (1967) Longicorneos novos para a fauna do Brasil (Col., Cerambycidae). III. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 12, 21 - 28.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 17 – 23. Susuacanga octoguttata, 17, syntype, male; 18, syntype of Eburia unicolor, male; 19, male; 20, female; 21, male; 22, “ paratype ” of Eburia octoguttata ab. basiquadriguttata, female; 23, “ paratype ” of Eburia octoguttata ab. inguttata, female.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro











