Fidicinoides pseudethelae Boulard and Martinelli, 1996

Santos, Rodrigo S. & Martinelli, Nilza M., 2011, Morphological characterisation of five brazilian species of Fidicinoides (Hemiptera: Cicadidae), Revista Colombiana de Entomología 37 (2), pp. 341-345 : 344

publication ID 10.25100/socolen.v37i2.9098


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scientific name

Fidicinoides pseudethelae Boulard and Martinelli, 1996


Fidicinoides pseudethelae Boulard and Martinelli, 1996 View in CoL

Head ( Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ): lateral ocelli and the medial ocellus situated on an irregular-shaped, broad black mark which stops short of the base of the antennae and vertex; median ocellus in frontal position; distance between the lateral ocelli nearly three times the distance that separates them from the corresponding eyes; eyes in short ellipsoids, wide, oblique, with subocular joined marks; postclypeus dorsal portion short and arched; postclypeus face arched, brown, with nine transverse ridges on both sides of the medial furrow; anteclypeus black; rostrum brownish, long, with apex reaching the level of the insertion of the hind trochanters.

Thorax ( Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ): pronotum longer than the head; lateral angle of pronotal collar poorly developed; mesonotum brown, with black markings; lateral sigilla triangular, dark near the pronotum and apices, lighter in the central area; submedian sigilla short, dark and curved; two joined or separated, irregular-shaped markings, scutal depression with almost circular black marks; cruciform elevation flattened, with posterior apices short, pointed and close together ( Fig. 4A View Figure 4 ); operculum with short lamina, with wide, slightly arched, ochre and brown lamina.

Abdomen ( Fig. 4B View Figure 4 ): Shorter than the distance from the vertex to the back apices of the cruciform elevation; broad base, tapering in the direction of the last abdominal section; blackened tergites; black timbal cover, arched and with black markings; brownish sternites with green markings; male sternite VIII nearly twice as wide as long, with the anterior margin almost straight, lateral margin oblique, with a concavity approximately midway, posterior margin concave and rounded, with apices apart from one another ( Fig. 4D View Figure 4 ).

Forewing ( Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ): hyaline; dark brown fumose on the apical area; forewing wide, with basal cell opaque, black; costa long and brownish, becoming brown at the apical area; the extremities of the veins with dark brown fumose markings on both sides; radial, radiomedial, medial and mediocubital crossveins with strong dark brown infuscation, the ambient vein also being the same colour; apical area octoloculate.

Examined material: FRENCH GUIANA. MNHN / Paris. 25.IV.1992. (M. Thouvenot), 1 paratype ♂; ibidem, 16.XII.1992. 1 paratype ♀; BRAZIL. Pará: Cachimbo . FIOC. 21.IX.1955, 18.I.1956. (L. Travassos and S. Oliveira), 4 ♂♂; ibidem, 09.X.1956. (Travassos, Oliveira and Adão), 35 ♂♂; ibidem, Amazonas: Humaitá. FCA / UNESP / Botucatu . X.1974. (Scivittaro), 4 ♂♂; ibidem, Rio Juavá . INPA. 02.VIII.1980. (Francisco, B.), 1 ♂; Rondônia: Porto Velho. INPA. 26.I.1980. (P. Arias and J. Arias), 1 ♂.

Comments: Large-sized species, similar to Fidicinoides dolosa Santos and Martinelli 2009 but distinguished by the submedian sigilla being comma-shaped internal marks on the mesonotum.


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Fundacao Instituto Oswaldo Cruz






Brazil, Amazonas, Manaus, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazoonia, Colecao Sistematica da Entomologia













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