Coleophora lativittella Erschoff, 1877

Koo, Jun-Mo & Cho, Soowon, 2024, Taxonomic revision of the family Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea) in Korea, including seven newly recorded species of the genus Coleophora Hübner, Zootaxa 5558 (1), pp. 1-102 : 15-16

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5558.1.1

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scientific name

Coleophora lativittella Erschoff, 1877


3. Coleophora lativittella Erschoff, 1877

[Korean name: huin-ap-te-du-li-tong-na-bang (newly named)]

( Figs 1C View FIGURE 1 ; 2C View FIGURE 2 ; 3D View FIGURE 3 ; 6C View FIGURE 6 )

Coleophora lativittella Erschoff, 1877: 346 . Type locality: Russia, Irkutsk // [depository unconfirmed here: Holotype, female].

Coleophora lativalva Li & Zheng, 1998: 199 View in CoL . Type locality: China, Xinjiang Uygur, Ürümqi .

Coleophora lativittella ; Vives 1988: 88; Falkovitsh et al. 1997: 315; Baldizzone & Savenkov 2002: 384; Baldizzone et al. 2006: 74.

Coleophora lattivitella [sic, recte lativittella ]; Rebel 1901: 193.

Carpochena lativitella [sic, recte lativittella ]; Anikin 2019: 84; Anikin 2021: 327.

Material examined. 1♀, “[[ NIBR specimen accession no.]] OONNIN0000015631 [[=NIBRIN0000855171]] / KOREA. (GW) [[ Gangwon-do ]] Chuncheon-si, / Sindong-myeon. / Hui Lin Han, 14 Aug 2003 / [[line]] / NIBR // Coleophoridae  sp.2 / Coleophoridae [[in Korean]] / Det.: Kyu Tek Park, Jun Mo Koo, 02 / Aug 2018 / [[line]] / NIBR ” // gen. slide no. KJM0088 // wings slide no. KJM0179, in NIBR .

Diagnosis. The species shares some externally and genital characteristics with C. weymarni Toll, 1942 , such as a large quadrate spinous zone on the 1 st tergum of the abdomen, as well as a fused transtilla, an enlarged cucullus, a subtrapezoid valvula, and a narrowly elongated sacculus in the male genitalia, and a long and well-coiled ductus bursae, and a leaf-like signum with a basal plate featuring two markings in the female genitalia. However, C. lativittella can be distinguished from the latter by the following characteristics: 1) the adult of C. lativittella has a dark brown forewing with a whitish streak extending from the base to right before the apex, and bearing in about costal 1/3, while C. weymarni has a yellowing-white forewing with scattered dark brown scales; 2) in the male genitalia of C. lativittella (see Baldizzone & Savenkov 2002: Figs 66–68), a small ovaloid gnathos, the sacculus featuring two thorn-like processes at the dorso-subdistal margin, and a weakly expanded distal margin, and numerous cornuti forming two claw-like formations are present, while in C. weymarni (see Baldizzone & Savenkov 2002: Figs 58–60), a wider sacculus featuring a larger claw-like process at the dorso-medial margin, and with a more expanded distal margin, and numerous cornuti forming a claw-like process are present; 3) in the female genitalia of C. lativittella , a V-shaped concavity on the posterior margin of the sterigma, the apophyses posteriores about 2.1× longer than the apophyses anteriores, a narrow ductus bursae, and an elongated gourd-like corpus bursae are present, while in C. weymarni (see Baldizzone & Savenkov 2002: Figs 62–64), a wider concavity on the posterior margin of the sterigma, the apophyses posteriores about 1.8× longer than the apophyses anteriores, a relatively wider ductus bursae, and a ovaloid corpus bursae are present.

Redescription. Female adult ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ), forewing length 6.0 mm (wingspan 12.0 mm) (n=1) ( Erschoff 1877: wingspan 15.0 mm; Richter 2022: wingspan 14.0 mm).

Head: Vertex greyish-orange with brighter scales laterally. Postocular scales greyish-orange.Antenna about 0.6× shorter than the length of the forewing, thickened with greyish-orange scales in the basal 1/4, then with appressed scales, alternately ringed with orange-white and dark brown distally. Second palpomere of labial palpus greyish-orange with a dark brown portion starting from the dorso-basal 1/3 and gradually widening towards the distal end on the outer surface, greyish-orange entirely on the inner surface, about 1.5× longer than the length of the third palpomere; the latter greyish-orange dorsally and dark brown ventrally on the outer surface, greyish-orange on the inner surface. Proboscis covered with greyish-orange scales.

Thorax: Notum greyish-orange with same-coloured tegula. Forewing greyish-orange with sparsely scattered dark brown scales, with orange-white in the costal 1/3; fringe orange-grey; venation ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ) with R 1 arising from right before basal 2/5 of the discal cell; distance between origins of R 1 and R 2 about 1.3× longer than that of R 2 and R 3; R 4+5 and M 1 slightly stalked near base; distance between origins of M 1 and M 2+3 about 1.2× longer than that of M 2+3 and CuA 1+2; CuA 1+2 arising from the posterior corner of the discal cell; 1A+2A forked at about basal 1/4; discal cell closed. Hindwing orange-white with orange-grey fringe; costa slightly arched at the basal 3/10; venation ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ) with straight Rs; origin of M 1 remote from that of Rs; discal cell open. Hind tibia greyish-orange on the outer surface, and white on the inner surface; dorsal and ventral bristles orange-white; two pairs of spurs, one pair at the basal 3/5, other pair at the distal end. Hind tarsus covered with white scales.

Abdomen: Abdomen covered with greyish-orange scales; spinous zones glabrous. In the female ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ), posterior lateral struts absent. Transverse strut bent into a wide U-shape; distal 1/3 on both sides of transverse strut more sclerotized than the middle portion, with more strongly sclerotized anterior margin than the posterior margin; middle of transverse strut, excluding distal 1/3 on both sides, weakly sclerotized. Terga I–VII with a single spinous zone bearing setae-like spines on each tergum; terga I, II and VII sclerotized medially; spinous zone of the tergum I quadrate, situated at the center; spinous zone of the terga II and VII elliptical, situated at the center; spinous zone of the terga III–VI elliptical, situated at the mesoposterior margin. Sterna II–VII sclerotized.

Male genitalia: See Li & Zheng (1998: Figs 11 View FIGURE 11 , 12 View FIGURE12 : C. lativalva ); Baldizzone & Savenkov (2002: Figs 66–68). Gnathos knob slightly elongated globular, about 0.5–0.6× narrower than its vertical length; basal arm of gnathos about 1.1–1.3× longer than the median stem of tegumen, with setae in the distal half. Tegumen with well-dilated pedunculus; median stem of tegumen subtrapezoidal, slightly narrowed distally; pedunculus about 1.2–1.5× longer than the median stem of tegumen, with few setae. Transtilla fused together, expanding into a subtriangular shape in the middle. Vinculum sclerotized. Valvula subtrapezoidal, setose, particularly dense on the dorsal and the ventral margins. Cucullus spatulate, setose along whole margins, about the same length as the sacculus. The sacculus elongated, about 5.0–5.4× longer than its width, setose along the distal and the ventro-distal half margins, with a rounded ventral corner; two sclerotized thorn-like processes extending upward from the dorso-subdistal margin, with a somewhat blunt apex. Phallotheca membranous, with two sclerotized juxtal rods; juxtal rods slender, slightly curved medially, with a pointed apex. Aedeagus membranous. Annulus weakly evident. Longitudinal sclerite of outer tube weakly sclerotized. Vesica with numerous cornuti forming two curved rows, one consisting of short cornuti, the other consisting of rather longer cornuti.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 3D View FIGURE 3 ): See also Li & Zheng (1998: Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 : C. lativalva ); Baldizzone & Savenkov (2002: Figs 70–72). Papillae anales elongated elliptical with setae. Apophyses posteriores about 2.1× longer than the apophyses anteriores. Sterigma slightly elongated trapezoidal with setae along the posterior margin; posterior margin emarginate into a V-shape. Ostium bursae ovoidal, located in the middle of sterigma. Colliculum goblet-shaped, compressed on both sides, about 0.8× shorter than the length of the sterigma; anterior 1/3 with median lamina. Ductus bursae spiral in the middle portion, without spinulate section, about 14.3× longer than the length of the sterigma; median lamina in the posterior 7/10 of the ductus bursae. Ductus seminalis arising from the posterior 7/10 of the ductus bursae. Corpus bursae elongated gourd-shaped, about 0.2× shorter than the length of the ductus bursae; signum leaf-shaped, dentate ventrally, with two marks placed side by side on the signal plate.

Larval case: Unknown.

Host plant. Unknown.

Biology. Unknown.

Distribution. Russia (Southern Siberia, Far East), Mongolia ( Baldizzone & Savenkov 2002; Baldizzone et al. 2006; Anikin 2019), China ( Li & Zheng 1998), Korea (new record).


National Institute of Biological Resources














Coleophora lativittella Erschoff, 1877

Koo, Jun-Mo & Cho, Soowon 2024

Carpochena lativitella

Anikin, V. V. 2019: 84

Coleophora lativalva

Li, H. H. & Zheng, L. Y. 1998: 199

Coleophora lativittella

Baldizzone, G. & van der Wolf, H. & Landry, J. F. 2006: 74
Baldizzone, G. & Savenkov, N. 2002: 384
Falkovitsh, M. I. & Jalava, J. & Mikkola, K. 1997: 315
Vives Moreno, A. 1988: 88

Coleophora lattivitella

Rebel, H. 1901: 193

Coleophora lativittella

Erschoff, N. G. 1877: 346
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